
  • 网络open access;open-access;open access journals
  1. 开放获取出版是一种新兴的网络出版形式。它有自存储和开放获取期刊两种运行模式。

    Open access publishing is a burgeoning network publishing form , which includes two operating models , that is , self-archiving and open access journals .

  2. 而《媒介传播病与人畜共患病》杂志已经让它的关于甲型H1N1流感的研究变成开放获取,直到这个月(5月)的月底。

    And Vector and Zoonotic Diseases has made its A ( H1N1 ) research open access until the end of this month ( May ) .

  3. Eysenbach是开放获取的《医学互联网研究杂志》(JournalofMedicalInternetResearch)的主编。

    Eysenbach is editor of the open-access Journal of Medical Internet Research .

  4. 随着科学技术的不断的发展,图书情报界为适应新技术的发展而产生了一系列令人振奋的新进展,基于开放获取(OPENACCESS)理念的机构知识库就是其中之一。

    Along with development of the science and technology , the Library and Information science has been taken a series of exciting progress to adapting the new technical development , the Institutional Repository that based on the Open Access idea is one of them .

  5. 科学家将让这些作物在不同的逆境环境下生长例如盐碱或高温并评估它们的长势如何。Fowler说,拥有积极性状的品种将被纳入一个开放获取的数据库中。

    Researchers will screen the crops by growing them in different stress conditions such as high salinity or high temperature and assessing how well they grow .

  6. “资助机构正在越来越多地把让论文开放获取作为它们提供资助的一个条件。”Björk说。

    " Funding organisations are increasingly making it a condition of their funding that a copy is also available open access ," Bj ö rk said .

  7. 这项研究结果发表在开放获取期刊《分子生物技术》(mBio)上。

    The research was published in the open-access journal mBio .

  8. 研究者在开放获取期刊BMC肿瘤上的论文提示:来源于晚期或生存期短的乳腺癌标本,其GLI1是过表达的。

    Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Cancer found increased expression of GLI1 in samples taken from more advanced and less survivable tumors .

  9. Shetty还说,在线出版是一场正在前进的运动,她提到了发达国家的开放获取运动的进展,把它作为在线出版如何能够实现的一个例子。

    Shetty says that online publishing is the way forward , citing the development of the open-access movement in the North as an example of how this can be achieved .

  10. 他指出人类基因组测序的开放获取共识证明了TKDL以原定方式运作是可行的。

    He points to the success of the open-access consensus for sequencing the human genome as proof that the TKDL will work the way it is intended to .

  11. HINARI的这一说法引起了一些开放获取出版社成员的怀疑&加大了评价开放免费获取出版物的作用的难度。

    HINARI 's claims have drawn scepticism from some members of the open access publishing community & and highlight the difficulty of measuring the impact of open and free access publishing .

  12. 布达佩斯开放获取先导计划(BOAI)认为开放存取提高了学术信息的可获得性,实现了学术信息资源共享,是一种有效可行的新型学术出版模式。

    Budapest Open Access Initiative ( BOAI ) pointed out that the Open Acess improving the availability of the academic information , realizing academic information resource sharing and it is a new effective and feasible public model .

  13. 开放获取&信息自由的网络实践方式

    Open Access & the Network Practice of the Freedom of Information

  14. 科学信息开放获取资源的开发与利用

    Probe into the Development and Utilization of the Open Access Resource

  15. 图书馆学情报学开放获取资源类型划分及其现状

    Open Access Resource and Current Situation in Library and Information Science

  16. 国外开放获取期刊全文网站的开发利用

    The Development and Utilization of Foreign Open Access Journal Full-text Websites

  17. 图书馆学情报学;免费信息;开放获取。

    Library & Information Science ; Free information ; Open Access .

  18. 区域机构知识库;开放获取;可行性;具体措施。

    Regional agency repository ; Open Access ; Feasibility ; Specific measures .

  19. 科技会议文献开放获取资源库研究

    Study on Open Access Repository of Scientific and Technological Proceedings

  20. 利用政策的杠杆作用,推动开放获取运动及本单位机构知识库的建设。

    Using the policy leverage , impels open access movement .

  21. 图书馆信息资源体系的延伸平台&开放获取

    Open Access : Outspread Platform of Library Information Resource System

  22. 国际组织农业开放获取文献资源现状国际组织关于研究生教育的文献述评

    Current Situations of Open Access Document Resources of Agricultural Related International Organizations

  23. 开放获取实现模式及其资源与服务

    The realization pattern , resources and service of open access

  24. 所有其它的论文在出版之后6个月也全部变为开放获取。

    All other papers become open-access six months after publication .

  25. 开放获取期刊现状及其学术影响力评价研究

    Research on the Status and Academic Influence Evaluation of Open Access Journals

  26. 开放获取及其对数字图书馆建设模式的影响

    Open Access and Its Influence on the Construction Mode of Digital Library

  27. 生物医学开放获取期刊导航系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Biomedicine Open Access Journals Navigation System

  28. 开放获取运动、政策与服务综述

    Summarization of the Open Access Movements , Policies and Services

  29. 他又说到开放获取期刊将学术价值优先于商业利益之上。

    He added that open access journals prioritise academic merits over commercial interests .

  30. 基于开放获取的机构知识库的研究

    The Study of Institutional Repository Based on Open Access