
  • 网络Operating Margin;Operating Profit Margin
  1. 该公司表示,尽管“盈利的可预见性有限”,但设备和服务业务的经营利润率仍会维持在收支平衡点附近。

    The company said that while " visibility is very limited ," operating margin for devices and services could be around breakeven .

  2. 经营利润率从上一季度的53.4%降至41.3%。

    Operating margin decreased from 53.4 per cent in the last quarter to 41.3 per cent .

  3. 苹果的发展势头依然强劲,经营利润率在30%以上,备受其他手机及PC厂商艳羡。

    It is still growing strongly and has 30-odd per cent operating margins that are the envy of other phone and PC makers .

  4. 购买Autonomy也可以帮助惠普跨入营利高地,这家英国公司的经营利润率超过40%。

    Buying Autonomy also helps HP to move onto higher-margin terrain : the British firm 's operating margins exceed 40 % .

  5. 他还表示,中国企业的股本回报率(ROE)和经营利润率也高得惊人。

    Chinese companies ' returns on equity and operating margins are also surprisingly high , according to Foster .

  6. 穆迪享受着35%&40%的经营利润率。

    Moody 's enjoys operating margins of35-40 % .

  7. 它还在亚太、非洲、中东与拉美,经营利润率更高的消费者乳制品品牌业务。

    Fonterra also operates higher-margin consumer dairy brands businesses in the Asia-Pacific , Africa , the Middle East and Latin America .

  8. 诺基亚表示,由于销量和售价均低于预期水平,第二季度销售额和经营利润率将“大大低于”先前的指引。

    Nokia said second-quarter sales and operating margins would be " substantially below " previous guidance because of lower-than-expected volumes and prices .

  9. 不过,此举将减少小米的经营利润率,让这款在印度售价仅96美元的手机利润进一步压低,但这样小米至少还能继续其销售业务。

    That will crimp operating margins , already slim on Xiaomi 's smartphones that sell for as low as $ 96 in the country , but allow Xiaomi to keep selling .

  10. 周二,该公司进一步将次季经营利润率从6%-9%下调至“盈亏平衡水平附近”,并表示由于前景过于不明朗,目前无法提供新的全年盈利指引。

    On Tuesday the company further lowered its second-quarter operating margin target from 6-9 per cent to " around breakeven " , and said that the outlook was too uncertain to provide new full-year estimates .

  11. 此前中国商务部曾表示,人民币升值3%,将使许多出口商的利润化为乌有,因为这些企业经营的业务利润率极低。

    The ministry said previously a 3 per cent appreciation would wipe out the profits of many exporters because of the razor-thin margins under which businesses operate .

  12. 巴菲特试图收购那些拥有无法被轻易动摇的强势品牌及经营特权、利润率较高的公司,或者购买这类公司的股票。

    Mr Buffett tries to buy companies , or shares in companies , with strong brands and franchises that cannot easily be undermined , and which have high margins .

  13. 如何根据市场的风向变化去制定相对应的经营对策、扩大利润率、减少企业的成本支出等都可以通过精细、到位的管理来优化。

    According to the wind direction changes in the market to develop business strategies , corresponding to the expanding profit margins , reduce the cost of enterprises can be optimized by fine , in place of management .

  14. 对零售企业来说,通过连锁经营的形式尽快扩大企业的经营规模,实现规模经济,是提升零售企业市场竞争力最现实的选择,一方面降低单位销售成本和经营成本,提高利润率;

    Chain operation has two effects on the scale economy . On one hand it can bring down unit sale cost and unit operation cost .