
  • 网络profit plan;profit planning
  1. 调整农行利润计划,消除马太效应;

    Adjusting agricultural bank profit plan and eliminating " The Martin Effect ";

  2. 浅谈企业利润计划完成程度计算方法

    The Calculation Method of Planned Accomplishment Degree of Enterprise Profits

  3. 浅析利润分享计划在我国企业员工激励中的应用

    On the Application of Profit-sharing Plan in Personnel Encouragement of Enterprises

  4. 关于建立港口企业利润分配计划的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of the Profit Assignment Programme for Port Companies

  5. 公司的雇员有资格参加利润分成计划。

    Employee of the firm is eligible to join a profit-sharing scheme .

  6. 公司施行利润分享计划。

    The company operates a profit - sharing scheme .

  7. 销售经理整晚都在构想一个增加利润的计划。

    The sales manager has been conceiving a plan to increase profits all the night .

  8. 在创建初期,宝洁公司就开创了某些传统,比如缩短每周工作时间,为员工制订利润分享计划等。

    Early in its history , the company pioneered traditions like a short workweek and a profit-sharing plan for employees .

  9. 关于我们奖励员工的各种计划-新的利润分享计划,奖金等等。

    Woman : Something on our various schemes for rewarding staff - the new profit-sharing scheme , bonuses and so on . Man : Right .

  10. 作为一个房地产开发公司的高级行政人员,彼得森的年薪是20万美金,还有丰厚的奖金,拥有股票买卖权和利润分享计划。

    A senior executive in a real estate development firm , Petersen 's $ 200K job paid a generous bonus , offered stock options and a profit-sharing plan .

  11. 6起未决诉讼的原告名单涵盖了各类机构投资者,包括基金会、捐赠基金、利润分享计划以及所有类型的养老金。

    The roster of plaintiffs across the six pending lawsuits covers the spectrum of institutional investors , including pensions of all stripes as well as foundations , endowments and profit-sharing plans .

  12. 政府今年正与本地两间电力公司进行利润管制计划的中期检讨,并于2008年进行最后检讨。

    This year the existing Scheme of Control Agreements between the Government and the two local power companies is subject to interim review which set the course of the final review in2008 .

  13. 如果说管理层会不会来要求我解释利润不如计划和预期的原因,那我确实没有直接负责过账目底线。

    I have never been directly responsible for the bottom line in the sense that management would come to me and ask me to explain why profits were not as projected or expected .

  14. 当国际银行和已发展国家其他金融机构给予亚洲新兴经济体系短期贷款,而这些新兴经济体系转而把这些资金投资在长远但有时又没有带来利润的计划上,问题便产生。

    The problem arose from short-term loans from international banks and other financial institutions of developed countries to emerging economies in Asia which were in turn then invested in long-term and sometimes unproductive projects .

  15. 透过参考国内外电力市场引入竞争的经验,我们推测于2008年利润管制计划期满时,香港的电力市场将从发电商及批发层面增加竞争。

    With reference to the experience of different countries on introducing competition to the electricity market , it is forecasted that in 2008 when the SoC agreement expires , competition will be enhanced from the wholesale and generation level of the electricity market in Hong Kong .

  16. 知情人士称,花旗集团(Citigroup)将于今日确定可能被出售的多至4000亿美元非核心资产,这是该行削减成本并恢复两位数利润增幅的计划的一部分。

    Citigroup will today identify as much as $ 400bn in non-core assets that could be sold as part of plans to reduce costs and restore profit growth to double-digit rates , according to people close to the situation .

  17. 雇员们从利润分享的计划中受益。

    The employee have benefit from the profit-sharing scheme .

  18. 有些生产、利润都没有完成计划的单位也发了奖。

    Bonuses were issued even by some units which failed to fulfil their quotas of production and profit .

  19. 以明尼阿波利斯为总部的公司说它将为了其百思买集团代销店探索更多有利润的选项并且计划重开他们中的两个。

    The Minneapolis-based company says it will explore more profitable options for its Best Buy-branded outlets and plans to reopen two of them .

  20. 时代华纳中心没有包括在这项最具丰厚利润的税务减免计划之中,但许多其他中央公园周围的楼宇从该计划中受益。

    The Time Warner Center was not part of the most lucrative tax break program , but many other buildings around Central Park have benefited .

  21. 然而从长远来看,机场的利润点和战略计划还是基于机场的安全性能来展开的。

    However , in a long-term view , the airport 's profit and Strategic plan base on safety , which is an eternal subject of the airport .

  22. 工程项目施工管理研究的根本目标是使项目的利润最大化即计划工期与实际工期之间的偏差最小化,以有效地控制项目资金流,从而达到施工企业项目管理的目标。

    The principal goal of project construction management is that makes the project profit maximization , that is the deviation minimum between the plan construction period and the actual construction period and effectually control project fund flow in order to reach the goal of the construction enterprise project management .