
  1. 本文采用AHP法和成功度分析法,根据影响工程技术经济效益指标程度的大小,确定各类指标的权值,然后评价其项目取得的成功度。这种方法直观明了、具有较强的可操作性。

    According to the degree of technical and economic mileage , the thesis set , their percentage and then appraise the effect of the project by using AHP and success degree analysis method , which are efficient and practical .

  2. 铁路运输装备高新技术产品效益评价指标及方法研究

    Research on Index Valuation System of Benefit on Hi-Tech Product for Railway Transportation Equipment

  3. CAD技术应用的效益评价指标与评估算法

    Benefit Evaluation Indexes and Algorithms for CAD Technology Application

  4. 京郊农田保护性耕作技术实施效益的评价指标体系研究

    Study on Evaluation Indicator System of Conservation Tillage Technology Implementary Benefit in Beijing Rural Areas ; farming techniques

  5. 环境影响与原料供给在评价体系中所占权重最大,而产品品质、装备技术和经济效益等指标次之。

    The conclusion showed that the weights of environmental pollution and supply of resources were the greatest , and product quality , equipment and technology and economic benefits weighed lower .

  6. 本文基于数量经济学、环境效益评价理论与方法、工程造价理论,提出了一套关于非开挖技术的环境效益评价指标体系,为我国非开挖技术的经济分析提供了理论依据。

    Based on Quantity Economics , Evaluating Theory of Environmental Benefit and Project Cost Theory , a set of environment benefit evaluating indexes has been put forward in this thesis , which may be used for economic analysis of trenchless technology .

  7. 为了研究和确定工程机械效益评价指标,评析了机器的最大牵引力、最大牵引功率和单位机重功率等指标,确定了技术经济综合效益评价指标作为评价机器技术经济水平的优化指标。

    In order to study the appraising indices of the construction machinery efficiency , the largest tractive force , the largest tractive power and the power per machine weight are taken as the united appraising indices of the machine 's technical efficiency and economic results .