
  • 网络Spread;Interest Rate Spreads;rd-rf;interest-rate spread;interest margin
  1. 从实证结果来看,GDP增长率、一年期存贷款利率差、房屋销售价格指数、企业景气指数、货币供应量增长率是影响我国商业银行不良贷款率的显著因素。

    From the empirical results , GDP growth rate , one-year deposit and lending interest rate differentials , housing sales price index , the business climate index , money supply growth is the significant factor impact of non-performing loan ratio of commercial banks .

  2. 新兴市场的债券利率差不断加大、本币狂跌;

    In emerging markets bond spreads have soared and local currencies plunged .

  3. 贷款利率差借方同意支付议定利率的差额。

    Lending MarginA spread that borrowers agree to pay above an agreed base rate of interest .

  4. 支付宝还在考虑推出一个港元产品,尽管该产品的潜在利率差将小于任何人民币产品。

    Alipay is also considering launching a Hong Kong dollar product , although the potential rate difference on that would be smaller than any renminbi product .

  5. 此外,绝大部分的结果都显示长短期利率差和通货膨胀率是负向的相关关系,这与其他发达国家的实证结果恰恰相反。

    Furthermore , most results suggested a negative correlation between the term spread and the inflation rate , which challenged the empirical results of most other developed countries .

  6. 在实证分析中,本文首次将利率差收益纳入超额收益的公式中进行计算,更加全面的定义了超额收益的范围。

    In empirical analysis , this paper first put interest rate differential into the formula of excess returns , which defines the scope of excess returns more comprehensively .

  7. 在大多数市场上,远期产品的价格完全由利率之差决定。

    In most markets , forwards are priced purely on the basis of interest rate differentials .

  8. 互换息差(即国债收益率与货币市场利率之差,是一个衡量银行信贷质量的指标)仍未恢复到正常水平。

    Swap spreads , the difference between government bond yields and money market rates and a measure of bank credit quality , remain some way from looking normal .

  9. 如果欧洲央行确立明确的欧元区利率息差目标,那么只要有任何德国反对的风声,就可能令人对该机构的承诺产生疑虑,招致投机性的市场攻击。

    If the ECB set explicit targets for eurozone interest rate spreads , any whiff of internal German opposition could cast doubt on its commitment and encourage speculative market attacks .

  10. 国际利率,利率差等因素。

    International interests , rate differentials and other factors .

  11. 与普通股不同,高品质美国优先股在很大程度上受到利率和信贷息差的推动。

    Unlike common stocks , high-quality US preferreds are largely driven by interest rates and credit spreads .

  12. 这扩大了美国国债与按揭利率之间的息差,从而进一步加剧了政府官员努力想解决的危机。

    That increased the spread between the rates for Treasuries and mortgages , exacerbating the crisis that officials had been trying to resolve .

  13. 尤其令人担心的是,在美元、欧元和英镑市场中,3个月期银行同业拆息与政策利率之间的息差不断扩大。

    Particularly worrying has been the widening of gaps between three-month interbank lending rates and policy rates in the dollar , euro and sterling markets .

  14. 此举将把贴现窗口贷款与主要利率之间的息差减半。目前美国的主要利率联邦基金利率为4.5%。

    That would halve the interest penalty on discount window borrowing compared to the main interest rate , the Fed funds rate , which is currently 4.5 per cent .

  15. 这一荒谬结果的出现,是因为金融服务产出在很大程度上受到银行平均贷款利率和借款利率之差的影响,而当时两者之差大幅升高。

    This nonsensical result arises because the measurement of financial services output is strongly influenced by the margin between average bank lending and borrowing rates , which increased sharply .

  16. 利率期限结构的利率差指的是长短期利率的差额,通常认为利率期限结构与货币政策联系相当紧密,并因此包含了未来利率变动趋势、经济增长的变化以及通货膨胀率变化等信息。

    It was always believed that the term structure was closely connected with the monetary policies , and therefore , contained the information of future interest rates , future economic growth and inflation rate .

  17. 目前,3月及6月期银行间美元、欧元及英镑拆借利率与预期官方利率之差较3月份时扩大。

    Spreads between rates of interest on inter-bank lending in dollars , euros and sterling and expected official rates over three and six months are now wider than they were in March .

  18. 他发现,“商业票据利率与国债票面利率的息差似乎是最好的先行指标”。

    He found " the spread between the commercial paper rate and the Treasury bill rate appears to be the best predictor " .

  19. 在银行间市场,Libor-OIS息差即银行间3月期贷款利率与央行预期利率之间的息差低于去年9月的水平。

    On interbank markets , the Libor-OIS spread the premium over expected central bank interest rates that banks charge each other for 3-month money is lower than in September .

  20. 甚至在众议院否决保尔森提案前,3月期美元伦敦银行同业拆放利率(Libor)与预期官方利率息差就已超过200基点。

    Even before Congress rejected the plan , the spread in dollars between the London interbank offered rate and expected official rates ( as shown in overnight indexed swaps ) had reached more than 200 basis points , for a period as short as three months .

  21. 它的业务模式利用了以隐含政府担保所能筹集资金的利率与所筹资金商业贷款利率之差。

    The business model exploited the difference between the rates at which money could be raised with an implied government guarantee and the rate at which it could be lent commercially .

  22. 这家企业能够赚取较高的人民币存款利率和较低的美元贷款利率之间的息差,同时还能从人民币对美元汇率的升值中获益。

    The company would make money on the difference between the high Chinese deposit rate and the low dollar borrowing rate , also booking a gain from the yuan 's appreciation against the dollar .

  23. 在设定压力情景时,敏感性压力测试中以利率市场化背景下商业银行一年期存贷款利率差缩小为假设前提。

    In the sensitivity stress test take one-year deposit and lending interest rate differentials narrow as a stress scenarios , under the background of interest rate marketization of commercial banks .

  24. 在m个节点的情形,利用常微分方程稳定性理论,证明了网络中各节点即时利率的加权和为一常数,而各节点两两之间即时利率差最终将稳定地趋于其基本利率差。

    In the case of m nodes , by the stability theory of ordinary differential equation , it is proved that for whole network the weighted sum of instant interest rate of nodes in the network maintains a constant ;