
  • 网络specific science
  1. 哲学对具体科学有指导作用。

    Philosophy can guide specific science .

  2. 第四部分论述了创造性思维的具体科学方法;

    Part four : the specific scientific methods of creative thinking .

  3. 它们均体现哲学方法与具体科学方法的一致性。

    All of the above reflect the consistency of philosophic methods and concrete scientific methods .

  4. 应用伦理学应该重点处理好其与理论伦理学与具体科学的关系。

    The practical ethics should pay great attention to its relationship between theoretic ethics and concrete science .

  5. 因而笛卡尔认为只有哲学建立起来,才能为具体科学提供可靠的基础和指导原则。

    Therefore , Descartes thought that only philosophy was set up , could offer reliable foundation and guideline for concrete science .

  6. 这一观点比实践认识实践、感性具体科学抽象理性具体等观点更新颖、更具体。

    This is more novel and concrete than the approaches of practice-cognition-practice and perceptual concrete - scientific abstract - rational concrete etc.

  7. 克服哲学危机,不仅需要哲学家的努力,还需要社会、具体科学方面的配合和协作。

    To overcome philosophic crisis , we need not only the philosopher 's hard work , but also the comprehensive cooperation of society and specific disciplines .

  8. 该书对哲学界的许多既有成果进行了新的概括和论述,对哲学研究的许多前沿问题提出了新的见解,从当代社会实践和具体科学发展中提炼出了一些新概念、新观点。

    It is an excellent book with some new ideas and explanations for both those existed research results and quite a few controversial issues in the philosophical circles .

  9. 同时对湿地的保护和管理提出了具体科学建议,为今后滨海湿地的开发利用,也为海洋行政管理部门提供技术支撑。

    Depending on the results , we propose specific suggestions of protection and management for both exploitation and utilization of wetland resources and technical support for marine administrative department .

  10. 总结实践经验、概括具体科学的研究成果、批判地吸取先期哲学和现代哲学的有价值成果,是马克思主义哲学的发展机制。

    Its developmental mechanism consists in summarizing experience from practice , generalizing the research results of specific sciences , and absorbing critically the worthy achievements of early and modern philosophies .

  11. 科学认识论方面,强调了科学认识主体的历史主体性并注重了认识论的哲学提升与具体科学史史料的有机融合;

    In terms of scientific epistemology , he emphasized the historical subjectivity of scientific cognitive subject and attached great importance to the organic fusion of the philosophical summation and cognitive theory .

  12. 在教学中,针对具体科学方法的特点,显化方法的内涵,并运用方法得到知识。

    In the teaching , we should contrapose the characteristics of specific scientific methods , expand on the meanings of scientific method , and get knowledge from using the scientific method .

  13. 信息化发展效应的哲学研究不但可以指导发展的伟大实践,而且能够丰富中国的发展哲学,还可以为各门具体科学的信息化影响理论提供交流的场所。

    Such study can not only guide practice of development , but also enrich philosophy of development , and provide communication place for impact theories of informatization in various disciplines as well .

  14. 既不能停留于泛泛地就非哲学领域的问题发表意见,也不能一般地讨论一些具体科学范畴之间辩证关系。

    They cannot just present their opinions of matters of non-philosophical fields in general terms , nor can they just provide general discussions of the dialectical relations between categories of concrete sciences .

  15. 科学是按元原则→公理体系→数学与逻辑方法→具体科学→具体科学技术、工程等的应用的程式完成其建构的。

    Science is constructed in a process from the meta principle to the " system of generalized principles ", to " mathematical and logical means ", to " concrete science ", and finally to " technical and engineering application of particular sciences " .

  16. 截止到目前生态旅游资源的概念还未获得一个比较统一的认识,而生态旅游资源的保护研究更多是侧重于法律法规的研究,也没有具体科学的理论来指导。

    It has not obtained a quite unified understanding to eco-tourism resources concept at present , but lots of research about the eco-tourism resources protection is stressing on the legal laws and regulations research , also has not the concrete and scientific theory to instruct it .

  17. 胡塞尔致力于把先验现象学建立成一门对其他具体科学具有奠基作用的本质科学或观念科学,即用一个系统完善的理论统一为经验的、事实的科学提供最终的依据。

    Husserl tried to develop the transcendental phenomenology into a essence science , or conception science , which lays the foundation for other concrete science , that is , using the " systematically comprehensive unification of theories " to provide the ultimate basis for experiential and factual sciences .

  18. 三是侦查思维问题,主要应弄清侦查优化思维优化有哪些具体的科学方法。

    The third aspect tries to find some specific scientific methods to optimizing investigative thinking .

  19. 男:我觉得我们应该具体发展科学,了解气候变化在不同情况下可能出现的后果。

    M : Well I would argue that we need to develop the science specifically to understand the likely impacts of climate change in different contexts .

  20. 为矿山的节电技术管理和技术措施项目的制订及节电计划的拟定提供了具体的科学依据。

    Thus the scientific basis which can be the guide for improving power saving technical management , formulation of technical measures and power saving plan were given .

  21. 战略思维方法主要有五种即辩证唯物论和历史唯物论的基本方法、整体的与全过程的方法、逻辑的方法、具体专门科学的方法、非典型性思维方法。

    Similarly , there are five basic methods of strategic thinking , that is , totality and whole process , logic , concrete specialized science , and non-typical thinking .

  22. 在总结脐疗操作方法历史沿革、操作方法、用药特点古今差异的基础上,总结出中医脐疗各种方法的具体可行科学的操作步骤。

    Based on the differences of history , manipulations and drug application characteristics of navel therapy , we sum up the specific feasible manipulation steps of the TCM navel therapy .

  23. 参考国内外关于科学阅读和科学写作内涵的研究,在总结其研究成果的基础上,具体阐释科学阅读和科学写作的内涵。第二,科学阅读和科学写作在科学教学中的重要性。

    On the basis of summarizing the existing research , specific interpretation the connotation of science reading and science writing . Secondly , expound the importance of science reading and science writing .

  24. 在整个20世纪的近代汉语语音研究中,围绕《中原音韵》一系反映北方语音韵书研究所形成的北音学,研究者创造了不少具体的科学研究方法。

    The research workers have created a lot of specific and scientific research methods about the Northern Phonetics which is formed by the study of the book of The Central Plains Phonology that reflects the Northern sound in the modern Chinese phonetics research in the whole 20 century .

  25. 另外,对EF的计算分解为消费EF、输出EF、输入EF等,为在生态规划中的应用提供具体的、科学的分析依据,并以上海市在1980~2003年的长期发展状况为例。

    Taking an example for long-term development of Shanghai from 1980 to 2003 , EF of 2005 was predicted and analyzed for its application to eco-planning .

  26. 这些都是混淆了抽象与具体,非科学地认识、看待作为科学理论的马克思主义的结果。

    All these have resulted because of confusing the abstract with the concrete and unscientifically treating Marxism as a scientific theory .

  27. 具体包括制定科学的立法规划以及全面系统的清理、调整现有法律。

    Specific legislative plan including the development of science as well as a comprehensive and systematic clean-up , adjust the existing laws .

  28. 通过把握其建构的主要原则,能帮助我们更好的、更具体的了解科学消费价值观。

    Through grasping the main principle of its construction , can help us better , more detailed understanding of scientific consumption value .

  29. 接着,具体阐释了科学有效地实施中学地理案例教学的优势所在与价值体现。

    Then , the analysis of scientific and effective implementation of the Secondary School Geography Case Teaching advantage and the value of .

  30. 科学的方法为理论的创新提供了客观地、全面地、发展地观察和分析问题的钥匙,指出了具体地、科学地解决问题的途径。

    The scientific method helped him to find the key for developing the theory to observe and analyse the problems objectively and wholly .