
  1. 第四个阶段采用计划手段实现精细化管理;

    The fourth stage is to use the method of plan for management .

  2. 我国宏观调控主要依靠计划手段,货币政策基本上是服从于计划经济体制的要求。

    Our macro-control mainly depends on planning tools , monetary policy is subject to the requirements of the planned economic system .

  3. 计算机可视化技术的飞速发展为我们提供了直观有效准确的放疗计划手段。

    Due to the computer visualization technology , we got an accurate way , intuitionistic and efficient , to constitute the treatment planning .

  4. 课本开发的范畴和效果符合大多小学英语大纲的请求,课本的计划手段是让筹备参与国际学习大概考试的门生在英语方面获得好成就。

    My Pals Are Here ! English International Edition is a six-level programme that prepares young learners to meet the challenges of the future .

  5. 这种以计划手段的分配方式,不仅造成了政府沉重的财政负担,也因扭曲了住房供求机制而造成了尖锐的供求矛盾。

    This allocation model not only caused heavy financial burden to the government , but also created serious conflicts between supply and demand because it had totally deformed the housing demand-supply mechanism .

  6. 在政府主导的渐进路径上,政府既推进着市场机制的建立,也同时推动着计划手段的创新,在市场机制发挥作用的同时,又始终承担着计划体制下的诸多任务与责任。

    On the gradual path oriented by government , our government has not only promoted the building of economic mechanism , but also propelled the innovation of plan instrument . While implementing the market discipline , the government also undertakes a lot of planned economic tasks and responsibilities .

  7. 哭啼的婴儿是最好的计划生育手段。

    A crying baby is the best birth control .

  8. 拍卖与招标因其巧妙的机制设计和资源配置的高效率效率,能够有效地避免纯粹计划行政手段的弊端,因而是政府市场行为的典型形式。

    Auction and bidding mechanism had ingenious design and high efficiency in allocating resources .

  9. 经济刺激计划是手段。

    Economic stimulus packages are the tools .

  10. 制造系统的建模和仿真就是制定优化的生产调度计划的手段。

    The modeling and simulation is the means to make the optimized production scheduling plan .

  11. 作为支持制定企业计划的手段,仿真显得越来越重要。

    Flow simulation as a supporting means for business planning is of greater importance today .

  12. 而在实现资源配置方式选择上,政府采取强制性的计划干预手段极为必要;

    It is now again necessary for the government to adopt mandatory planned interventions in the distribution of resources .

  13. 他推行一个接一个农业、工业集体化五年计划,手段凶残,被监禁被谋杀者数以百万计。

    His five-year plans for the collectivisation of agriculture and industry were implemented with such brutality that millions were imprisoned or murdered .

  14. 理念的更新包括土地利用规划实施的过程管理及土地利用计划管理手段的改进两个方面。

    Concept update includes two aspects those of implementation process management of land use planning and improvement of tools on land use annual planning of management .

  15. 我国水资源短缺问题突出,利用计划经济手段配置水资源,不能反映供求关系,也使得水资源利用效率低下,水资源浪费严重。

    It can 't reflect the relationship between supply and demand to allocate water resources by the traditional planned economy , and therefore making inefficient use and serious waste of water resources .

  16. 北海道开发以政府投入为驱动力,以综合计划作为手段,在政府一元化的组织领导下,经济社会生活取得了突破性发展。

    Based on government investment as motive force and comprehensive planning as practical method , the development of Hokkaido , Japan , under the unified organization and leadership of the government , has achieved a breakthrough in its economic and societal sectors .

  17. 政府正计划采取非常手段保持经济运行。

    The government is planning desperate measures to keep the economy running .

  18. 资源管理作为一种管理活动,需要相应的计划、控制手段和相应的组织形式。

    Resources management is an activity , needing relevant plan , control methods and organization forms .

  19. 经济结构战略性调整必须正确处理计划与市场手段的关系;

    The relation between planning and market must be handled properly when we readjust the economic structure strategically ;

  20. 首先,我国市场经济体制还处于完善阶段,计划和行政手段还发挥着重要影响。

    First , the market economy system is far from perfect , since the administration measure has been playing an important role .

  21. 弗吉尼亚州州长特里·麦考利夫今天宣布,他计划通过行政手段扩大该州的医疗项目,不经过议会的同意。

    Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe announced his intentions today to expand the state 's medicate program administratively without the approval of the legislature .

  22. 运用计算机甘特图和网络计划法等手段,合理的制定和控制生产作业计划,力求达到均衡生产的目标,使每个生产环节都能满负荷,保质保量,按时完成生产任务。

    To establish the reasonable Production Action Planning by means of Gantt ChM and PERT in an effort to reach the goal of balanced production .

  23. 但是参加2004年奥运会的运动员们却别无选择,他们不得不忍受酷热的天气,因此很多人计划借助科学手段来保持凉爽。

    But because athletes competing at the2004 Olympics have no choice but to stay in the sweltering weather , many plan to turn to science to stay cool .

  24. 本文从教学质量、师资力量、教学计划、教学手段、教学管理体制等几个方面进行了深入的比较研究。

    This paper , in terms of the teaching quality , the number of teachers , teaching plan , teaching approaches and management system , carries on a profound comparative study .

  25. 美国市场经济模式的主要特性在于不采用计划等直接手段调控经济,而主要依靠财政政策和货币政策对国民经济进行间接调控。

    The basic characteristic of American market-economy mode is that it does not adopt direct measures such as plan to control economy ; instead , it mainly relies on the fiscal and monetary policy to control the national economy indirectly .

  26. 电力工程施工组织设计是电力企业和施工项目经理部施工管理活动的重要技术经济文件,也是完成国家和地区电力工程建设计划的重要手段。

    Power construction organization design is the electric power enterprise and construction project and construction management activities are important joint technical and economic documents , which is also an important means of completed countries and regions of power engineering construction design plan .

  27. 是多功能、低风险、以扶持大农业为主、自主性强、计划与市场手段适当配合、政策性风险基金作保障、计划结合市场的农业政策性银行体制。

    It is a multi-functional , Low Risk , mainly support Agriculture , forestry , animal husbandry , sideline production , fishery , strong independent , with proper planning and market instruments , policies risk fund for protection , Combination of Market with Planned Agricultural policy bank System .

  28. 英国工业联合会(confederationofbritishindustry)抨击该税收计划为“粗暴手段”,将迫使交易活动转移到纽约和香港。

    The Confederation of British industry attacked the tax plan as a " crude instrument " that would divert trading activity to New York and Hong Kong .

  29. 大胆地运用计划和市场经济手段加快社会主义市场体系建设步伐

    Speeding up Socialist Market System Construction By Planning and Market

  30. 而良好的计划体系和监控手段是保证工程设计顺利进行的关键。

    The planning system and supervising methods are the key point for guarantee the engineering .