
  1. 一位大型资产支持商业票据发行人表示:一些人希望会出现逢低买入者,帮助市场进行自我修正。

    What some people are hoping is that the bottom fishers will appear and help the market self-correct , says one big ABCP issuer .

  2. 直到美联储介入之前,新的商业票据发行实际上已被冻结,因为银行和货币市场基金对非信贷保证票据纷纷回避。

    Until the Fed stepped in , new CP issuance had been virtually frozen as the banks and money market funds are shying away from non guaranteed credit .

  3. 2007年末危机恶化时,美联储创造了新流动性工具,其中有些纳入了除存款机构以外新的资金接收人,包括投资银行和企业商业票据发行机构。

    As the crisis worsened at the end of 2007 , the Fed created new liquidity facilities , some of which involved new recipients , beyond depository institutions , such as investment banks and corporate commercial paper issuers .

  4. 据法国SociétéGénérale银行,两周以来商业票据公开发行出售量减少1810亿美元。

    The amount of paper outstanding has fallen by $ 181 billion in two weeks , according to Soci é t é G é n é rale , a French bank .

  5. 因此,所有商业票据的发行人(即使最大、最有信用的公司)都被迫降低了他们的信用额度,这又使得银行间拆借处于停滞状态。

    The issuers of commercial paper , which include the largest and most respected corporations , were forced to draw down their credit lines , bringing interbank lending to a standstill .

  6. 其他的流动资产有商业票据和政府发行的国库券。

    Other liquid assets are commercial bills and Treasury bills issued by the Government .

  7. 直到6月中旬,欧洲商业票据市场的发行规模还在不断创纪录。

    As recently as mid-June , the European commercial paper market was seeing records levels of issuance .

  8. 从以应收账款质押向银行贷款、商业票据及公司债发行、开办购车储蓄业务、汽车金融信贷资产证券化等方面建立有效的融资渠道等来解决融资问题;

    Opening more finance channels for automobile finance from banking loans 、 issuing Asset-backed securities 、 saving for cars and automobile finance asset securitization ;