
  • 网络modern management theory;Modern administrative theories
  1. 现代管理理论认为,管理的三大职能是:计划(Planning)、控制(Controlling)和决策(Decision-making)。

    The modern management theory suggests three major functions of management : Planning , Controlling and Decision-making .

  2. 该院按照上级检察机关的要求,突破传统管理理念、改变传统管理模式,将现代管理理论ISO9000族标准与检察工作结合起来开始了实践。

    According to the requirements of the procuratorial organs , break through the traditional management idea , change traditional management mode of modern management theory , the standard of ISO9000 and procuratorial work together began practice .

  3. 将ISO9000质量管理体系标准引入教育领域不仅为我国学校管理注入了新的活力,而且也顺应了现代管理理论的发展趋势。

    Also ISO9000 Quality Management System Standards applied in the field of the school educational management is determined by the characters of schools organization .

  4. 组织文化是一种新的现代管理理论。

    Organizational culture is a new kind of modern management theories .

  5. 现代管理理论认为,风险是未来结果的不确定性。

    Risk is uncertainty of future result in modern management theory .

  6. 试论现代管理理论中的二元对立问题

    On the Problem of the Duality in the Modern Management Theories

  7. 整体思维在现代管理理论中的凸显及其知识论定位

    Totality-Thinking in the Contemporary Management Theory : Its Protruding and Epistemology Orientation

  8. 应激管理是现代管理理论中一个新的科学方法。

    Stress management is a new scientific method of modern management theory .

  9. 现代管理理论在县级妇幼保健机构中的应用

    Application of modern managerial theories in county-level maternal and child health organizations

  10. 在现代管理理论中,战略被严重的误解。

    Strategy is largely misunderstood in modern academic management .

  11. 现代管理理论与资源人管理模式

    Modern Management Theory and the Resource-man Management Mode

  12. 现代管理理论在香港医院供应室管理中的应用

    Application of Modern Management Theory in Supplies Room Management of Hospital in Hong Kong

  13. 这种情况下,现代管理理论的弊端凸现无疑。

    In this case , the problems of the modern management theory emerge undoubtedly .

  14. 在高校人事工作中,现代管理理论是不可或缺的理论基础。

    Modern management theories are the indispensable basis for the personnel management in colleges .

  15. 知识经济推动下的现代管理理论探析

    Modern management theories propelled by knowledge economy

  16. 管理理论的发展规律及现代管理理论的发展趋势

    The Developing Law on the Theory of Management and the Developing Tendency of Modern Management

  17. 现代管理理论认为企业的竞争最终必然体现在人才领域的竞争。

    Modern management theory that ultimately must reflect the competitive field in the talent competition .

  18. 标准化与现代管理理论&封闭原理

    Standardization and modern times management theory-closed principle

  19. 老子管理思想的精髓对于现代管理理论的发展具有重要的启示意义。

    The essence of Laozi 's management thoughts provide importantly enlightening value for modern manager .

  20. 现代管理理论与图书馆管理

    Modern Management Theory and Library Management

  21. 现代管理理论的发展趋势

    On The Development Tendency MOdern Management

  22. 因此,在项目管理实践中,传统手段与现代管理理论的结合是非常必要的。

    Therefore , it is very necessary to combine traditional methods with modern management theories in reality .

  23. 后现代管理理论辩析

    On Postmodern Management Theory

  24. 引入现代管理理论与方法,重视企业的全方位创新。

    Introduce modern management theories and methods and put emphasis on blazing all-round new trails of the enterprises .

  25. 运用现代管理理论对东华公司组织马力状况进行分析。

    This dissertation analyses the status of organizational horsepower of Donghua by utilizing the theoty of modern management .

  26. 最后,新中国灾害管理思想来源于对西方现代管理理论的应用。

    Finally , the disaster management ideas of the PRC are from the application of western modern management theory .

  27. 企业家薪酬研究是现代管理理论界和实务界研究的热点课题之一。

    Study on entrepreneur 's compensation is one of the hotspots in modem management theoretic circle and practical circle .

  28. 市场营销学是一门建立在经济科学,行为科学和现代管理理论基础之上的应用学科。

    Marketing is a application discipline which is on the basic of economic , behavior and modern management theory .

  29. 内部营销是现代管理理论的深化和发展,将内部营销理论引入图书馆内部,有效地利用其理论是图书馆成功管理的关键。

    The paper thinks that using inner marketing strategy is the key to achieve the success of library management .

  30. 在当前知识经济背景下,现代管理理论已向人本管理纵深方向发展,企业员工满意度研究也成为业界和理论界研究的焦点问题。

    Under the knowledge-based economy background , modern management theory has moved towards the study of human based management .