
  • 网络invoicing currency;quote currency;Money of Account
  1. 国际石油交易的计价货币为什么是美元?

    Denomination currency of international oil transaction : why us dollar ?

  2. 美元作为石油的计价货币为美国赚取了巨额财富的同时也给其他国家带来了损失。

    Petrodollar helped United States to earn a huge amount of wealth but brought losses to other countries .

  3. 目前人民币在周边一些国家和地区,已经开始发挥计价货币和储备货币的职能。

    At present the RMB in neighboring countries and regions , has begun to play a currency and reserve currency .

  4. 对私人部门来说,这一挑战涉及国际交易计价货币、国际支付手段、国际储藏手段的选择。

    For the private sector , this challenge affects their choices of currency for valuation of international trade , payment and reserve .

  5. 在能源争夺战打得越来越激烈的今天,石油的计价货币之争也开始悄然升温。

    Today the battle of energy becomes more and more fierce , and also the competition of oil pricing currency quietly started .

  6. 黄金非货币化后,美元成为黄金的主要计价货币,美元汇率对金价产生重大影响。

    After the gold was demonetized , the U.S.dollar became the main valuation currency , and had a momentous effect on gold price .

  7. 美国的贸易占世界有形贸易和无形贸易总量的15%,其货币美元是半数国际交易的计价货币,也是世界外汇储备的重要组成部分。

    The US dollar is the invoicing currency for about half of the international transactions and is an important component of foreign currency reserves of the world .

  8. 因此归根结底,根据现行法律,黄金才是公认的计价货币,也就是说,世界上生产的任何东西,都可以用黄金来衡量它的价值。

    Thus in the last analysis , according to the laws of today , gold is the common denominator in whose terms everything the world produces may be measured .

  9. 根据汤森路透的数据,美元仍然是企业债发行的主导计价货币,在过去3个月中占据一半以上的全球市场。

    The US dollar remains the dominant currency for corporate bond sales , representing more than half the global market in the past three months , according to Thomson Reuters .

  10. 会计核算采用分账制,即平时对每一项业务,均按业务的计价货币填制凭证、登记账簿、编制报表。

    Accounting practice should adopt separate accounting system , i.e.the bank should make vouchers , keep accounting books and prepare financial statements according to the currency in which a transaction is priced .

  11. 但与此同时,它们也展开了更多的幕后行动,以确保倘若有某个国家退出欧元区,自己不会收到以贬值的德拉克马或比塞塔为计价货币的还款。

    But they are also engaged in more work behind the scenes to ensure that if a country leaves the eurozone they will not have to receive payments in a devalued drachma or peseta .

  12. 最后,主要从中外货币本位不同和白银进出口的角度对造成近代中外经济波动的相关性深受计价货币影响的原因进行了分析。

    At last , from the monetary angle , such as the monetary standard and the foreign trade of silver , this paper analyzes reasons that the correlation of sino-alien economic fluctuations is affected by the currency .

  13. 这只新指数意在成为积极管理基金的一个基准,帮助他们评估业绩。指数提供价格和净回报两个版本,计价货币为欧元和美元。

    The new index , which is available in price and net return versions and calculated in euros and dollars , is intended to act as a benchmark for actively managed funds , helping them to gauge their performance .

  14. 在欧元出现后的头十年里,其在全球外汇储备中的份额稳步增加,还有传闻称欧元会取代美元,成为主要大宗商品的计价货币。

    There were some successes along the way . Over the first decade of the euro 's existence , it steadily increased its share of global reserves , and there was talk of key commodity prices being switched out of dollars .

  15. 碳交易计价结算货币:理论、现实与选择

    The Invoice Currency of Carbon Trading : Theory , Reality and Choices

  16. 银行最近普遍缺乏短期资金,而以美元计价的货币市场的压力尤其严重。

    Among banks'general scramble for short-term cash in recent days , tensions in dollar-denominated money markets have been particularly fierce .

  17. 欧元、卢布、日元等欲成为新的石油贸易计价垄断货币。

    Euro , Ruble and Yen are competing for the position of a new predominant quote currency in oil trade .

  18. 按照第二条规定的内容和范围,本合同采用提成方式计算使用费,计价的货币单位为美元。

    Price of the Contract shall be calculated on Royalty in accordance with the content and scope stipulated in Section 2 to the Contract and currency shall be in US dollars .

  19. 同时,由于边境贸易和旅游探亲等活动的发展,人民币成为周边国家和地区主要的计价结算货币,为人民币国际化提供了基础。

    At the same time , due to the trade across the border trade and tourism , the surrounding countries and regions recognized RMB as the main currency could be used for buying and selling , which in turn provide the basis for RMB internationalization .