
jì shù yǐn jìn
  • technology import;technology introduction;import of advanced technology
  1. 国际经验表明,任何一个国家不引进先进技术就难以发展,技术引进更是落后国家追赶先进国家的重要手段。

    World experience proves that there is hardly any development for a nation with no import of advanced technology . Hence for developing countries , technology import is the key to catching up with developed countries .

  2. 在第一章里,本文讨论了技术引进的方式,并通过对我国技术引进方式的实证分析,得出我国当前技术引进的方式主要为FDI方式技术引进。

    In the first chapter , we write about the mode of the technology import , and get a conclusion through the quantitative analysis that at present the major mode of the technology import is FDI-mode .

  3. 随着GIS技术引进地质领域,数字地质图全面取代了传统地质图。

    With GIS technique is introduced into geologic realm , the traditional geologic map is completely the digital geologic map .

  4. 将CT技术引进木材工业,将使锯材和单板生产的价值最优化成为可能。

    It will be possible to get the value optimization in sawn lumber and sliced veneer production by introducing CT techniques into wood industry .

  5. Ajax技术引进了异步调用,促使页面局部刷新,提升了用户体验。

    Ajax introduced asynchronous transfer technology , promote local renewable pages , enhanced user experience .

  6. 本文根据上海市大中型工业企业技术引进的实际情况,借助于新古典增长理论的分析框架,研究了技术贸易和FDI两种主要的技术引进方式的直接效应。

    This paper explores the direct growth effects of ownership and technology imports under the framework of neoclassical economic theory .

  7. 800KVGIS开关设备的技术引进与研发

    Transfer of Technology and Research & Development for 800 kV GIS Switchgear

  8. 最后对LNG船舶建造的有关技术引进方式进行了对比。

    At last , several ways about concerned technique import to build LNG ships in China are compared .

  9. AJAX技术引进了异步调用,使页面可按需局部刷新,节省了网络带宽,提升了用户体验。

    AJAX introduced asynchronous transfer technology to promote local renewable pages , which saved the web bandwidth and enhanced useres experience .

  10. 但CDM在促进技术引进方面作用并不显著。

    However , the reality is the impact of CDM on the promotion of introduction of technology is not significant .

  11. 东方600MW火电机组技术引进

    Technical Import of Dongfang 600 MW Thermal Power Generating Units

  12. 同时,一国知识产权水平会影响其创新能力、技术引进、国外专利申请等方面,从而影响其对FDI技术溢出的吸收。

    In addition , the level of intellectual property rights of one country has effects on its innovation ability , technology import and foreign patent applications , which have influence on the absorptive ability of FDI technology spillovers .

  13. 预计在未来MMA将具有广泛的应用前景,因此,利用异丁烯氧化技术引进或合资建成1&2套具有经济规模的MMA装置很有发展前途。

    It is believed that MMA will have great application prospects so it is promising to introduce or construct 1-2 joint ventures based on isobutene oxidation technology and with economic scale .

  14. 本文利用专利竞赛模型(patentrace),探讨技术引进及其二次创新活动中技术引进费用与自身应用性研发投入的关系以及二次创新速度和市场均衡时参与该竞赛的厂商数目的决定。

    By using patent-race model this paper studies the relationship between technology import , the cost of technology import in the secondary innovation and the applied R & D investment , and , the speed of determining the number of the manufacturers ' participating in the race under market equilibrium .

  15. 造纸机上浆系统技术引进情况介绍

    Introduction on the Technological Importation of the Slicing System on Papermachine

  16. 浅述我国汽车零部件技术引进的现状及对策

    On the Status of Importing Technology in Auto Parts and Countermeasure

  17. 技术引进与后发展国家的现代化

    The Introduction of Technologies and the Modernization of New Developing Country

  18. 20世纪50年代我国技术引进的若干特点及其评价

    Characteristics of Technological Introduction in China in the 1950s and Comments

  19. 企业技术引进的策略与方法选择

    The choice on strategy and method of the enterprise technology indraught

  20. 他们打算把投资和技术引进该地区。

    They intended to introduce investment and technology into the region .

  21. 第一部分对技术引进的基本理论进行了介绍和评述,为下面的分析奠定了理论基础。

    The first part introduces the basic theory of technology introduction .

  22. 技术引进对组织创新能力的作用机制研究:知识战略的视角

    The Function Mechanism Research of Importing Technology to Organization Innovation Ability

  23. 制度壁垒导致中国近代技术引进的低效率。

    Institutional barriers led to low efficiency of technology introduction .

  24. 实现由技术引进为主向自主创新为主转变的战略思考

    Strategic Thinking on Transit from Technology Import to Independent Innovation

  25. 基于博奕论的技术引进宏观机制研究

    Research on Macro-Mechanism of Technology Acquisition Based on Game Theory

  26. 技术引进有助于提高大中型企业研发能力。

    Technology import is helpful to enhance domestic RD ability .

  27. 技术引进要“一石三鸟”

    The technology import must " shoot three birds with one stone "

  28. 技术引进项目立项前的企业综合能力评价系统

    Enterprises Comprehensive Assessment System Suitable for Technology Introduction Project Decision-Making

  29. 技术引进项目多目标综合评价方法探讨

    Research about the method of Multiobjective evaluation for import technology and equipment

  30. 技术引进机理及武汉市实证研究

    The Research of Technology Introduction Mechanism and the Case in Wuhan City