
  • 网络foreign media
  1. 在向海外推广品牌的过程中,迪士尼通常依赖的方式是设立新的迪士尼电视频道,不过中国对境外媒体的限制使得这一方式变得不现实。

    Disney typically relies on the creation of new Disney TV channels to pump its brand abroad , but China 's limits on foreign media have made that impossible .

  2. 我们会考虑组织境外的媒体去实地考察那里的情况。

    We will consider organizing visit to Lhasa by foreign media to find out how things are there .

  3. 中国还屏蔽了越来越多的境外新闻媒体,其中就包括《纽约时报》的网站。

    China also blocks a growing number of foreign news outlets , including the website of The New York Times .