
  1. 为打击金融犯罪而采取的监管措施,对跨境汇款采用新的移动汇款技术造成了障碍。

    Regulations to combat financial crime have become a roadblock to the adoption of new mobile money transfer technologies for cross-border remittances .

  2. 在全球金融体系中,跨境汇款可谓是一个毫不起眼的角落,每笔汇款的金额平均仅为350美元。

    This is a profoundly humble corner of the global finance system ( average transactions are just $ 350 a time ) .

  3. 但我以为,我参加今年达沃斯论坛得出的最有趣见解之一,并非来自某位华尔街大佬或某国财长,而是来自埃尔塞克讲述的跨境汇款情况。

    But for my money , one of the most intriguing insights I had this year in Davos came not from a Wall Street titan or finance minister - but from Ersek 's tales about cross-border remittances .

  4. 跨境和跨货币汇款可是需要收取高昂的手续费的,这也是摩擦。

    Transferring money across borders and across currencies is really expensive : friction .

  5. 一个国家的经常账户状况,反映了该国出口和进口之间的差额、从海外资产获得的收入与支付给国内资产的外国所有者的款项之间的差额,以及资金跨境转移(如汇款)的余额。

    A country 's current account position reflects the gap between exports and imports , the difference between income earned on foreign assets and that paid to the foreign owners of domestic assets and the balance of cross-border transfers of money such as remittances .