
  1. 马克思与技术中性论的关系

    Karl Marx and Technological Neutrality

  2. 技术中性论与技术价值论之争缘于对技术本质的不同理解。

    The different understanding of technological essence is the ground of the discussing on whether technology is vale-neutral or value-laden .

  3. 尤其是技术价值中性论淡化了技术主体的生态意识、消解了环境责任;技术理性至上促成了技术的僭越和狂妄;技术的限定和促逼扰乱了自然过程的活动节律。

    Theory of neutral technical value dissolves ecological realization of the technical objects , evades environmental responsibility . Technical rational supremacy results in arrogance . The limitation and pushing of technology disrupt the rhythm of natural activity process .

  4. 在技术非中性论者看来,现代技术在本质上是非中性的,具有先验性、普遍性、自主自律性、宗教性的基本特征,是构成支配社会历史发展和人的生存命运的惟一逻辑。

    According to non-neutralists of technology , modern technology , with its nature of non-neutrality , is characterized by transcendence , universality , independence and religiousness and is the only logic that dominates social and historical development and human survival .

  5. 在技术价值观问题上,马克思并非如一些传统马克思主义者所认为的,是技术中性论的典型代表人物。

    On technological value , Karl Marx is not the representative of Technological Neutrality as some traditional Marxists considered .

  6. 用技术形态论的观点,打开技术黑箱,具体分析技术的不同形态及其价值的负荷过程,有可能消解由来已久的技术中性论与技术价值论之争。

    In the view of technological morphology , it is possible to clean up the lasting conflict between technology neutralism and un-neutralism by analyzing the shaping of concrete technologies and its value-loaded process inside the ' technology black-box ' .