
kāi zhī
  • expenditure;expenses;spend;pay;expend;outgoing;pay wages;pay salaries
开支 [kāi zhī]
  • (1) [pay;expend;spend]∶付出[钱]

  • (2) [expenses;expenditure;expending]∶开支的费用

  • 节省开支

  • (3) [pay wages;pay salaries] 〈方〉∶发工资

  • 每月五号开支

开支[kāi zhī]
  1. 为什么我们要为酒吧和宾馆不必要的暖气开支买单呢?

    Why do we pay to overheat pubs and hotels ?

  2. 我们每月6日开支。

    We get our pay on the 6th of every month .

  3. 学校是削减公共开支的最新的牺牲品。

    Schools are the latest victims of cuts in public spending .

  4. 今年的军费开支有所减少。

    There has been some decrease in military spending this year .

  5. 政府削减开支,学校将首当其冲受到影响。

    Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending .

  6. 最好的设备花费大,但这种开支很值得。

    The best equipment is costly but is well worth the outlay .

  7. 他的论点是公共开支必须减缩。

    His argument was that public spending must be reduced .

  8. 各政党都在许诺增加医疗开支。

    All parties are promising to increase spending on health .

  9. 你应该记下你一路上的所有开支。

    You should record all your expenses during your trip .

  10. 公共开支并非用之不尽。

    There isn 't a bottomless pit of money for public spending .

  11. 今年,政府对公共开支规定了严格的限额。

    The government has set strict limits on public spending this year .

  12. 恢复经济需要大量削减开支。

    Righting the economy will demand major cuts in expenditure .

  13. 政府将不得不紧缩开支。

    The government will have to tighten the purse strings .

  14. 月费是固定的,没有未言明的额外开支。

    The monthly fee is fixed and there are no hidden extras .

  15. 政府决心要控制公共开支的增长。

    The government is determined to check the growth of public spending .

  16. 政府力图在国防开支上节约100万英镑。

    The government is trying to save £ 1 million on defence .

  17. 公共开支必须控制在合理的范围内。

    Public spending must be kept within reasonable bounds .

  18. 去年,你们部门的开支比其他所有部门合起来都多。

    Your department spent more last year than all the others put together .

  19. 花在艺术活动的开支应该由政府支付吗?

    Should spending on the arts be met out of the public purse ?

  20. 根据新的规定,办公设备开支将受到严格控制。

    Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled .

  21. 你应该记下你的各项开支。

    You should keep a record of your expenses .

  22. 削减开支一事在国会强行通过。

    The spending cuts had been rammed through Congress .

  23. 他们的预算开支只有2%用于宣传。

    A mere 2 % of their budget has been spent on publicity .

  24. 目前正在考虑进一步削减国防开支。

    Further cuts in defence spending are being considered .

  25. 许多部门今年开支都超过了预算。

    Many departments have overspent their budgets this year .

  26. 教育经费通常以用于每个学生的开支表示。

    Educational expenditure is often expressed in terms of the amount spent per student .

  27. 令人担忧的是,这项计划中有关如何削减开支的细则很少。

    Worryingly , the plan contains few details on how spending will be cut .

  28. 在开支方面我能为你做点什么吗?

    Can I give you something towards expenses ?

  29. 购书开支已被大大削减。

    Spending on books has been severely curtailed .

  30. 什么开支可以获得税项减免?

    What expenses can you offset against tax ?