
jù tǐ jì huà
  • concrete plan
  1. 共和党籍的众议院议长约翰博纳(JOHNBOEHNER)在与本党成员举行闭门会议后,没有拿出解决危机的任何具体计划。

    John Boehner , the Republican Speaker , emerged from a closed-door meeting with party members without any concrete plan to solve the crisis .

  2. 不过,仅1个月内,此次峰会唯一的一个具体计划也已落空。

    Yet within a month , its only concrete plan had been shattered .

  3. G20受累于数量更多的成员国意味着更多的表态和更少的行动和缺乏常设人员实施具体计划。

    The G-20 suffers from its numbers more members means more formal statements and less give-and-take and from the lack of a permanent staff to implement plans .

  4. 之后CW电视网将会公布具体计划,届时我们将会了解到这些美剧新季的具体播出时间,包括将会在五月初首播的《秘圈》。

    We 'll known for certain on which days the shows will air when the network presents its upcoming slate , including new series such as Secret Circle , at the Upfronts in May .

  5. 知情人士表示,潘伟迪和其他高管将宣布的具体计划尚未最终敲定,可能会出现变化。在查克•普林斯(ChuckPrince)离职后,潘伟迪于去年12月份接管花旗。

    People close to the situation said the detailed plans to be announced by Mr Pandit , who took over in December after the departure of Chuck Prince , and other top executives had not yet been finalised and could change .

  6. 今年9月,20国集团(g20)承诺将改进各自的破产管理体制,让处理跨境银行破产变得更加容易,但英国是首批拿出具体计划的国家之一。

    The group of 20 nations pledged in September to improve their insolvency regimes to make it easier to handle cross-border bank failures , but the UK is one of the first to come forward with a concrete proposal .

  7. 届时我会在讨论中列举出我的具体计划。

    I 'll be outlining my plans at the meeting .

  8. 利用调机的具体计划。

    Particular plans for the use of the shunting engine .

  9. 他们讨论了30多次,还没有产生一项具体计划。

    They held more than thirty discussions without producing a definite plan .

  10. 谁具体计划搬新居的事?

    Who is going to mastermind the move to the new building ?

  11. 在此基础上提出实施的具体计划和建议。

    It also develops the detailed planning and suggestion basing on above discoursing .

  12. 我想知道贾斯廷的具体计划是什么。

    I wonder what justin 's plan is .

  13. 附注了一个补偿解放的具体计划,并要求国会注意这一计划。

    Contained a specific plan for compensated emancipation to which he invited the attention of Congress .

  14. 她在等候进一步董事会的具体计划,再作下一步行动。

    She is holding out for a detailed plan from the board before she makes the next move .

  15. 该公司还在中国开发其他新的航点,但现阶段还没有具体计划。

    The carrier is also exploring other new destinations in China but has no concrete plans at this stage .

  16. 这是临时中央在指导地方党的工作中盲目执行左倾冒险主义进攻路线的一个具体计划,结果给党的事业造成极大危害。

    This was a specific plan of left leaning adventurism that caused enormous losses to the Party 's cause .

  17. 新成立的联合政府还没有出台减少二氧化碳排放量的任何具体计划,也没有为低碳经济筹集资金。

    And the new coalition government has not yet plans for cutting carbon emissions or funding a low-carbon economy .

  18. 她的具体计划内容是建一个保龄球球道、滑冰场、微型高尔夫球场以及图书馆。

    Her plan includes a bowling alley , a skating rink , a miniature golf course and a library .

  19. 梅赛德斯-奔驰公司称,其打算将这一技术运用到其他车型上,但还没有公布具体计划。

    Mercedes says it will likely move the technology into other models , but isn 't outlining specific plans .

  20. 如果答案是“走”,开始了我前进的具体计划与航空公司成立。

    If the answer is " go ," start me up moves forward with concrete plans for setting up the airline .

  21. 她们在采访中表示,如果没有相应的人力资源方面的具体计划配合,并购的努力往往会付诸东流。

    Without a concrete plan of the human side of things , mergers and acquisitions too often fail , they told Fortune .

  22. 最后,根据企业发展战略,提出了实施发展战略的组织结构、具体计划和控制措施。

    Finally , we bring forward the detailed measures of organization structure , idiographic project and control management to carry out development strategy .

  23. 好的,你看,在参议员麦凯恩概述他的“具体计划”前两天,巴拉克•奥巴马已经制订了一个六点详细计划

    Well , look , two days before Senator McCain outlined his " specific plan ," Barack Obama laid out a six-point detailed plan

  24. 虽然还没有制定具体计划,但索尼游戏部门正在寻找可以提高日本公司效益的办法。

    SCE is also looking at ways to make its Japan operations more efficient , though no concrete plans have been drawn up .

  25. 他讲了许多有关改革的重要性,但是没有宣布此次变革的任何具体计划或日期。

    He talked a lot about the importance of reform , but he didn 't announce any specific plans or dates for change .

  26. 大学却必须以这些数据作为导向,去寻找既有益于学院也有益于学生的具体计划。

    Colleges and universities will need to use the data as a guide to find specific courses of action that benefit both them and their students .

  27. “灭此朝食”的气概是好的,“灭此朝食”的具体计划是不好的。

    The aspiration to " wipe out the enemy before breakfast " is admirable , but it is bad to make concrete plans to do so .

  28. 100年来,尼加拉瓜一直有修建属于自己的运河的念头,不过从未披露过具体计划。

    Nicaragua , which for a century has toyed with the idea of a building its own canal , hasn 't disclosed any details of the plan .

  29. 克里出席了众议院外交事务委员会听证会,表示他可能在未来几个月提出两国计划,并呼吁耐心等待具体计划。

    Speaking to the House Foreign Affairs Committee , Kerry called for patience on the details of the two-state plan he might develop in the coming months .

  30. 方案并未获得国际捕鲸委员会批准,而日方执意继续捕鲸。日本渔业部门总干事大村国井说到:“我们知道今年环保组织要干扰捕鲸的具体计划方案。”不过,他还警告船员要防范反捕鲸活动人士的威胁。

    Satoshi Kunii , head of Japan 's Fisheries Agency , says they are aware of plans by environmental groups to disrupt the hunt again this year .