
  • 网络profit volume
  1. 红色的线条代表的是来自低利润率而量大的产品收入。

    The red line represents products in the high volume , low margin category .

  2. 这个非洲大陆上,农民只种植了它们有能力和有利润的生产量的10%到25%。

    Across the continent , farmers are growing between 10 and 25 percent of what is possible and profitable .

  3. 利用经济效益模型研究了化肥因子在当前条件下获得高利润的使用量和高利润率的使用量;

    By means of profit models we studied the applicative quantity of fertilizer with high profit and high rate of net profit at the present conditions ;

  4. 利息在总利润中从量的分割到质的分割,收入资本化,虚拟资本的产生,平均利息率的形成为企业家投资、人们资产选择提供行为依据;

    The interest from the total profit divided from the qualitative to the quantitative process , income capitalization , the emergence of virtual capital and the formation of average interest rates provide behavioral foundations for entrepreneurs ' investment and individuals ' asset selection .

  5. 针对两类离散的捕食-食饵系统,以最大利润和最大捕获量为目标,分别应用微分方法、二次函数理论及Gordon理论,研究了同时捕获及单独捕获的捕获策略。

    This article would study on two types of discrete time predator-prey systems aiming at maximizing their profits and capture by using differential methods , quadratic function theory and Gordon theory respectively .

  6. 原油经济产量就是在一定经济技术条件下,油田企业获得利润的原油生产量。

    Economic flow rate of crude refers to flow rate at which a petroleum enterprise can make profits under certain economic and technical conditions .

  7. 银行经营面临两难的选择,或者为获取更多利润而增加授信量,或者为防止风险而减少业务量。

    The CBs face a dilemma choice of increase credit amount to earn more profits or decrease business to prevent risk loss in operating field .

  8. 由于快速消费品单品价值低、利润小、需求量大的特点,该行业供应链相对其他行业运行节奏更快,对成本更为敏感,也更加突出对于成本控制的要求。

    As fast moving consumer goods of low value single items , the profit is small , the characteristics of demand , the industry supply chain operation is faster than other industries , more sensitive to cost , but also more prominent for the cost control requirements .

  9. 利用可信性理论得出了期望利润和成本模型,分析了利润与成本期望函数的关系和性质,获得了成本最小和利润最大的订货量最优性条件。

    The expected profit and cost model is obtained by credibility theory ; then through analyzing the relationship between the profit and cost expectations , we obtain the optimality conditions for minimum cost and maximum profit .