
  • 网络accounting software;MYOB
  1. 文章从ERP思想、数据共享、数据控制三个方面分析电算化会计软件设计方法。

    This paper analyse the design method of Electronic Data Processing Accounting software in three side : ERP ideology , data sharing and data control .

  2. EdwardLee&Company,CPA-本港会计师事务所,提供高效专业服务,包括成立公司,簿记,核数,报税及公司秘书,并为小型企业推荐会计软件。

    A local audit firm provides efficient professional services on company formation , book-keeping , audit , tax planning , secretarial services and accounting software for small businesses .

  3. 这个新的会计软件非常棒,你只需要把数字敲进去,它就能一股脑地把所有信息提供给你。

    This new accounting1 software is fantastic – you just input2 the numbers and it spoon-feeds you all the information you need !

  4. Intuit的其他摇钱树还包括:小企业专用工资单和支付处理服务软件,职业会计师专用的高级税务和会计软件。

    Other intuit cash cows : payroll and payment-processing services for small businesses , and high-octane tax and accounting products for professional accountants .

  5. 本文首先剖析了财务管理科学化和信息化的必要性及可行性,继而探讨在计算机环境下实现财务管理的不同方法,包括核算型会计软件、财务管理信息系统及Excel电子表格软件。

    Starting with analyzing the crucial need and feasibility of scientific and computer aided financial management , this paper followed with the study of various methods in accomplishing financial management functions under computer environment , including financial accounting software , financial management information system ( FMIS ) and Excel spreadsheet .

  6. BS1的专业时间帐单-时间计费及会计软件:应付帐款,应收帐款,总帐,库存,时间计费和销售分析软件。

    BS1 Professional Time Billing-time billing and accounting software : Accounts Payable , Accounts Receivable , General Ledger , Inventory , Time Billing and Sales Analysis software .

  7. 全通用会计软件模块结构的设计

    A Design on the Model Structure of General Use Accounting Software

  8. 大多数的会计软件开不同版本。

    Most of the accounting software come in different versions .

  9. 会计软件发展的环境因素及趋势

    On the Environment of Accounting Software Development and its Trend

  10. 当我们说免费会计软件,我们真的是免费的。

    When we say FREE accounting software , we really mean free .

  11. 论我国会计软件产业化的社会形成

    On the Social Shaping of China 's Accounting Software Industry

  12. 电脑软件尤其是会计软件系统领会能力强;

    A strong aptitude for computer software , particularly accounting software systems ;

  13. 审计软件与会计软件一体化的探索

    Discovery of Combining the Auditing Software and the Accounting Software

  14. 会计软件中设计反记账功能探讨

    Probe into the Design of the Anti-accounting Function in the Accounting Software

  15. 讨论了对现有的电算化会计软件的一些认识,并提出了实现21世纪会计信息系统的构想。

    Put forward a concept of accountant information system in 21 century .

  16. 通用会计软件选择的探讨

    Discussion of the Preference of the General Accounting Softwares

  17. 会计软件中预留审计接口研究

    On the Settings of Audit Interface in Accounting Software

  18. 网络会计软件的发展对审计的影响

    Influence of Development of Internet Accounting Software on Auditing

  19. 在我国目前的各种应用软件中,会计软件是较为成功的产品之一,正处于由核算型向管理型、决策型的过度阶段。

    Business accounting software is one of the successful applications in present China .

  20. 关于我国商品化会计软件的思考

    Thinking about the Commercialized Accounting Software in Our Country

  21. 会计软件配备方式与会计电算化

    The Methods of Allocating Accounting Software and Computerized Accounting

  22. 会计软件开发的规范化、标准化、商业化。

    The development of accounting softwares will become normalized , standardized and commercialized .

  23. 会计软件开发技术课程考核方式的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice on Testing Methods for the Course of Accounting Software-developing Technology

  24. 一个好的会计软件应能成长为贵企业成长。

    A good accounting software should be able to grow as your business grows .

  25. 大型会计软件处理流程分析与设计

    Analyses and Design on Large-scale Accounting Software Procedure

  26. 然而,中小企业会计软件市场真如看上那么美丽吗?

    However , is the accounting software market so wonderful as it looks like ?

  27. 经常地,会计软件包的测试员对会计了解很少。

    Too often , the tester of an accounting package knows little about accounting .

  28. 核算型会计软件向管理型的转换

    On the Transformation from the Calculating Type of Accounting Software to the Managing Type

  29. 电子商务及其与会计软件的整合

    The comformity of accounting software and Electronic Commerce

  30. 通用会计软件中报表处理探索

    On the Accounting-Report Treatment for General Accountant Software