
  • 网络pricing standard
  1. 随着我国加入WTO和建设工程工程量清单计价规范的的推行,经评审的最低投标价法在我国建设工程招投标中将得到进一步的推广和应用。

    With China entering into the WTO and carrying out of bill of quantities , the method of the lowest bidding price subjected to appraise will be put into application further .

  2. 为了适应市场经济和WTO的要求,2003年7月,我国有关部门颁布了《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》,正式提出了工程量清单计价模式。

    In order to meet the requirement of market economy and WTO , the related department of our government has published the Code of related with bill quantity of construction works , and has put forward the Bill-of-Quantity Model in July 2003 .

  3. 我国于2003年正式推出《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500-2003),初步实现了从传统的概预算定额计价模式到工程量清单计价模式的转变。

    《 Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Works 》( GB50500-2003 ), which initially realized the change from traditional budget normal figure model to the list figure model , came into being in our country in 2003 .

  4. 2003年7月1日,《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》经建设部批准为国家标准(GB50500-2003),正式颁布实施,从而开始了工程量清单计价模式的全国范围推广。

    1st , 2003 , it was authorized to be a national criterion and was printed to put into practice . Consequently , Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Works began to be popularized in the whole country .

  5. 《计价规范》对完善建筑市场的法规制度、有效控制工程造价等方面将起到重要作用,并且将会形成一种全新的工程造价管理模式。

    Im the course of brand-new project fabrication cost management mode .

  6. 2008版《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》简析

    A Brief Analysis of Construction Project Amounts List Valuation Norms Version 2008

  7. 对新版建设项目工程量清单计价规范的理解和认识

    Understanding of new code of valuation with bill quantity of construction works

  8. 学习GB50500&2008建设工程工程量清单计价规范的体会

    Experiences of Learning GB 50500-2008 the Construction Works'Pricing Standard by Bill of Quantities

  9. 浅谈2008年清单计价规范对工程造价管理的影响

    Discussion on influence for engineering cost control of quantity norm bill in 2008

  10. 计价规范中措施项目组成分析

    Analysis of Measurement Items Composition under Bills Pricing Mode

  11. 浅议工程量清单计价规范报价与评标方法

    Pricing and Evaluation Methods Standardization by Project Quantity List

  12. 谈建设工程工程量清单计价规范项目特征描述

    On description of the project characteristics in the construction project quantity list valuation standard

  13. 现阶段建设工程工程量计价规范计价模式探讨

    Exploration for current pricing module in Code for Pricing in Engineering Quantity of Architectural Engineering

  14. 新工程量清单计价规范对施工单位影响及对策

    Influence of the new bills of quantities valuation norm to construction enterprises and strategies on it

  15. 谈以贯彻新《计价规范》为契机,促进造价管理模式的转变

    Carry Out the New Pricing Specification of Bill of Quantities and Chang the Cost Management Mode

  16. 工程量清单计价规范应注意的问题及措施

    Questions deserving attention in application of code of valuation with bill quantity of construction works and countermeasures

  17. 《计价规范》自2003年7月1日实施以来,工程量清单计价在工程建设中得到了广泛的应用。

    Since price criterion is publicized in June 1,2003 , BQ is adopted for engineering construction widely .

  18. 加强实施《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的基础工作

    Base Work for Enhance Bring the 《 Standard of Project Quantities Detailed List for Engineering Construction 》 into Action

  19. 新清单计价规范招标控制价的有关问题分析

    Discussion on Relevant Issues of Tender Control Price under New Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Works

  20. 《招标投标法》和《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的相继实施,进一步促进了工程造价管理工作的发展。

    The implement of the Bidding Law and Specification of Quantity Billing in Construction Projects promotes the development of cost management .

  21. 推行工程量清单计价规范的意义和注意事项

    On the significance of the implementation of the cost estimation norms for bills of quantity in construction projects and its precautions

  22. 而应采取的对策有:1.研究掌握《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》;

    And the countermeasures that should be adopted : 1 . Study and grasp The rule of the construction project quantity bill calculating price ;

  23. 《清单计价规范》是对工程量清单计价的整个活动进行规范。

    The " Specification for List of Price Calculation " is to normalize the whole process of the list of price calculation on engineering work amount .

  24. 工程造价指数可以广泛应用于工程造价管理的各个阶段,对工程量清单计价规范的推行和应用具有一定的实用价值。

    Construction cost index can be widely applied to every stages of construction cost management and has considerable practical value in respect of implementation and use of BOQ .

  25. 高校创新素质教育工程范式与对策研究现阶段建设工程工程量计价规范计价模式探讨

    Study on Models and Countermeasure of Creativity Quality Education Project in Higher Education ; Exploration for current pricing module in Code for Pricing in Engineering Quantity of Architectural Engineering

  26. 本文在系统综述了工程量清单计价规范及投标报价决策的研究基础上,对现有投标报价决策模型进行了深入的分析和评价。

    Based on the summary of researches on the code of valuation with bill quantity and bidding and pricing decision , this paper deeply analyses and evaluates some present models of bidding and pricing decision - making .

  27. 鉴于这种情况,该论文首先系统介绍在我国将要施行的《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的内容,说明工程量清单的作用和计价特点。

    On consideration of this kind of circumstance , firstly , this thesis introduces systematically the Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Works which will be implemented in our country , illustrates the function and characteristics .

  28. 《工程量清单计价规范》从2003年7月1日推行至今已经1年多了。这项被称为工程造价管理走向市场化的重大步骤,已经在市场上取得一定的成效。

    The Standard of the Project Amount Inventory has been carried out more than one year since July 1, 2003.This important step which is known as the cost management the project moves towards the market has already taken some effects .

  29. 本文首先讨论了合同价格及合同价格调整等相关概念,结合建设工程施工合同示范文本和《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》,整理了建设工程中的合同价格调整因素,并进行了分类。

    First , the author discuss the concept of contract price and the contract price adjustments and sort out the factors of contract price adjustments from Conditions of Contract for Construction project and Cost criterion of Bill of quantities for Construction project .

  30. 国家标准《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的实施,是我国建设工程计价方式的历史性变革,也是当前建设工程招投标的热点。

    The enforcement of Chinese national standard " Pricing Specification of Bill of Quantities for Construction Project ", which is a historic reform in the evaluation of construction costs in China , has attracted intense interest of construction businesses bidding for projects .