
  1. 以占国内生产总值(gdp)的比例衡量,许多亚洲国家的刺激计划规模在全球名列前茅。

    As a percentage of gross domestic product , many of the biggest stimulus packages in the world were Asian .

  2. 而此类项目一般占gdp的比重为2%,因此额外支出使计划规模扩大了四分之一。

    Such programmes typically account for 2 % of GDP , so the extra spending increases the size of the schemes by a quarter .

  3. 根据IMF的估算,即便是美国的刺激计划规模也仅占国内生产总值(GDP)的4.8%。

    According to the IMF , even the US stimulus amounts to only a total of 4.8 per cent of gross domestic product .

  4. 阿什莫斯同时也是克利夫兰市一家名为FrantzWardLLP的律师事务所的共同创办人。他说,在大公司压缩实习计划规模的时候,他的公司推出的带薪实习项目正吸引来更高素质的求职者。

    Ashmus , who is also a co-founding partner at Frantz Ward LLP , a law firm in Cleveland , says his firm 's ongoing paid-internship program is attracting higher-caliber candidates as larger firms cut back .

  5. 其他人则表示该计划规模太大。

    Others said the plan was too big .

  6. 日本最新一轮财政刺激计划规模庞大。

    The latest fiscal stimulus programme is large .

  7. 有些公司宣布的裁员计划规模大得惊人。

    Some layoff announcements are huge .

  8. 纾困计划规模如此之大,公众反响如此强烈,新法规的出台是不可避免的。

    The bail-out is so large and public opinion is so inflamed that new rules are inevitable .

  9. 日产还将消减公司高官的薪酬,缩小投资计划规模,并暂停今年下半年的派息。

    It will also reduce executive pay , scale back its investment plans and suspend its second-half dividend .

  10. 穆雷表示,这份协议将降低预算缩减的影响,将自动减支计划规模减少630亿美元。

    Murray says it reduces the effects of the budget cuts known as a sequester by $ 63 billion .

  11. 然而,更重要的一点不是财政刺激计划规模需要扩大,尽管其规模确实需要扩大。

    The bigger point , however , is not that the package needs to be larger , although it does .

  12. 很多洲长指出政府的努力削减计划规模将破坏各洲为达成所有人提供医疗保健目标所做的努力。

    Many governors said the administration 's efforts to scale back the program would undermine state efforts to craft universal health care plans .

  13. 随着集合资产管理计划规模的扩大化、种类的多元化,对其进行全面、客观和科学的评价就成为整个集合资产管理计划行业发展的重要环节。

    With its expansion and diversification , a comprehensive , objective and scientific evaluation became an important part of the development of the industry .

  14. 去年,这个大厅里的一部分人认为我的减税计划规模太小,而有些人则认为太大了。

    Last year , some in this hall thought my tax relief plan was too small ? And some thought it was too big .

  15. 从税收收入预期的角度来看,第三个计划规模最大,预计将额外带来830亿美元的税收,也最容易实施。

    The third plan is the largest in terms of revenue expectations predicted to bring in an extra $ 83bn and is also the easiest to implement .

  16. 但特里谢承认,市场紧张形势“严峻”,并证实不会对债券购买计划规模设定上限。

    But the ECB president acknowledged market tensions were " acute " and confirmed there would be no limit to the size of the bond buying programme .

  17. 国际金融公司也将其全球贸易融资计划规模从10亿美元扩大到30亿美元,以加大对私营部门小型银行和小企业主的援助力度。

    IFC also expanded its Global Trade Finance Program from $ 1 billion to $ 3 billion in December to increase assistance to smaller private banks and entrepreneurs .

  18. 7月5日,英格兰银行宣布将其资产购买计划规模增加500亿英镑(约合780亿美元),总规模至3750亿英镑。

    On July 5th the Bank of England ( BOE ) announced a 50 billion ( $ 78 billion ) increase in the size of its asset-purchase programme , to 375 billion in total .

  19. 日本央行表示,将资产购买计划规模扩大一倍的决定“旨在防范企业信心下降和金融市场避险情绪上升对经济活动产生负面影响”。

    The BoJ said its decision to double the asset-buying programme was taken " with a view to pre-empting a deterioration in business sentiment and an increase in risk aversion in financial markets from adversely affecting economic activity " .

  20. 他表示,根据每4个小时倒一次班、每年250个工作日计算,一个熟练的克隆者每年可“生产”出6万个克隆牛胚胎。他补充称,按照项目的计划规模,有一个50人的团队就够了。

    Based on a four - hour shift and 250 working days a year , a proficient cloner would " manufacture " 60000 cloned cow embryos a year , he says , adding that a team of 50 will be sufficient for the planned scale of the project .

  21. 然而这并不令人吃惊,因为迪拜乐园的计划规模将有华特迪士尼世界度假区的两倍大,并将在它107平方英里的土地上容纳多个主题游乐区、零售与娱乐场所、酒店、体育赛事景点以及为数众多的饭店。

    However , this is really no surprise as Dubailand is planned to be twice the size of Walt Disney World Resort and it will house multiple theme parks , retail and entertainment outlets , hotels , sporting attractions and many , many hotels in its 107 square mile plot of land .

  22. 而且,未来形势将会变得更加糟糕,投资者正在关注美联储(FederalReserve)是否会缩减经济刺激计划的规模,即量化宽松。

    And it 's going to get worse as investors zero in on whether the U.S. Federal Reserve will scale down its stimulus program , called quantitative easing .

  23. 中国政府推出了总额达4万亿的两年计划,规模相当于2007年中国GDP的16%。

    The Chinese Government has rolled out a two-year program involving a total investment of RMB 4 trillion , equivalent to 16 percent of China 's GDP in 2007 .

  24. 奥巴马在NBC新闻频道的《会见媒体》节目中说:我们必须确保经济刺激计划的规模足以让经济动起来。

    ' We 've got to make sure that the economic stimulus plan is large enough to get the economy moving . '

  25. 而Petrobras最近却宣布将其5年投资计划的规模增加55%,达到1744亿美元。

    Petrobras recently announced a55 % increase in its five-year investment plan to $ 174.4 billion .

  26. 据NPR新闻的彼得·肯杨从维也纳带来的报道,一名美国高级官员坚称,任何核协议的达成都应要求伊朗缩小其核计划的规模。

    From Vienna NPR 's Peter Kenyon reports a senior American official insists any nuclear agreement should leave Iran with a fraction of what they currently has .

  27. 今日将发布的最新数据显示,今年头两个月,全球市场已推迟了逾210亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO)计划,规模几乎相当于同期成功上市所筹金额的两倍。

    Planned initial public offerings worth more than $ 21bn have been pulled from the global market in the first two months of the year , a figure almost double the amount raised through successful flotations , new data will show today .

  28. 而且我们对这个计划的规模感到担忧。

    And we have concerns about the size of the package .

  29. 现在还不清楚这次的贷款计划总规模会有多大。

    It is unclear how big the lending program will be .

  30. 问题是,这些计划往往规模较小,且范围有限。

    The problem is these schemes tend to be small and limited .