
  • 网络cash investment
  1. 短时间巨额的设备及线路投资对企业的现金流压力非常大,作为一家国有上市企业,受到诸多体制上的限制,企业的现金投资能力无法与项目投资要求相匹配。

    The heavy investments of the equipments and lines in short time give huge pressure on the cash flow of enterprise . As a state-owned listed company , limited by many institutional , the cash investment ability of the enterprise cannot match the project investment .

  2. 这个项目急需追加现金投资。

    The project badly needs a transfusion of cash .

  3. 另外,非现金投资和筹资活动被披露在附表中。

    In addition , noncash investing and financing activities are reported in an accompanying schedule .

  4. 他们将现金投资在他们认为最能带来效益的想法上。

    They are investing their cash in ideas that they think will make them large amounts more .

  5. 对于投资者而言,低利率长期存在有可能促使现金投资升温。

    For investors , the prolonged period of flat rates is likely to boost cash 's allure .

  6. 因此,这种业务以及其他类似的非现金投资和筹资业务应当在现金流量表上作单独的披露。

    So , this transaction and other similar noncash investing and financing transactions should be shown in a separate schedule accompanying the statement of cash flows .

  7. 私人银行正争相涌入一个令人惊讶的新市场,向亟需现金投资于其所在基金的知名私人股本行业高管提供贷款。

    Private banks are rushing into a surprising new market for lending to high-flying private equity executives who are strapped for cash to invest in their own funds .

  8. 大部分资金是从货币市场基金撤出的,麦凯表示,国内投资者似乎正把现金投资于股票,但不是通过基金,而是直接买进。

    The bulk of withdrawals were from money market funds and MS Mackay said domestic investors appeared to be using their cash to invest in equities , but buying directly rather than through funds .

  9. 最后,本文结合我国现有金融体制,以案例的形式讨论了以现金投资收益最大化为目标的现金管理,对现金流预测、现金归集和现金投资管理等方面内容进行了讨论。

    Finally , linking with the finance system of China , the author introduces a live case to discuss the investment-income-maximum orientation cash management , which consists of cash stream forecast , cash collection and investing idle cash .

  10. 正如上世纪70年代的工会领袖们未能看到不祥之兆一样,如果全球企业领导人不在居住国拿出现金投资,他们就可能遭遇同样的命运。

    Just as the trade-union barons of the 70s failed to see the writing on the wall , so the global captains of industry may suffer a similar fate unless they put their cash to work in the countries in which they are domiciled .

  11. 因特网搜索引擎公司google(谷歌)日前宣称将拿出超过2500万美金以现金和投资的形式来帮助穷人。

    The Internet search engine company called Google has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor .

  12. 根据香港瑞穗证券亚洲(MizuhoSecuritiesAsia)首席经济学家沈建光的说法,由于到去年10月下旬银行间市场利率一直保持在低位,各银行发行存款单,然后将现金收入投资于债市,实现利润丰厚的套利。

    As a consequence of interest rates being kept low in the interbank market until late October , banks issued certificates of deposit and then put the proceeds in the bond market in a lucrative arbitrage , according to Jianguang Shen , chief Asia economist at Mizuho Asia Securities in Hong Kong .

  13. 上述引起争议的表格对现金和投资的分类依据是原始数据。

    The table in question categorizes cash and investments by category of input .

  14. 剩余部分苹果可能永远都不会转回来:美国企业经常会把在境外的现金再次投资,用于企业增长或收购。

    It may never send back the rest : US companies often reinvest overseas cash in growth or acquisitions .

  15. 单项资产评估:适用于以固定资产、存货等非现金资产投资、交易、置换、清算和抵押等目的的评估。

    Individual asset appraisal : this appraisal may in particular apply to fixed asset investment , barter , liquidation and mortgage loan purpose .

  16. 虽然谷歌也许只是将现金进行投资以获取一些回报,但它也可能会参与交易收购资产。

    While Google may invest cash to get a return on the investment , it may also take part in a deal to acquire an asset .

  17. 前者意味着短期本币债券或现金是投资首选,后者则会导致通胀抬头,并有益于新兴市场的股票。

    The former means short-term local currency bonds or cash are the best bet , while the latter should lead to rising inflation and benefit emerging equities .

  18. 分析师们表示,中投去年实现了约100亿美元的利润,这主要是因为它投资不多,而以现金类投资工具持有大部分资产。

    Analysts say CIC made a profit of about $ 10bn last year , mostly by doing little and holding the bulk of its assets in cash-equivalent instruments .

  19. 许多主权财富基金的主要收益就来自包括原油在内的原材料,而目前,它们正寻求将这些现金再投资到大宗商品市场中去。

    Many SWFs draw their income mainly from raw materials , such as crude oil , and they are now seeking to reinvest this cash back into the commodities market .

  20. 如果通过现金再投资能够创造更多价值,它们就应该这么做,即便这一行为可能在短期内造成股价下跌。

    If they can create more value by reinvesting the cash , they should do so , even if the action risks a fall in the share price in the short term .

  21. 鉴于美国企业的金库里积压着近2万亿美元现金没有投资,奥巴马必须采取更多有力措施来提振企业信心、缓解企业的担忧,特别是在税收和监管不确定性方面。

    With almost $ 2tn mouldering uninvested in US corporate treasuries , it is imperative that he take more vigorous steps to lift business confidence and address concerns , particularly about tax and regulatory uncertainty .

  22. 通常表现为经营者为了获得更多的私人利益将企业的现金流投资于净现值为负的项目,造成了企业过度投资的问题。

    Usually presents the operators of private interests in order to get more cash flow to invest in companies with negative net present value of the project , resulting in the problem of excessive investment .

  23. 这些期货合约的杠杆程度非常高,因此,这些基金拥有大量多余现金可以投资于债券,利用债券的收入支付期货合约费用、管理费用以及派发红利。

    These futures contracts are highly leveraged , so the funds have plenty of spare cash to invest in bonds , using the bond income to pay for the futures contract , the management fee and any dividends .

  24. 在历史性的严峻时期,上述账面浮亏仅略多于保费(此处不计现金的投资收益),而且,在接下来11年内不会发生实际现金损失。

    The mark-to-market loss is only just above the premium paid ( without counting the investment income on the cash ) at a time of historic stress and no actual cash loss can occur for another 11 years .

  25. 苹果高管表示,他们限制了股东派息的规模,是因为如果要动用在美国境外所持有的650亿美元现金和投资,将面临一项额外的美国税负。

    Apple executives indicated that they had limited the scale of the shareholder payout because the company would have faced an extra US tax liability if it had dug into the $ 65bn of cash and investments held outside the country .

  26. 所谓过度投资,是指企业将持有的自由现金流投资于净现值为负的项目上,导致投资偏离自身的成长机会,最终造成企业价值损失。

    The so-called over-investment is that enterprises will be held free cash flow investment in the net present value for the negative items , making the investment to deviate from its own growth opportunities , resulting in the loss of enterprise value .

  27. 大量学者的研究表明管理者出于自利动机很可能将企业自由现金流投资于项目净现值小于零的项目,从而引发过度投资问题,损害股东的利益。

    A large number of researchers show that managers are likely to invest in the bad projects with the FCF , which net present value ( NPV ) below zero , just for their own interest . That is over-investment . Such behavior has damaged the interests of shareholders seriously .

  28. 然而,根据现金基准经营投资组合的行为,不会排除市场beta在组合中的重要性。

    Running portfolios against a cash benchmark does not , however , exclude the significance of market beta in portfolios .

  29. 多少次回想我们都恨不得踢自己一脚:为什么不在20来岁就开始401K(小编注:美国的一种养老金制度)计划,为什么没有将多余的现金用于长期投资,为什么没有早早的为我们未来投资。

    How many times have we kicked ourselves for not starting our 401Ks , in our twenties , for not putting our excess cash in long term investments , for not investing in our future early .

  30. 有随机现金流时投资优化问题的显式解

    Explicit solutions to an optimal portfolio problem with a stochastic cash flow