
  • 网络BUSINESS SURVEY;Business Investigation
  1. 也善于商务调查,疑难执行案件,往往能够敏锐的调查到被执行人财产,协助法院执行回欠款。

    Also good at business survey , difficult execution case , often can keen survey to execution property , assist court executes arrears ;

  2. 产品操作简便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带,是上班族、商务调查取证的最佳必备品。

    Product is simple , sleek , beautiful and practical , easy to carry , office workers , business investigation and evidence collection of the best essential goods .

  3. 模糊综合评价在电子商务调查系统中的应用试述执法过错责任追究制度

    The Application of Fuzzy Quality Synthetic Evaluation in Electronic Commerce Investigation System

  4. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceChina)前不久开展的一项商务环境调查发现,83%的成员企业受到了中国政府审查互联网的不利影响。

    A recent business climate survey conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce China found that 83 percent of its member companies were negatively affected by Internet censorship by the Chinese government .

  5. 中国美国商会的2010年商务环境调查显示,美国企业正普遍拓展其在华业务。

    US companies are generally expanding operations in China , according to the2010 AmCham-China Business Climate Survey .

  6. 3月初,该公司表示正在接受美国商务部调查,原因是涉嫌违反美国对伊朗的出口管制。

    In early March , the company said it was under investigation by the US for violating controls on exports to Iran .

  7. 谨提示贸易双方自行通过商务渠道调查核实客户资信状况并承担可能的风险。

    Our Office would like to draw your attention to check the credit and financial standing of the sellers and buyers through the commercial channels by yourself and take the possible risks .

  8. 但是,如果美国商务部调查发现来自台湾的光伏电池构成非法竞争,并据此开征一套新的关税,预计影响将会严重得多。

    However , if the commerce department finds that there has been illegal competition from the Taiwanese cells and levies a new set of duties , the impact is expected to be much more serious .

  9. 五金企业电子商务应用情况调查分析&以永康为例

    An Investigation on E-commerce Application in Hardware Enterprises

  10. 随着电子商务和信用调查领域的不断普及,数字签名在企业、银行、电子商务网站和信用调查机构之间的网络安全性越发重要。

    As the E-business and Credit investigation are populated , the network security becomes more and more important .

  11. 该组织针对美国电子商务的年度调查显示,去年美国的网上销售总额(不包括旅游)增长29%,达到1465亿美元。

    The group 's annual survey of US e-commerce said total internet sales excluding travel rose 29 per cent to $ 146.5bn .

  12. 美国商务部正在调查来自台湾的光伏电池是否构成在美国倾销(以低于成本的价格销售),以及来自中国的其他光伏产品是否构成倾销或受益于政府补贴。

    The commerce department is now investigating whether photovoltaic cells from Taiwan are being dumped - sold at a below-cost price - in the US , and whether other solar products from China are being dumped or benefiting from government subsidies .

  13. 商务部的调查表明,2002年,我国有近90%的食品土畜出口企业受限,造成损失约90亿元。

    The investigation of the Ministry of Commerce indicated that in the year 2002 , there were almost 90 % of import & export food and animal by-products export companies had been constrained by this barrier and it had brought about 9 billion US dollars lost to our country .

  14. 最后,从对辽宁一些企业B2B电子商务的有关信息调查与研究着手,提出推动我国传统企业广泛开展B2B电子商务的发展策略。

    Finally , embark from some enterprise of Liaoning province B2B electronic commerce related information investigations and the research , proposed some strategy to impel our country 's tradition enterprise to widely develop B2B electronic commerce .

  15. 市场调查公司ColmarBrunton则代表《华尔街日报》对亚太12个国家和地区的报纸订户及其他商务人士进行了调查。

    On behalf of The Wall Street Journal , market-research firm Colmar Brunton polled subscribers as well as other businesspeople in12 Asia-Pacific countries .

  16. 通过对医药电子商务发展现状的调查研究,分析了实现医药电子商务的可行性。

    Medicine E-C feasibility was analyzed by investigation to medicine E-C actuality .

  17. 我国电子商务信用风险的调查及分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of Electronic Commerce Credit Risk in Our Country

  18. 在对电子商务企业的数据调查与分析中力求做到科学合理,在具体对策措施的制定上尽可能做到具有可操作性。

    With scientific analysis of data survey in E-commerce enterprises , it tends to make concrete and operable measures .

  19. 本文选取在上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所上市的24家申请反倾销调查的公司为研究样本,对其在商务部反倾销调查立案当年及其前后是否采取了盈余管理行为进行了实证检验。

    This paper selects 24 list companies that apply antidumping investigations in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange act as investigative sample .

  20. 即使在美国,对上游产业补助展开调查也不多见,美国商务部极其厌恶调查上游产业补助。

    After all , upstream subsidy investigations in the United States have been rare , with the Commerce Department loathe to do them .

  21. 美国商务部以被调查商品的各生产要素在替代国的相应价格来计算其正常价值。

    The US Department of Commerce uses the price of each production factors of the subrogate countries to calculate the putative normal price .

  22. 今年5月,美国商务部发布初步调查报告称,中国钢铁生产商在美国以低于成本的价格销售取向电工钢。

    In May the US Commerce Department issued a preliminary finding that Chinese producers were selling grain-oriented electronic steel in the US below cost .

  23. 对确认不存在低开出口发票行为的,商务部应终止调查。

    To the behaviour that is confirmed not being suspected of writing export invoice at a lower price , Ministry of Commerce should stop investigation on it .

  24. 商务旅行联盟的调查发现,82%的差旅管理者认为,新的奖励规定会导致员工更难遵守公司的差旅政策。

    The Business Travel Coalition survey found 82 % of travel executives believe the new incentives will make it harder to get employees to adhere to corporate travel policies .

  25. 商务部表示,调查预计将在明年8月底前结束,但在特殊情况下可能延长至2022年2月。

    The Ministry of Commerce says the probe is expected to end before the end of August next year , but may extend to February , 2022 under special circumstances .

  26. 通过对温州民营企业电子商务应用现状的调查,详细分析了其产生的原因,并提出了其发展的对策和其发展前景的展望。

    The thesis surveys the present conditions of e-business application to the private enterprises in Wenzhou and analyzes the their reasons . It also proposes the corresponding strategies and predicts its prospects .

  27. 本文依据美国评价电子商务网站的权威标准,对联想、海尔、戴尔三家企业的商务网站进行了调查分析,形成综合调查报告。

    This paper appraises the E-business website of Lenovo , Haier and Dell , according to the authoritative standard of America , forming investigation report .