
jì huà zhǐ biāo
  • planning indicators
  1. 研究表明地票指标有利于打破国家计划指标完全垄断土地市场造成失灵的状况,但形成的地票指标与国家计划用地指标替代效应配比关系需要更深入研究。

    Research shows that land trading indicators help break the monopoly of national planning indicators which always cause failure situation , but we need to study further on proportion of substitution effect between land trading indicators and national planning indicators .

  2. 通过对矿山CAD系统的分析,利用人工神经网络中TLU训练原理应用VC++开发出了相应的CAD模块,将露天矿山生产计划指标动态显示。应用该模块编制计划提高了生产计划编制水平和编制效率。

    Through an analysis of mine CAD system , this paper utilizes TLU training principle in artificial neural network , which can show open-cast mine plan targets dynamically in mine planning , thus it improved the production schedule competently and efficiently .

  3. 关于环保计划指标纳入国民经济计划的研究

    Studies on the Integration of Environmental Protection Planning Indexes into National Economic Planning

  4. 民航企业投资计划指标体系的完善

    Improving Investment Plan Targeting System of the Aviation Enterprises

  5. 过去几年中,中央的缺点,主要表现在计划指标过高上。

    Setting targets which were too high was the main shortcoming of the Central Committee over the past few years .

  6. 本文介绍了省属专科院校异地远程录取工作流程及操作过程,特别是针对招生计划指标到市的录取进行了阐述。

    Distance admitance in provincial colleges , especially for the admitance according to the plan that each city has its own .

  7. 制定并带领销售部人员完成年度销售计划指标,并对销售业绩进行分析,保证该预算,销售目标和利润目标的实现。

    Responsible to build reliable sales budget and manage the whole sales team to ensure realization of this budget , sales objective and profit objective .

  8. 代表们建议:1、国家计委把水土保持列入国家经济计划指标之内;

    The representatives suggest that : 1.the Planning Committee of the country should list the soil and water conservation into the planning index of national economy ;

  9. 1994年以来,我国财政收入增长率计划指标与实际指标差距即财政超收收入数额逐渐增大,引起了社会各界的关注和争议。

    The gap between the planned growth rate of revenue and the actual growth rate of it the excess revenue has been increasingly enlarged in China since 1994 , which has aroused the attention and dispute of general public .

  10. 在城市化迅速推进的大背景下,用日趋紧张的年度用地计划指标去满足日益增长的建设用地需求,势必要求我们走节约集约用地道路。

    In the background of rapidly advancing urbanization , the planned figures for the land use are getting increasingly tense . We must use the land economically and intensively in order to meet the growing demand for the construction land .

  11. 土地配给渠道主要通过新增建设用地计划指标的层层分解,实现国家对建设用地总量、产业结构及区域布局的控制,进而对国民经济总量、产业结构及区域协调发展实施调控。

    Land ration , mainly through allocation the planned targets , achieve the control to the national volume of construction sites , industrial structure and regional distribution , and then achieve the control to the total national economy , industrial development and regional development .

  12. 计划合理性指标的评估函数

    The Evaluating Function of the Economical Targets with Reasonableness of the Plan

  13. 对个生产线建立计划符合指标。

    Implement schedule adherence metrics on all production lines .

  14. 表格的内容包括:各项计划任务指标、责任单位、完成时间等。

    The part expressed in tabular form shall include various indicators of the planned tasks , responsible units and timing of plan fulfillment .

  15. 国民经济和社会发展计划的主要指标的调整方案;

    Adjusted schemes of major targets of plans for national economic and social development ;

  16. 流动人口计划生育工作指标体系与考核评估方式初探

    A Preliminary Study of Indicator System and Evaluation Method of Family Planning in Floating Population

  17. 论体育观及其在全民健身中的意义我国城市社区实施全民健身计划纲要评价指标

    Targets and Evaluation Index of the Enforcement of the National Fitness Program in Chinese Urban Communities

  18. 传统的医院管理把医院计生工作看作是简单的计划生育的指标管理。

    The birth control work has been treated as the simple target management by the traditional hospital management .

  19. 当时,为实现计划生育的指标,但宣传工作不到位,当地官员会采取引产、巨额罚款以及强制绝育的手段。

    When its propaganda didn 't work , local officials resorted to abortions , heavy fines and forced sterilization .

  20. 根据仿真模型的输出信息,本文还建立了包括市场需求、运营成本、航线结构以及航班运行四个方面的航班计划仿真评估指标体系。

    According to the output information , it establishes a flight schedule simulation evaluation index system , including demand , cost , airlines network and flight operation .

  21. 因此,跨国公司要对预算单位(重点评价管理者)和战略经营单位(重点评价经营系统)分别制订行动计划和评价指标。

    So the Multinational Corporation has to set up plan and evaluation measures for the Budget Unit ( evaluation focus manager ) and the Strategic Business Unit ( evaluation focus operating system ) respectively .

  22. 他补充道,穆迪今天将宣布计划引进两项指标,以帮助投资者了解复杂的金融工具。

    Instead , Moody 's today will announce plans to introduce two measures to help investors understand complex financial instruments , he added .

  23. 在分析研究炮兵火力计划方案的评估指标的基础上,研究建立了指标值的计算模型和整体方案的评估模型;

    On the basis of in-depth study on the evaluation indexes of fire plan scheme of artillery , computational models of the values of these indexes and the evaluation model were analyzed .

  24. 加强粮农政策和法律框架的领域(行动计划、目的和指标、规定),替别是通过粮农组织机构,例如粮食和农业遗传资源委员会;

    Areas for strengthening the policy and legal framework for food and agriculture ( plans of action , goals and targets , regulations ), in particular through FAO bodies , such as the CGRFA .

  25. 经过四年的时间,六五计划的主要生产指标三年完成,今年的计划也将超额完成。

    Four years into the period of the Sixth Five-Year Plan [ 1980-1985 ] , we find that the major production targets have been reached two years ahead of time and that this year 's annual plan also will be overfulfilled .

  26. 其二,构造以EVA为基础的奖金计划,在原有奖金计划的指标、标准和模式上加以创新,来抑制经理人的机会主义倾向,降低代理成本,调动经理人积极性从而完善经理人报酬激励机制。

    Second , establish EVA bonus plan which is better than the old in the index , standard and pattern in order to control executive 's opportunism , reducing the agent cost , stimulate the enthusiasm .

  27. 实施计划成本管理要制定科学的计划成本指标、进行指标测算和分解,落实到人、监督实施并建立有效的激励机制。

    And the planned costs management should be practiced through working out scientific cost targets , making targets estimation and resolution , implementing to the people , and supervising the practice and construction of excitation mechanism .

  28. 作者提出,在计划管理中尊重和运用价值规律,要抓住两个环节,一是在计划中强化价值指标与价格的平衡作用;

    In app-lying the law of value in planning , the author claims to grasp the following two keylinks : I strengthen the balancing function of value indicator and price in planning ;

  29. 在对后评估标准和后评估制度研究的基础上,充分考虑到科技基础研究计划项目的短期成果和长期影响,从不同层面构建了一套科技基础研究计划项目后评估指标体系。

    Thirdly , considering the short-term fruit and long-term effect , a series of BTRP post evaluation index systems are constructed on the basis of the research of the post evaluation standard and system .