
jiǎn dāo chā
  • price scissors;scissors difference;scissors differential;scissors movement of prices;scissors difference in prices between industrial goods and agricultural products
剪刀差 [jiǎn dāo chà]
  • [scissors movement of prices;price scissors;scissors difference in prices between industrial goods and agricultural products] 指工业产品与农业产品价格之间的差额,一般工业产品价格比农业产品价格高

剪刀差[jiǎn dāo chā]
  1. 剪刀差对农地价格的影响

    The Impact of Scissors Difference on Rural Land Value

  2. 公民对于公共政策的关注程度和参与程度之间存在明显的剪刀差现象。

    There is an apparent phenomenon of scissors difference between citizens ' attention on public policies and their participation .

  3. 我国价格剪刀差的政治经济学分析:理论模型与计量实证

    The Political Economy of Price Scissors in China : Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence

  4. 液压驱动襟翼会出现剪刀差现象,使系统复杂化。

    Hydraulic pressure driving there will be more extra , making the system complicated .

  5. 作者对这种发散的剪刀差态势作了新的解释。

    A new explanation is offered for this diverging scissors gap in this article .

  6. 地价剪刀差的形成及其解决思路&兼论土地供给在宏观调控中的作用

    Land Price Distortion and its Corrections & Land Supply and Its Function of the Macroeconomic-control

  7. 通过工农产品价格“剪刀差”,中国工业从农业部门积累了大量的原始资本。

    The original industrial capital came from the scissors unfair price obtained from the agricultural sector .

  8. 目前农地转用的矛盾焦点集中在土地增值收益的分配上,被征地农民权益所得与土地增值之间的剪刀差不断增大,其收益严重受损。

    The conversion of agricultural land is currently focused on the contradiction of the distribution of land value-added benefits .

  9. 此外,在私用物品的分配即收入分配方面,城乡居民的收入差距日益扩大,这与二元户籍制度下的工农业剪刀差、工业发展汲取农业资金是不无关系的。

    In addition , in the aspects of income assigning , the income margin of the city country resident extends increasingly .

  10. 针对某些非常复杂的几何部位,如襟翼舱网格、剪刀差以及翼尖端面处的网格等,本文采用点对点搭接的方式进行处理。

    For some specific complex geometry parts , such as scissor locations and wingtip faces etc. , point-to-point overset grid method is adopted .

  11. 剪刀差是由旧的工业化战略和城乡分割体制的残余影响所造成的。

    The old industrialized strategy and different policy of rural and urban area have a very strong influence to form the scissors difference .

  12. 建国后我国农民所承受的剪刀差隐性负担是很重的。

    After the foundation of the people 's Republic of china , the recessive burden caused by the price scissors has been very heavy .

  13. 教育发展的剪刀差,即教育不公平,对人的全面发展以及构建和谐社会都具有重大的负面影响。

    The disparity of education development , i.e. education inequality , affects negatively men 's overall development and the building of a harmonious society .

  14. 我国当前农地产权转换过程中存在严重的价格剪刀差现象,使被征地农民的基本权益受到严重侵犯。

    There is a scissors difference phenomenon of the price of land infringed upon the basic rights and interests of peasants whose land is expropriated .

  15. 中国农民总负担由农业税、税外费、产品剪刀差等五部分组成。

    The gross burden of Chinese farmers is made up of five parts : agricultural duty , charge except tax , product price scissors , etc.

  16. 随着工农业产品价格剪刀差政策的长期实施,城乡收入差距扩大成为必然。

    With the industrial and agricultural product price scissors policy implementing for a long time , the expansion of urban-rural income disparity has become inevitable .

  17. 按照农民负担的性质,农民负担可以分为显性负担和隐性负担,后者包括工农业产品剪刀差、转嫁的流转税负担。

    Peasantry burden falls into two categories : the explicit burden and the implicit burden , and the later includes the scissors cross and indirect tax .

  18. 我国通过剪刀差政策对农业剩余的过度抽取,在一定时期内加速了工业化进程。

    Through the policy of the price scissors , industry has drawn the agriculture surplus too much only to accelerate the industrialization during a specific period .

  19. 要通过改革旧的工业化战略和不合时宜的涉农体制与制度,抑制和消除剪刀差,从而减轻农民负担。

    Should pass the industrialized strategy with old reform and malapropos experience farming system and system , restrain and eliminate price scissors , reduce farmer burden thereby .

  20. 我们对于工农业产品的交换是缩小剪刀差,而不是象苏联那样扩大剪刀差。

    In the exchange of industrial products for agricultural products , we try to narrow the price scissors instead of widening them as in the Soviet Union .

  21. 工农业品的交换,我们是采取缩小剪刀差,等价交换或者近乎等价交换的政策。

    In the exchange of industrial and agricultural products we follow a policy of narrowing the price scissors , a policy of exchanging equal or roughly equal values .

  22. 从成熟市场的情况看,资本市场资产价格的变动表现出一种不受实体经济约束的发散的剪刀差态势。

    In the context of a well-developed market , asset price changes in the capital market show a diverging scissors gap that is not constrained by the real economy .

  23. 工农业产品价格剪刀差的存在是计划经济体制下,实施优先发展工业的不平衡战略遗留下来的一个历史性问题。

    The existence of industrial and agricultural price scissors is a historic problem , caused by the imbalanced strategy of industrial development priority , under the planned economic system .

  24. 对农民隐性负担,我们着重讨论利用劳动力可比价格法测算工农业产品剪刀差和利用投入产出表测算流转税转嫁负担。

    Our attention is paid to the implicit burden , and the comparable labor force method and input-output table are employed to measure scissors cross and indirect tax burden respectively .

  25. 内容提要市场机制的缺陷和财税政策的偏差,导致中西部与东部地区价值和税负逆向运行,中西部地区承受着税负剪刀差。

    The disfigurement of market mechanism and the windage of fiscal and tax policy cause huge converse of value and tax burden between middle and west China and east China .

  26. 文章对农民负担中不合法也不合理、合法但不合理的现象以及工农业剪刀差进行了寻租分析;

    This thesis , from the angle of rent-seeking economics , analyses the illegal and irrational , legal but irrational phenomena in peasants ' burden , and the price gap between industry and agriculture .

  27. 加强社会主义新农村问题的理论研究,应特别重视二元结构、剪刀差、费税改革等基本问题的研究。

    However , in order to strengthen the theoretical research of the new socialist countryside , some basic questions should be studied , such as " dual structure "," scissors gap ", and " tax-for-fees reform " etc.

  28. 圈地的本质是土地的资本化,我国圈地过程中形成了国有土地使用权的资本化,通过土地价格的剪刀差又一次实现了对农民的剥夺。

    The essence of new enclosure movement is land capitalization . It is the use right of state-owned land that is capitalized . By using land price scissors , governments have achieved deprivation of farmers once again .

  29. 现代制造技术的发展并未缩小处理器与存储器之间的速度差距,而高性能处理器中指令并行技术的使用,使处理器与存储器之间原来就存在的这种剪刀差有继续扩大的趋势。

    The speed difference between processor and memory is not reduced by the development of modern semiconductor technology . Actually , it deteriorates due to the wide employment of instruction parallelism technology in modern high performance processors .

  30. 另外,在对江苏农民的隐性负担即工农产品剪刀差的论述上,本文采纳了一个较为谨慎稳妥的观点,通过江苏与全国的相互对比分析,对全省剪刀差做了一个粗略大概的估算。

    Otherwise , as far as discussing about the covert-burden of the Jiangsu province 's peasants , i.e. " scissors-difference " of industrial-and-agricultural product exchanging , was concerned , the cautions and safe one was adopted by this paper .