
  • 网络Balochistan;Baluchistan Province;baluchistan
  1. 西部的中心区域俾路支省(Balochistan)有一个很高的沙漠高原,与较低的山脉相接。

    West-central Balochistan has a high desert plateau , bordered by low mountain ranges .

  2. 这条管道将连接伊朗南部法尔斯气田和巴基斯坦的俾路支省及信德省。

    The pipeline will connect Iran 's South Fars gas field with Pakistan 's Balochistan and Sindh provinces .

  3. 几年前,一个奄奄一息的妇女就不远万里从俾路支省赶到医院,而她的交通工具仅为一头路蛇。

    Several years ago , a half-dead woman came from Baluchistan Province by camel .

  4. 还有8名激进分子在俾路支省被击毙,其中包括一名塔利班高级指挥官。

    Another eight were killed in southwestern Baluchistan province , including a senior Taliban commander .

  5. 绑架发生在奎达地区,那里是巴基斯坦俾路支省的首府。

    The kidnapping occurred in Quetta , the regional capital of Pakistan 's Balochistan province .

  6. 她说,巴基斯坦已经有数百人这样失踪,特别是在俾路支省。

    She says scores of people have disappeared in the country , especially in Baluchistan Province .

  7. 俾路支省跟伊朗和阿富汗接壤,那里安置着全巴基斯坦五分之一的难民。

    Balochistan province borders Iran and Afghanistan and hosts more than one-fifth of all refugees in Pakistan .

  8. 俾路支省首府奎达,是不遗余力的冲击力,但也有伤亡。

    Balochistan 's capital , Quetta , was spared the brunt of the force , but there were injuries .

  9. 爆炸发生在俾路支省的图尔伯德镇,图尔伯德的地区委员塔里格·卡马尔说。

    The blast took place in the town of Turbat in Balochistan province , said Tariq Qamar , Turbat 's district commissioner .

  10. 当地一位高级官员说,地雷放置在在俾路支省西南部皮尔果德小镇的路上。

    A senior local official says the landmine was planted on a road in the small town of Pir Koh in southwestern Baluchistan province .

  11. 周六下午,巴基斯坦西南部俾路支省发生里氏7.2级地震,至少造成12人死亡。

    At least 12 people were killed when an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale hit Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province on Saturday afternoon .

  12. 信德省常常提出与其他省分歧的意见,而俾路支省虽然一直在打仗,但因为实在太偏远了,几乎无人关注。

    Sindhis often talk of separation and in Baluchistan there is an ongoing war which gets talked about very little because it is so remote .

  13. 这起袭击发生在卡拉奇机场,同时巴基斯坦西南部俾路支省一辆载有朝圣者的巴士遭遇袭击,至少造成20人死亡。

    The attack at the airport in Karachi coincides with an assault on a bus carry pilgrims in the southwestern province of Balochistan , which has left at least two-dozen dead .