
  • 网络sets in use;HUT;PUT;HUT&PUT;Homes Using TV
  1. 通过对CT机的使用进行科学的管理,达到减少CT故障提高开机率的目的,从而获得良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    For reducing errors of CT machine through managing CT machine in a scientific way , the good benefits are obtained .

  2. 我们的UNIX系统之所以特别适合扩展型企业,原因之一是我们能确保99.95%的开机率。

    One of the reasons our Unix systems ideally power the Extended Enterprise is our ability to guarantee 99.95 percent up time .

  3. 结果引进的医疗设备质量检验合格率100%,设备使用年工作时间开机率95%,2002年与医院其他部门的工作一起通过了ISO9000论证。

    RESULTS The acceptance rate of quality inspection of introduced medical equipment was 100 % and the operating rate of equipment for the annual working hours was 95 % .

  4. 使用软性刀模,模切压力一致,使您的开机率高且良率也高。

    With flexible die-cutting , makes your production in best performance .

  5. 综采工作面开机率多元分析

    Multivariate analysis of the shearer running ratio in Fully machine working face

  6. 采矿生产系统中有效度与开机率的界定与分析

    Definition and analysis on efficiency rate and operation rate of mining production system

  7. 对采煤机开机率计算中几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on problems of calculating shearer running rate

  8. 采用可编程控制器对其改造,便可减少故障,提高开机率。

    Using PLC to transform electric control system can reduce accidents and raise efficiency .

  9. 工作面配套设备开机率分析

    RESEARCH ON COROLLARY EQUIPMENTS OF AIR DRILLING SYSTEMS Analysis of Operating Rate for Face Corollary Equipments

  10. 面对诸多利空因素,一些生产商们已开始降低开机率。

    In response to the bearish situation , some regional producers have begun to rein in operating rates .

  11. 数码涡旋多联机空调系统开机率和负荷率与冬季制热能耗特性的关系探讨

    Discussion on the Relations of the Indoor-unit Operating Ratio and Load Ratio to the Energy Consumption of DVM System in Winter

  12. 而业内仅次于我们的最佳开机率为99.5%,相当于每年的意外停机时间为44小时。

    The next best offer in the industry - 99.5 percent of time - equals 44 hours of unplanned downtime a year .

  13. 节目视听众占有率(或“市场份额”)-收看某一特定节目开机率的百分数。

    Share ( of Audience ) - The percent of TV sets in use ( or persons viewing ) tuned to a program .

  14. 对于其它综采面如何提高开机率、产量及效率有一定的参考和借鉴。

    It provides reference for other working faces of mining integration on how to improve the rate of running machines , production and efficiency .

  15. 通过计算每个工况点压缩机运行容量百分比,分析了室内机开机率和室外环境温度对压缩机运行容量百分比的影响。

    With the calculation of compressor output ratio of each testing condition , analyses the impact of the indoor-unit on / off ratio and outdoor temperature on the compressor output ratio .

  16. 论文在恒压供气和开机率相同的基础上,采用以螺杆式空压机组为主,活塞式空压机组为辅的柔性供风方案。

    The air supply system use screw compressor group as the main part , and the assist part of piston compressor , based on constant pressure air supply and same time of machine operation .

  17. 此时必须停产人工处理,来辅助采煤机后配套运输系统工作,经常导致各设备起动频繁,开机率降低,同时,增大了工人的劳动强度。

    At this moment , it has to stop production and take manual handling to support transportation systems after coal mining machine , which often results in frequent starting of the equipment and decreasing operation rate .

  18. 在对贵州省高档机采面进行了调查研究和现场实测的基础上,分析和探索了提高机采面采煤机开机率的途径和方法。

    Based upon research and measuring on site of a mechanized coal face in Guizhou , the ways and methods of increasing the shearer 's operation rate for a mechanized coal face are analysed and discussed in this paper .

  19. 笔者从走访中了解到,现在整个市场为了规避淡季行情,纷纷降低开机率,而“50指数”相关企业的开机率仍旧维持在高位,有的甚至在100%。

    I learned from a visit , now market as a whole in order to avoid the low season prices have reduced power rates , and " 50 index " Enterprise power rates still remain high , even in100 % .

  20. 指出,前、后输送机能力的合理匹配是提高采煤机开机率和工作面单产的关键技术之一,而影响其能力匹配的主要因素是采放高度比和设备运行可靠性。

    According to the author , the rational capacity matching is one of the essential technologies to increase the operating rate and monthly production . The main factors influencing the capacity matching are the ratio of mining to caving height and the reliability of the conveyors .

  21. 现场试验证明,电潜泵防堵单流阀能够防止砂堵单流阀,提高开机成功率,显著延长电潜泵检泵周期。

    Field use proves the check valve can prevent effectively sand plugging and extend distinctly the pump checking period .

  22. 对后两种节能方案提出了优化方案,并进行了仿真分析,仿真结果表明优化方案提高了节能基站的开机准确率。

    And propose a optimization scheme for the latter two energy-saving scheme , and a simulation analysis was carried out for it , results illustrate that the optimization scheme improves the work accuracy of energy saving base station .