
  • 网络cross-cultural marketing
  1. 在论文的第二部分通过对文化和跨文化营销的理解,分析并提出了跨文化营销的几大特征。

    The second part analyzed culture and cross-cultural marketing its characteristics .

  2. 跨文化营销运作模式的建构

    The Building and Constructing of Operating Mode of Cross-cultural Marketing

  3. X公司的跨文化营销战略研究

    Study on X Corporation 's Cross - Culture Marketing Strategies

  4. 论文结合X公司越南办事处的情况,讨论X公司在越南的跨文化营销战略。

    Viet Nam of X Company .

  5. 中德跨文化营销运作模式构建跨文化营销的思考

    Establishment of the model of cross-culture marketing between Germany and China

  6. 国际营销的本质是跨文化营销。

    The essence of IM is a cross-culture marketing activity .

  7. 中美日跨文化营销模式分析

    Chinese , American and Japanese cross-culture marketing models ' analyses

  8. 跨文化营销进入策略研究

    Study on Strategies of Entering into the Cross-cultural Market

  9. 跨文化营销的两种市场进入模式探析

    Two Patterns of Entering the Market under Cross-cultural Conditions

  10. 中国民族特色产品的跨文化营销

    Cross - Culture Marketing of Culturally - Loaded Products

  11. 跨文化营销渠道中文化差异对企业间信任与承诺意愿的影响

    Impact of Cultural Distance on the Inter-corporate Trust and Commitment in International Marketing Channels

  12. 本文阐述了跨文化营销的含义以及企业在跨文化营销中应遵循的原则和策略。

    This article illustrates the definition , rules and strategy of cross culture marketing .

  13. 跨文化营销模式探讨

    Discuss the Pattern of Cross-Cultural Marketing

  14. 制定正确的跨文化营销策略,充分认识消费者的文化特征是营销取胜的基础;

    Successful marketing is based on the adoption of correct cross-cultural marketing strategy and full recognition of the cultural features of consumers .

  15. 然而,目标市场文化理念的迥异,使许多企业的跨文化营销都面临着很大的文化困境。

    However , the huge cultural ideas differences between target markets , lead to great difficulties faced by cross-cultural marketing of many multinational companies .

  16. 并对我国企业在中国及海外市场实施跨文化营销提出了自己的建议,以供广大企业参考。

    For the reference , the paper also gives Chinese enterprises some suggestion on how to develop their cross-culture marketing actives in domestic and oversea market .

  17. 通过对这一模式的建构,可以为企业跨文化营销运作提供思路和方法,避免企业在跨文化营销中多走弯路。

    Building and constructing this mode can offer thinking and methods for enterprises'cross-cultural marketing and operating , prevent enterprises from taking more detours in cross-cultural marketing .

  18. 在论文的第四部分、第五部分和第六部分分别对一般跨文化营销模式、特殊跨文化营销模式和个别跨文化营销模式进行了详尽的分析。

    The following three parts respectively analyzed the common cross-cultural marketing pattern , the special cross-cultural marketing pattern and the individual cross-cultural marketing pattern in detail .

  19. 最后两章,针对中国企业在海外市场上进行跨文化营销所遇到的困难,提出了相应的文化整合措施,并指出了今后的研究方向。

    The last two chapters analyze the difficulties faced by Chinese enterprises in cross-cultural marketing overseas and corresponding measures , point out the direction of future research .

  20. 围绕文化差异与跨文化营销的主要研究成果,分析文化差异与跨文化营销研究的兴起情况以及国内外学者对文化差异和跨文化营销的研究的现状。

    Centered on the main achievements of scientific research about cultural differences and cross-cultural marketing , this paper analysed its present studying situation and tendency and how it risen .

  21. 论文谈到了跨文化营销的国内外研究现状,把其随着时代的发展而逐步深入的情况做了分析和阐述,对国内外研究现状给出了一个大致的框架。

    The article refers to the internal and external present situation of study about the trans-culturing marketing analyses and expounds its development and deep going step and step as time goes on .

  22. 一般跨文化营销模式是从跨文化营销观念、跨文化营销战略、跨文化营销策略和跨文化营销方法等四个方面进行了详细的解析,并总结出了应用一般跨文化营销模式的详细步骤;

    The common cross-cultural marketing pattern consists of the conception of cross-cultural marketing , the strategy of cross-cultural marketing , the tactic of cross-cultural marketing , and the methods of cross-cultural marketing .

  23. 致力于开拓国际市场的中国企业,要在跨文化营销理论的指导下,借鉴跨国公司的成功经验,积极探索自身的跨文化整合途径,提高企业在国际市场上的竞争力。

    These enterprises should try to explore ways of their cross-cultural integration to improve their competitiveness in the international market by adopting the cross-cultural marketing theories and successful experience from multinational companies overseas .

  24. 要想在如此全球化的市场中占有并保持竞争优势,任何企业都必须努力适应新的跨文化营销模式,了解不同文化需要的不同营销战略。

    To obtain and keep competitive advantages in such a worldwide market , all enterprises need to fit in with the new cross-cultural market , and to understand corresponding marketing strategies for different specific cultures .

  25. 本文开创性地提出了企业跨文化营销团队的构建和培养方法,以及企业在跨文化营销中的文化整合的不同阶段&准备阶段、实施阶段和反馈阶段,所应采取的具体整合策略。

    This paper puts forward the building and training methods of cross-cultural marketing team innovatively , and the concrete measures which should be taken in the different phases of cultural integration - preparation , implementation and feedback especially .

  26. 并通过开展匠心独具的关系营销和跨文化营销,使其经营理念与当地文化之间的共性部分不断亲和,并最终上升到相互认同的境地。

    It keeps strengthening the affinity between its managerial conception and the local culture for those things that are in common through ingeniously waging " acquaintance marketing " and cross-culture marketing , which is aimed at mutual recognition .

  27. 全球化已是经济发展的一种趋势,如何在全球市场上争得一席之地是企业正在面对和极需解决的问题,而如何在国际大环境中进行跨文化营销更是企业的成功所在。

    Globalization has become a tendency of economic development . How to have a stand in the international market is a problem that the enterprise must face and solve , how to market across culture is the key point for the enterprise ' success .

  28. 第四部分总结了我国企业国际营销的现状和存在的问题,以及如何发展中国的跨文化营销策略,以实现国际营销的新突破。

    The fourth part focuses on the actuality and problem of Chinese international enterprises and tries to find the cross-cultural marketing strategy which can help Chinese international enterprises to achieve cross-cultural marketing innovation and breakthrough . In the end , a terse conclusion is presented .

  29. 跨文化市场营销组合理论是跨文化市场营销理论的重要组成部分。

    The theory of cross-cultural marketing mix is an important part of the theory of cross-cultural marketing .

  30. 西方跨国公司跨文化服务营销的经验及其借鉴

    The Experiences on the Cross-cultural Service Marketing of the Western Multinational Companies and Suggestions to Chinese Companies