
  • 网络specific policy
  1. 最后,提出江西省发展文化创意产业的具体政策建议。

    Finally , the thesis proposed some specific policy proposals to develop cultural creative industries .

  2. 具体政策措施表现为建立外部评价制度,通过双轨、多元的评价制度严把“出口”关。

    The specific policy is to establish dual-track and multiple outer evaluation institution to control the output of higher education .

  3. 这些具有社会主义色彩的具体政策大部分都被废止了。

    Most of these specific Socialistic policies have been abandoned .

  4. 具体政策包括:年通货膨胀率达到2%,抑制日元过度升值,制定负利率,量化宽松,扩大公共投资,日本银行购买建设性国债,以及修订《日本央行法》。

    Specific policies include inflation targeting at a 2 % annual rate , correction of the excessive yen3 appreciation4 , setting negative interest rates , radical5 quantitative6 easing , expansion of public investment , buying operations of construction bonds by Bank of Japan ( BOJ ) , and revision of the Bank of Japan Act .

  5. 中西部吸引FDI的具体政策及引资手段探讨

    On Absorbing FDI 's Specific Policies and the Methods of Importing FDI in Middle-Western China

  6. 提出了我国加入WTO后,根据税制改革的总体布局,进一步完善涉外税收优惠制度的具体政策建议。

    Then it proposes some policy suggestions on how to improve the exiting preferential tax system in terms of the whole tax system reform after China 's entry into WTO .

  7. 如何构建既与市场经济体制和WTO规则相适应,又有利于帮助少数民族发展的具体政策体系,便成为亟待研究解决的重要问题。

    How to make a new system of policy which matches market economy and WTO orders is helpful for ethnic groups development is a crucial problem waiting us to resolve .

  8. 中国也在2002年正式确定选择QFII制度作为开放本国资本市场的具体政策,并已使之走上正轨。

    China confirmed and chose QFII system formally in 2002 too as the concrete policy of opening the national capital market , and has already put it into the right course .

  9. 简要介绍了TJ公司的发展历史以及目前的产品组合情况、价格体系、渠道模式和在促销方面的一些具体政策和措施。

    The part also mention the developing history for TJ enterprise , update products combination , price system , channel model , and marketing promotion detail policy and ways .

  10. 美国软件安全集团赛门铁克(Symantec)的研究显示,对于电子邮件、即时信息软件和网络语音通讯等工具的使用和管理,54%的企业没有制定相关的具体政策。

    According to research from Symantec , the software security group , 54 per cent of businesses have no specific policies in place relating to the use and management of e-mail , instant messaging and voice over internet protocol .

  11. 首先应明确集中采购财务风险控制的目标和原则,其次在集团公司管理制度上进行控制,最后在COSO内部控制框架基础上,提出财务风险控制的具体政策建议。

    First of all , objectives and principles group centralized purchasing financial risk should be clearly focused , followed by the control of management system in the group , and finally based on the COSO internal control framework the specific recommendations on group centralized purchasing internal financial risk are proposed .

  12. 在文化领域有什么具体政策和发展方向?

    What will be the specific policies taken in this field ?

  13. 具体政策涉及国民经济的方方面面。

    Specific policies involve all aspects of the national economy .

  14. 美国信息战略的总体构想和具体政策?

    The fundamental conception and specific policies of the U.S. information strategy ;

  15. 这种政策由不同层次的基本政策和具体政策构成。

    The policies included basic policies and specific policies .

  16. 从税收原则到具体政策,辨析税法实践中的行动指引。

    Analyze the operational guideline in practice from tax principles to specific policies .

  17. 自贸区的许多具体政策仍在辩论中。

    Many of the specific policies for the zone are still being debated .

  18. 关于接受贷款,你们有什么其他限制或具体政策?

    Do you have any other restrictions or concrete policies regarding accepting loan ?

  19. 此外,本文还还就中国的对外贸易现状的提出了若干具体政策措施。

    And it contains specific policies and measures for China trade present condition .

  20. 进而提出油气田企业税收筹划的具体政策建议。

    So that putting forward the oil-gas field enterprise tax planning concrete policy proposal .

  21. 第一部分简略介绍了商业健康保险的基本概念和特征,阐述了商业健康保险税收优惠政策的定义和构成要素,为研究具体政策提供概念支持。

    The first part shows the elements about preferential tax policy of commercial health insurance .

  22. 所以目前对于各项具体政策的研究和解决,是十分必要的。

    It is therefore most necessary for us to examine and define our concrete policies now .

  23. 提出控制中国国债规模风险的具体政策建议。

    Putting forward the relevant policy recommendations to reduce the risk of China 's government bond .

  24. 演讲后选民记起的不是他的具体政策,却是他的诙谐。

    But it is not the details of his policies that voters recall after hearing him speak .

  25. 而每一阶段的农地政策又是由若干具体政策发展演变而来的。

    However , the rural land policy in every phase is the evolution of several specific policies .

  26. 以城市为主,提出了甘肃省区域经济可持续发展的目标、任务及具体政策和配套措施。

    Furthermore , he puts forth suggestions on target , task , and concrete policies and related measures .

  27. 分析其具体政策内容,以及在政策实施的绩效分析。

    Analysis of the policy content , as well as in the implementation of the policy performance analysis .

  28. 最后,因地制宜出台各项具体政策,解决各地区具体问题。

    Finally , the introduction of specific policies according to local conditions isto solve the specific problems in various areas .

  29. 再次,充分发挥保险行业协会职能,充分发挥已有的行业信息资源,便于具体政策的实施。

    Fourth , give full play to the functions of the insurance industry associations and the existing industry information resources .

  30. 具体政策建议为:①构建城乡统一、开放、竞争、有序、高效劳动力市场体系。

    The specific suggestions : 1 . Construct a unified , open , competitive , orderly and efficient labor market system .