- 名city specifically designated in the state plan

Tax bureaus of cities with separate planning not located in provincial capital cities may temporarily designate enterprises to print Special Invoice
Assessment and Research on the Websites of Domestic Provincial and Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) in 2009
Dalian is the deputy provincial city and the state plan in China , it is also the one of 14 coastal cities .
This certificate is issued by the State Administration of foreign experts affairs , and by offices of foreign affairs in provinces , regions and cities .
At the same time , the whole development level of Chinese Independent Plan Cities is studied by using it , and the result of evaluation shows that the method is effective and the computing results are also rational .
In July 2006 , China established a national system of land Supervision , which has been authorized by the State Department of Land and Resources on behalf of the State Council to conduct supervision and inspection of provinces and cities with independent planning of land using and management .
" * provinces , autonomous regions , directly administered municipalities , open port cities , special economic zones and provincially administered cities which are authorized to formulate their own independent plans . "