
kuà wén huà
  • cross-culture
  1. 经济全球化背景下企业HR的跨文化危机管理

    Cross-culture management of crisis in enterprise HR under the background of economic globalization

  2. 真实文本与ESP学习者的跨文化交际能力

    The authentic text and the cross-culture communication of the ESP learners

  3. 美国的少数民族文化经常引发跨文化冲突问题。

    Minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict .

  4. 各国政府认为,这将有助于外国人更好地融入社会,促进跨文化理解。

    The governments argue that this will help foreigners better join the society and promote understanding across cultures .

  5. 联合国教科文组织(联合国教育、科学及文化组织)最近将4月30日定为国际爵士乐日,这一天人们会加深对爵士乐的认识,了解它作为跨文化统一声音的重要性和潜力。

    UNESCO ( United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization ) recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music , its significance , and its potential as a unifying voice across cultures .

  6. 送王船传递着人们对先辈走向海洋的历史记忆,体现了人与自然和谐相处的理念,见证了社群之间的跨文化对话。

    The element evokes the historical memory of ancestors ' ocean-going and honors the harmony between man and the ocean . It also bears witness to the intercultural dialogue among communities .

  7. WTO经贸谈判与跨文化交际

    WTO Trade Negotiation and Intercultural Communication

  8. 因势利导趋利避害融合创新&中国加入WTO后跨文化传播的思考

    Utilizing the Advantages , Avoiding the Disadvantages and Introducing Innovation ── Meditation on the Cross_ culture Communication after China 's Accession to WTO

  9. Kim的跨文化适应理论以及跨文化交际的相关论述为进一步的理论支撑。

    Kim ( 1991 ), and the related statements on intercultural communication as further theoretical supports .

  10. 跨文化交际具有多学科、跨学科的性质,因此自从成为一门学科以来其研究路径有许多,如人类学、沟通学(communication)、语言学、符号学等,其中语言学的研究路径非常重要。

    Due to its interdisciplinary nature , intercultural communication has had a variety of approaches since it became a subject , such as those of anthropology , communication , linguistics and semiotics , among which linguistic approach is of great importance .

  11. 结果如下:(1)MSLSS是适合于中、以中学生生活满意度跨文化研究的有效工具;

    The results show : ( 1 ) MSLSS is an effective instrument to do the cross-cultural study on Chinese and Israeli middle school students ' life satisfaction .

  12. 面对竞争,跨国公司碰到一个共同的难题&跨文化管理。

    Facing competition , multinational corporations encounter a common problem-cross-cultural management .

  13. 体育搭建跨文化交际的平台

    Sport : The way to build a platform for trans-cultural communication

  14. 论跨文化障碍对英语学习的影响

    A Talk on the Influence of Cross-cultural Communication in English Learning

  15. 浅析跨文化交际中的相对等值现象

    On the Phenomenon of the Relative Translation Equivalence in Intercultural Communication

  16. 礼貌原则的跨文化研究

    A Cross - Cultural Approach to the Study of Politeness Principle

  17. 跨文化交际-R&D国际联盟的成功因素

    Intercultural communication-success factor for international alliance in R & D management

  18. 在外语教学中有效培养学生的跨文化语用能力

    Effectively Foster Students ' Intercultural Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Teaching

  19. 英汉非语言交际跨文化对比研究英中非言语交际文化差异研究

    A Contrastive Study of Cross-cultural Non-verbal Communication Between English and Chinese

  20. 由此可见,对跨文化交际知识的储备非常重要。

    Thus , a good command of cross-culture knowledge is significant .

  21. 原则是忠诚、跨文化功能对等及简洁。

    The principles are : fidelity ; cross-cultural functional equivalence and briefness .

  22. 另一个目标是让卫生人员具有跨文化的技能。

    Another objective is to give health personnel intercultural skills .

  23. 国外跨文化教育实践案例分析

    A Case Study on Intercultural Education Practice in Other Countries

  24. 高等教育国际化与跨文化交际中的国家文化安全问题

    National Culture Security in the Internationalization of Higher Education and Cross-cultural Communication

  25. 发展学生的跨文化意识:来自行动研究的探讨

    Developing Students ' Intercultural Awareness : From the Perspective of Action Research

  26. 齐鲁文化成语在跨文化交流中的意义和价值

    The Significance and Value of Qi Lu Culture Idioms in Cross-cultural Communication

  27. 全球化营销过程的跨文化分析

    An Analysis on the Cross-culture of Marketing in the Course of Globalization

  28. 论跨文化传播中的融入与超越

    An Opinion of the Melting and Transcendence in Cross-cultural Transmission

  29. 汽车行业供应链管理的跨文化效应

    Comparative Study on Cross-cultural Effect on SCM for Automotive Manufacturer

  30. 跨文化激励理论研究及主要模式。

    Second , Cross-Culture motivation theories and the main modes .