
  • 网络Commodity Image
  1. 商店形象对核心竞争力的影响最大,其次是商品形象、社会形象、消费者购后满意,服务形象,组织形象影响最小。

    Store the image of the core competitiveness of the greatest impact , followed by the commodity image , social image , consumer-purchase satisfaction , service image , the image of the organization with minimal impact .

  2. 其中服务形象、安全形象、商品形象和价格形象对顾客满意有着显著的正向影响,而网站形象和便利形象对顾客满意无显著影响。(3)网络商店形象对顾客忠诚有着显著影响。

    Service image , safety image , commodity image and price image all have positive impact on customer satisfaction , but website image and convenience image has no significant effect on customer satisfaction . ( 3 ) Online-store image has a significant effect on customer loyalty .

  3. 商品形象设计定位分析

    On Location of Image Design

  4. 插图是世界都能通用的语言,其设计在商业应用上通常分为人物,动物,商品形象。

    Illustration is the world can common language , its design in business applications usually divided into character , animal , merchandise image .

  5. 旨在探析设计语义的使用对商品形象创建和传播的意义,如何实现商品符号与消费者之间的有效沟通。

    The meaning of design semantics to creation and spreading of merchandise image was analyzed to achieve efficient communication between merchandise symbol and consumer .

  6. 一个商品形象不仅仅取决于其使用价值,同时也取决于它的心理价值和文化价值。

    A goods image not merely depend on their use value , depend on its psychological value and culture value too at the same time .

  7. 调查表明,我国零售商店形象属性可以被划分为四个维度:商品形象,氛围形象、价格形象和便利形象。

    An investigation has shown that the attributes of retail store image can be divided into four dimensions : merchandise image , atmosphere image , price image and convenience image .

  8. 伏特加在美国已树立起高档商品的形象。

    Vodka has acquired an upscale image in the US .

  9. 山寨明星的广告,因侵犯了明星的商品化形象权等而违法。

    Shanzhai stars'advertisements are illegal because of infringement upon stars'right of publicity .

  10. 香水制造商发现顾客高兴出这个高价,因为这使商品的形象更具魅力。

    Perfume makers have found that customers are happy to pay this high price because it contributes to the glamorous image of the product .

  11. 统一企业的乳类食品都是以统一牌子出售,在市场上长期以来无法突破二、三线商品的形象。

    President Enterprise 's dairy products were being sold under the President brand name , and for a long time had been unable to rise beyond second or third placed brand in the market .

  12. 笔者认为,商业外观可以定义为:能够被消费群体所识别,并给他们带来特殊视觉体验的,承载着产品或服务内在文化和价值的显著商品整体形象外观特征的组合。

    The author believes that trade dress can be defined as : trade dress can be identified consumer groups and give them a special visual experience , carrying the products or services value to the internal culture and the overall image of the appearance of significant features of commodity combinations .

  13. 论小商品商人聚集形象塑造

    Discussion on image mold of small commodities businessmen accumulation

  14. 商品住宅小区形象评价的指标体系和方法

    A Study on the Indicator System and Method of Appraising the Identity of Commercial Residence District

  15. 优秀的标志设计能够提升企业以及商品的整体形象与品牌价值。

    Excellent logo design could promote the integrated image and brand value of the enterprise and its products .

  16. 对徽州旅游标识和旅游商品的视觉形象暴露出的弊端进行深入研究和综合论证。

    Deep researching and comprehensive verification shortcomings in Huizhou tourism logo and the visual image of tourism commodities exposed .

  17. 商业外观是指商品的总体形象或总体外貌,包括尺寸、外形、颜色或颜色组合、构造、图形,甚至特殊的销售技巧。

    The trade dress is total image of a product and may include features such as size , shape , colour , or colour combinations , texture , graphics , or even particular sales techniques .

  18. 文章对商品住宅小区形象的含义和评价商品住宅小区的指标体系进行了说明和探讨,在此基础上提出了将统计定量指标和模糊指标相结合的评价方法。

    On the basis of describing and examining the identity of commercial residence district and an indicator system to appraise it , this paper gives an appraisal method combined with statistical quantitative indicators and fuzzy indicators .

  19. 在此情况下,特殊标志这一原本代表大型公益活动的标志被大范围地运用在商业领域,成为商家提升其商品、服务形象,证明其相应品质的途径。

    In this case , special signs which use to be used to present public events have been used in the business fields extensively and become the way companies to upgrade the image of their products and services .

  20. 商家借助于明星的人格魅力,来为自己的商品确立好的形象。我公司是具有独立法人资格的经济实体,拥有自营进出口权。

    In virtue of stars ' personal - ity charm , the business enterprises set up good images for their own products .

  21. 关于广告类型我们则抓住了商品类型和广告形象代言人性别这两个重要的广告元素对广告进行分类。

    When classifying the types of advertisement , we focused on two important factors : the category of commodities and the gender of the image representatives in an advertisement .

  22. 这些服务于商品或服务的形象,由于其自身的特征以及长期的使用具有了在市场上识别特定商品或服务的作用,这样就可以作为商业外观受到法律的保护。

    The elements of these goods or services , because of their own characteristics and long - term use , can serve as a source identifier of the goods and services in the market .

  23. 依据实物商品3类品牌形象概念(功能性、经验性、象征性)创造的基本原理,结合旅游经历的特殊性,对旅游目的地进行品牌化。

    According to the basic theories of creation of the three kinds of brand images ( functional ? experiential ? symbolic ) and the peculiarity of tourist experience , branding tourism destination is discussed and analyzed .

  24. 商品美学三题:商品形象·商品美·商品意象

    Three Aspects of Commodity Aesthetics : Commodity Image , Commodity Beauty and Commodity Imagery

  25. 现代消费由过去对商品使用价值的重视转向对商品形象和意义的追求,进而消费不仅是一个经济过程也是一个文化过程。

    Consumption , which focused on merchandise use value ago , nowadays , is being turned to pursuing the image and meaning of consumables . Modern consuming is not only an economic process but also a culture process .

  26. 干果包装设计应根据可持续发展趋势,通过绿色环保和突出商品个性化的包装设计赋予商品独特的视觉形象,并且提升商品在市场流通中的价值,使商品在激烈的市场竞争中取得优势。

    Dried fruit packaging design should be based on sustainable development trend , through the green environmental protection and outstanding merchandise personalized packaging design gift commodity unique visual image , and promote commodity circulation in the market value of the goods , in the fierce market competition advantage .

  27. 商品竞争日益激烈,广告作为一种商品促销和形象推广的手段也越来越重要。

    Increasingly fierce commercial competition highlights the role of advertising which is a prominent means of promotion .

  28. 消费者对商品的判断不再依赖于他们对商品的实证性具体分辨,而是转向依赖于他们对企业及其商品的信誉和形象的认同。

    Consumers ' judgment to goods has depended on their recognition to the reputation and images of the corporations instead of their specific empirical recognition to goods .