
  • cash cheque;【计】amount tendered
  1. 她想让我们换成现金支票

    She wants us to convert it to a cashier 's check

  2. 朱老总,我们给你现金支票行不行?

    Chief zhu , we 'll give you a cash cheque , alright ?

  3. 谁授权签署现金支票?

    Who has the authority to cash checks ?

  4. 我有一张1000元的现金支票丢了。

    I had a cheque in cash for one thousand and I lost it .

  5. 老板与对方交涉很长时间后,终于拿到了现金支票。

    Boss for a long time to negotiate with each other , finally got the cash a check .

  6. 它与作为实物收据的“交引”相比,明显地具有现金支票的功能。

    It evidently owned the function of cash cheque in comparasion with " Jiao Yin " of that as receipt of material object .

  7. 汤普森说,公司员工也曾在2010年因达成同样的目标而领到了奖金——每位员工可以选择要一辆价值5万美元的汽车或是一张3.5万美元现金支票。

    Thompson said they were rewarded for reaching the same goal in 2010 - every employee got to choose between a $ 50000-car or a $ 35000 cash check .

  8. 如果还有其他任何展示了你的名字的卡片,或会员卡的发行机构,要求补办。包括现金支票卡,长途电话卡,商场会员卡和图书馆借阅卡。

    Notify issuers of any other cards that display your name , or membership / identification number and ask for replacement cards.These include check-cashing , long-distance calling , store membership , and library cards .

  9. 银行要价6万美元,我出价5万美元,他们接受了,原因仅仅是出价的条件之一是开出5万美元的现金支票。

    The bank wanted $ 60000 , and I submitted a bid for $ 50000 , which they took , simply because , along with my bid , was a cashier 's check for $ 50000 .

  10. 当你买商品时,你付现金或支票,都一样。

    You can pay by cash or check when you buy the goods ; it comes to the same thing .

  11. 接受现金或支票(支票抬头请写MarylandAOE),请直接到学校缴费或邮寄到网页右边的地址。

    Cash or check accepted ( make check payable to Maryland AOE ) . You can pay in school or mail to our mailing address on the right .

  12. 阿登记表,必须获得,完成并返回秘书长与$50.00现金,支票或汇票支付给SLPU。

    A Registration Form must be obtained , completed and returned to the General Secretary with $ 50.00 cash , check or money order made payable to SLPU .

  13. 每天准备并输入现金或支票收入登记报告。

    Prepares and key-in daily cash or check receipts Register reports .

  14. 可以在银行兑换现金的支票。银行通常为账户持有人银行。

    The account holder or the person who signs the check .

  15. 要用现金、支票还是签帐卡的呢?

    A : Will that be cash , check or charge ?

  16. 我(的现金和支票簿)被抢了。

    I was robbed ( of my cash and cheque-book ) .

  17. 客户付款方式包括现金、支票和电子支付方式。

    The dialog has options for cash , cheque , electronic payment .

  18. 为所有收到的现金和支票签发收据。

    Prepares cash receipts for all cash and checks received .

  19. 近期需付款项(现金或支票)。

    Money that you currently expect to pay on notes and accounts .

  20. 我在银行外面被人抢走了现金和支票。

    I was robbed of my cash and cheque-book outside the bank .

  21. 现金,支票,还是信用卡都行,说出你的目的地吧。

    Cash , check , or credit card , name your destination .

  22. 信用卡使人们不再需要使用现金和支票。

    Credit cards eliminate the need for cash or check .

  23. 我可以付现金,支票或刷卡吗?

    Will this be cash , check , or charge ?

  24. 你打算怎样付款,现金、支票,还是赊帐?

    How are you going to pay ? Cash , check or charge ?

  25. 接受因销售废品或由于质量服务而产生的现金或支票。

    Collects cash or checks for sales of scraps & quality services charge .

  26. 你用现金还是支票来支付?

    Are you paying in cash or by check ?

  27. 他们要抢我的现金和支票簿。

    They want to rob my cash and cheque-book .

  28. 你可付现金或支票,都一样。

    You can pay by cash or chequeit comes to the same thing .

  29. 现金和支票都可以

    And I 'm happy to take , uh , cash or a check

  30. 你要存现金还是支票?

    Are you depositing cash or a check ?