
  • 网络Technical survey;technology survey;Tech Poll;Descriptive Research
  1. 应用遥感与GIS技术调查分析武昌县土地资源

    Analysis and Investigation of the Landuse Resource in Wuchang County by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

  2. 应用重复PCR指纹技术调查肺科ICU鲍曼不动杆菌的暴发流行

    Use of Repeated PCR Fingerprint Technique to Investigate an Outbreak of Acinetobacter Baumannii in Respiratory ICU

  3. 用等电聚焦免疫固定技术调查成都地区汉族群体Bf的遗传多态性。遗传算法及其在排班问题中的应用

    Genetic algorithms and its application in shifts arrangement

  4. 黄土高原丘陵沟壑区坡耕地3S技术调查

    An Investigation of Sloping Cultivated Land on the Loess Plateau with " 3S " Technology

  5. 这4个突变体对于改良水稻谷蛋白品质、研究谷蛋白生物合成遗传调控机制以及揭示谷蛋白基因功能是不可多得的研究材料。用等电聚焦免疫固定技术调查成都地区汉族群体Bf的遗传多态性。

    The mutants are considered to be useful material for glutelin quality improvement and for genetic regulatory mechanism study of glutelin biosynthesis .

  6. 利用GPS技术调查了宁波市不同道路汽车行驶工况,记录了实际道路汽车行驶瞬时速度的大量数据。

    Driving patterns on different roads were investigated in Ningbo city using advanced instruments GPS . A large amount of testing data of speed were obtained under real road conditions .

  7. 在改进遗传量子算法的基础上,提出了一种新的量子遗传算法并从理论上证明了算法的全局收剑性.用等电聚焦免疫固定技术调查成都地区汉族群体Bf的遗传多态性。

    A novel Quantum Genetic Algorithm ( QGA ) is proposed based on the improvement to Han 's Genetic Quantum Algorithm ( GQA ) .

  8. 利用红外Raman光谱技术调查了晶体非线性晶格振动特征,分析了晶体中组分离子浓度对晶体红外Raman光谱特征的影响,探讨了组分离子对晶体二次谐波性质影响的原因。

    By using infrared Raman technique , the properties of nonlinear lattice vibration of thee samples were investigated , and the character of Raman spectrum were analyzed , as well the effect of composition on the SHG properties were discussed .

  9. 利用先进的GPS技术调查了宁波市不同道路汽车行驶工况,分析了城市机动车排放污染的状况及影响因素,重点讨论了机动车车型和汽车城市道路运行工况对机动车排放污染物的影响。

    Vehicle driving patterns on different roads are investigated in Ningbo city using advanced GPS technique . The situation of motor vehicle emission pollution and its influence factors are analyzed , and the effects of vehicle models and their driving cycle on vehicle emission pollutants in city are emphatically discussed .

  10. MIBK与甲苯溶剂脱蜡效果比较酮苯脱蜡装置的现状及对其改进的建议&1990年生产技术调查

    Comparison between MIBK and toluene in dewaxing the present status of solvent dewaxing units in China and suggestions for further improvement & a survey of processing technology in 1990

  11. 综述了应用137Cs技术调查河漫滩沉积物的沉积率、确定沉积物来源和研究与沉积物相结合的污染物质的研究进展。

    The basis of the ~ ( 137 ) Cs technique and the uses of this technique to investigate the sedimentation rates of suspended sediments deposited on river floodplains are reviewed to identify the sources of sediments and to research the sediment-associated contaminates on river floodplains .

  12. 胡椒栽培种与野生近缘种嫁接技术调查

    Technical Investigation of Grafting Pepper Cultivars onto Its Wild Relative Species

  13. 室内空气治检技术调查

    The survey of the technology of exam and purifying indoor air

  14. 甜樱桃种质资源评价与高效种植技术调查研究

    Study on Evaluation of Germplasm and Cultivated Technology in Sweet Cherry

  15. 每次航空事故都要在技术调查结果上花时间。

    Every aviation accident takes time for the technical findings .

  16. 现代化温室无土栽培番茄营养液管理技术调查

    Investigation of the Nutrient Solution Management of Tomato Cultivation in Modern Greenhouse

  17. 派往西撒哈拉及其邻国的技术调查团;

    Technical survey mission to Western Sahara and neighbouring countries ;

  18. 瓦斯气回收技术调查研究

    Investigation and Study on the Recovering Gas Technique

  19. 中国低温种质库建造技术调查分析我国低温种质库围护结构与制冷运行的节能研究

    Investigation and analysis of the building technology of low temperature germplasm genebanks of China

  20. 炼油污水处理技术调查报告

    The Investigation of Refinery Wastewater Treatment Techniques

  21. 用三维激光成像技术调查高陡边坡岩体结构

    Investigation of rock mass discontinuity by 3D laser imaging technique on a large and stiff slope

  22. 目的用分子技术调查中国间日疟原虫种群结构与地理分布。

    Objective To investigate the population constitution and geographical distribution of Plasmodium vivax in China using molecular technique .

  23. 上海地区畜禽场大、中型沼气工程沼渣液后处理技术调查研究

    An Investigation on the Post-treatment of Biogas Residue and Water on Medium - and Large-scale Animal Farm in Shanghai District

  24. 被友军炮火击中的后勤支援舰已被拖回港口作进一步的技术调查。

    The logistic vessel that was hit by friendly fire has been towed back to the port for further technical investigation .

  25. 太行山南端主要造林树种适生范围及造林技术调查研究

    Survey and research for the growing range of principal tree seeds of plantation in the south end of Taihang Mountains and afforestation technique

  26. 在此基础上,我们将以关中地区为例,介绍利用综合遥感技术调查滑坡、泥石流灾害的工作方法和成果。

    Taking these as examples , introduction is briefed to the methodology and achievements of investigations on the landslide and debris flow hazards .

  27. 福州市郊潴育性水稻土的表层厚度和层次变化对于水稻产量的影响福州市土法孵鹅蛋技术调查研究

    The influence on the depth of topsoil of hydrogenic paddy soil and the arrangement of soil layers on the yield of rice plant in Foochow

  28. 青少年足球运动员突前中卫防守技术调查分析守门员受伤了,只好由一名防守队员来守门。

    Analysis the Defense Skills Used in Halfback of the Juvenile Football Players ; The goalkeeper was injured so a defender had to go in goal .

  29. 但据第3次遥感技术调查测算,四川水土流失仍相当严重,是影响四川社会经济持续发展的头号环境问题。

    Basing on the computation of the third remote sensing data , soil and water loss in Sichuan , that is the first environmental problem affecting Sichuan social and economic development , is still grievous .

  30. 我不会用‘pretext’技术去调查董事会里的同事。

    I will not ' pretext ' and snoop on fellow board members .