
  • 网络core profit;Rmb mn
  1. 说明核心利润率和资产报酬率以及净资产收益率较高,但是各项资产的周转运营能力有待提高。

    It indicates higher core profit margins and return on assets and return on net assets . However , each asset turnover operational capacity needs to be improved .

  2. 杭州市余杭区作为南方水泥的传统核心利润区,对于南方水泥的发展意义重大。

    As the traditional core profit area of the Southern cement , Yuhang district of Hangzhou is of great significance to the development of the south of cement .

  3. 在过去数年间,软件外包是该公司的核心利润增长点,但随着国际经济形势的变化和国内劳动力成本的持续升高,外包业务前景逐渐暗淡。

    While , with the change of international economic situation and the domestic labor costs keep rising , software outsourcing business prospects dim gradually .

  4. 基于企业价值分析收益结构,高质量的收益结构应该具有以下特点:符合企业发展战略、突出核心利润主导地位、和现金流量结构相匹配。

    Based on the enterprise value , the income structure should have the following features : conform to the enterprise development strategy , highlight the dominant core profit , and match the cash flow structure .

  5. 但这种估值的变化只是金融“噱头”而已,并非核心营运利润增长的结果。

    But these valuations reflected financial gimmickry , not core operating earnings .

  6. 这将相当于公司的核心运营利润率提高90个基点。

    That caused the core operating margin to improve by 90 basis points .

  7. 一切中介环节围绕旋转的核心是利润。利润以及为此展开的竞争,是推动生产力发展,推动生产和消费发展的基本力量。

    Therefore , profit and the competition for profit are the basic dynamics that promote productivity and the development of production and consumption .

  8. 但其总体业绩受到了美国核心分店利润率提高的支撑,因为更加富裕的新顾客增加了对非必需消费品的支出,同时这些商店提高了本已传奇的效率。

    But its overall results were supported by improved profit margins at its core US stores , as new , more prosperous customers drove stronger spending on discretionary items , while its stores improved their already legendary efficiency .

  9. 中国燃气拥有一个覆盖中国140多个城市的天然气输送网络,目前市值超过160亿港元(合21亿美元),去年上半年实现核心净利润4.1亿美元。

    China Gas , with a market cap of just over HK $ 16bn ( US $ 2.1bn ) and core net profits of $ 410m during the first half of last year , has a range of gas distribution networks in more than 140 Chinese cities .

  10. 企业的核心宗旨是获取利润。

    The key target is getting the profit for the enterprise .

  11. 随着市场化竞争的日益激烈,企业为实现降低成本,增强核心竞争力,提高利润的目标,迫切需要寻求用工模式的创新与改革。

    With the increasingly fierce market competition , the enterprise need to seek employment patterns of innovation and reform in order to reduce the cost , enhance core competitiveness and increase profits .

  12. 所得税会计研究的核心是税前会计利润与应税所得之间的差异对纳税影响额的会计处理问题。

    The focus of income tax accounting research is an accounting dealing issue of what influence caused by the differences between accounting profit before tax and assessable income gives to the tax payment .

  13. 私人银行业务具有质量好、效益高、资本占用率低等特点,对提升银行零售业务核心竞争能力和利润贡献率具有至关重要的作用。

    The private bank business has the obvious advantages of better-quality , higher-efficiency and lower-occupancy in capital and plays a vital effect on advancing the core-competitiveness and the profit-contribution-rate of retail business of the bank .

  14. 如果说平等是我国推进文化消费带动社会趋向和谐的核心理念,那么利润最大化则是激发中国的文化艺术生产单位走入日常生活,贴近民众的首选策略。

    In the development of Chinese cultural consumption , equality serves as the core concept to develop a harmonious society and the maximum of profits is the primary strategy to motivate the cultural and artistic groups to be closer to people 's daily life .

  15. 因此,利润率问题就成为研究整个资本主义制度的核心问题,对利润率问题的研究一直是马克思主义经济学研究的核心问题之一,其中最著名的研究成果就是利润率下降规律。

    Therefore , profit rate has become the core problem of the research of capitalist institution . Profit rate is also one of the core problems of Marxist Economics , in which one of the most famous research results is the law of the falling tendency of the profit rate .