
  • 网络Preferred capital;senior capital;Preferred Equity
  1. 教育发展优先人力资本先行

    Priority of Educational Development and Human Resources

  2. 传统体制中的老工业基地,是国家在资本相对稀缺、劳动力相对丰富的要素禀赋结构下,优先发展资本密集的重工业而形成的。

    Old industrial bases in traditional institutions are formed by preferentially developing capital-intensive heavy industries in the context of capital scarcity and labor abundance .

  3. 因此,在其他因素一定的情况下,企业筹资应优先考虑债权资本。

    Therefore , business enterprise should give debt financing a prior role under the certain circumstance that other factors are certain .

  4. 人力资本目标:我们强调人力资本不断增值的目标优先于财务资本增值的目标。

    Manpower capital aim : We emphasize that the aim of continuous increment of manpower capital should precede that of the financial capital .

  5. 第三,应该优先对银行进行资本重组。

    Third , recapitalising the banks should be the priority .

  6. 日本银行业同样有许多优先股存在于资本基础里。

    In Japan , too , banks have lots of preferred shares in their capital bases .

  7. 另外一方享有以处置通知中载明的相同条款和条件(包括购买价款)优先购买上述注册资本权益的权利。

    The Other Party shall have a preemptive right to purchase such interest in registered capital on the same terms and conditions , including the purchase price , set forth in the Disposal Notice .

  8. 他们估计,所谓的一级资本比率将从目前的9.6%下降到8.9%。一级资本比率是衡量财务健康状况的一项关键指标,它剔除了优先股等混合资本。

    They estimate the so-called equity tier one capital ratio , a key measure of balance sheet strength which excludes hybrid capital such as preference shares , would be cut by 0.7 percentage points from the current 9.6 per cent .

  9. 通过对人才资本的属性认识,表明人才资本在新经济时代的价值,说明社会发展需要重视人才资本,更需要优先重视高校人才资本的建立。

    Through the knowledge of property for talent capital , the value of talent capital in knowledge economic times is shown revealing that society development necessitates the attention to talent capital , more attention to the priority of the establishment of college talent capital .