
  • Uniqlo;Fast Retailing
  1. Gap面临来自H&M和优衣库等快时尚商家的激烈竞争,同时,基本款服装日益普遍。

    Gap has been facing stiff competition from fast fashion stores like HM and Uniqlo , and basic clothing has become more of a commodity .

  2. 中国什么时候才能有CHANEL、LV、ZARA、优衣库这样无形价值巨大的品牌?

    When will China have great brands such as CHANEL , LV , ZARA , UNIQLO ?

  3. YukimiOda女士预测,优衣库服饰在亚洲区扩大规模将会促进盈利。

    Ms Oda reckons more scale in Asia will bolster margins .

  4. 然后,玛丽亚·莎拉波娃(MariaSharapova)穿了一件桃红色耐克吊带连衣裙,后背是透明网眼;锦织圭穿的是优衣库橘色运动装;

    Then there was Maria Sharapova 's peach-melba Nike halter dress with sheer mesh insert in back ;

  5. 优衣库(Uniqlo)服装连锁店的运营商迅销(FastRetailing)正酝酿推出四小时工作日,迎合那些想要更好平衡工作与生活的员工。

    Fast Retailing , operator of the Uniqlo clothing chain , is looking to introduce a four-hour day for employees who want a better work-life balance .

  6. 在供应链提速方面,Gap落在了姐妹品牌之后,这使其无法迅速对大热或受冷的时尚潮流做出反应,也无法迅速应对H&M和优衣库的动作。

    Gap was slower than its sister brands to speed up its supply chain , handcuffing it when it comes to responding to fashion hits or misses and reacting to what H & M and Uniqlo do .

  7. 大城市中的7-11和优衣库(uniqlo)等零售商也重新开业。

    Retailers in major cities , such as 7-11 and UNIQLO , also reopened stores .

  8. 在全球,优衣库(UNIQLO)是零售型企业的耀眼之星,排名第5;

    UNIQLO is one of the retail rock stars in global businesses , ranking no.5 ;

  9. 他认为优衣库最终会不得不模仿Zara服饰的快速时尚营销技巧。

    He believes it will eventually have to emulate some of the fast-fashion expertise of Zara .

  10. 在北京银座购物中心内的优衣库(Uniqlo)门店,姚欣说出了这样的誓言。银座购物中心以日本产品为主题,而零售商优衣库为日本迅销公司(FastRetailingCo.)所有。

    Ms. Yao made her vow while standing in a Uniqlo store , a retailer owned by Japan 's Fast Retailing Co. , in Beijing 's Japanese-themed Ginza shopping mall .

  11. 年轻消费者既想要时尚,又希望被人接受,因此选择匡威(Converse)和优衣库(Uniqlo)等比较传统的时尚服装品牌。

    Young consumers want both stylishness and acceptance , so they opt for more conventionally hip fashion brands like Converse and Uniqlo .

  12. 日本品牌优衣库(uniqlo)于2002年在中国开设了第一家店铺,现在拥有50多家分店。

    Japanese brand UNIQLO opened its first Chinese store in 2002 and now has over 50 branches .

  13. 然而随后在中国又出现了像ZARA、HandM和优衣库(Uniqlo)这类品牌,在财务前线上向美特斯邦威发起挑战。

    But then along came the likes of Zara , H and M and Uniqlo in China , which are challenging Metersbonwe on the financial front .

  14. 自打那次“出师不利”后,优衣库在纽约第五大道(FifthAvenue)等黄金地段开设了国际旗舰店,并开始大肆宣传品牌,随后的“攻城略地”就变得一帆风顺。

    Since that false start , the going has been somewhat easier as Uniqlo has sought to glamorise its brand by opening flagship international stores in prime locations such as New York 's Fifth Avenue .

  15. 旗下拥有优衣库(uniqlo)品牌的迅销(fastretailing)关闭在北京的经营网点,另一家日资企业旗下的数十家7-11便利店也关门停业。

    Fast Retailing , owner of the UNIQLO brand , shut outlets in Beijing , while dozens of 7-ELEVEN convenience stores , which belong to another Japanese company , were also closed .

  16. 出售中档价位运动装的优衣库(Uniqlo)称,它在自家精纺的美利奴羊毛毛衣上就用了一种去毛球法。

    Uniqlo , which sells moderately priced sportswear , says it uses a pill-reducing treatment on its worsted merino-wool sweaters .

  17. 服装零售商优衣库(Uniqlo)的创始人柳井正放言,他的人生目标就是击败Zara。

    Tadashi Yanai , founder of clothing retailer UNIQLO , has made it his stated goal in life to beat Zara .

  18. Gap将与一些已在中国站稳脚跟的国际竞争对手竞争,包括日本的优衣库(Uniqlo)、西班牙的Zara和瑞典的H&M。

    Gap will be competing with a range of international rivals already established in China , including Japan 's Uniqlo , Spain 's Zara and Sweden 's H & M.

  19. 尽管倒塌的拉纳大厦(RanaPlaza)中,并没有生产优衣库服装的厂家,但不管怎么说,迅销公司事后有所行动&加入欧洲人改善工厂生产环境的倡议。

    Although Uniqlo clothes were not being made in the collapsed Rana Plaza building , Fast Retailing has subsequently responded anyway by joining a European-led initiative to improve factory conditions .

  20. FastRetailing因旗下的平价品牌优衣库(Uniqlo)而闻名。该公司上个月公布,截至8月份的上一财年利润增长14%,并预计当前财年有望增长25%,至7.13亿美元。

    Fast Retailing , best known for its low-cost brand Uniqlo , last month posted a14 % rise in profit in the year through August and expects a25 % increase this year to $ 713 million .

  21. 排行第四的表演可就没怎么获得批准:一对情侣在优衣库(Uniqlo)试衣间自拍影片。

    A rather less sanctioned display , of a couple who filmed themselves in a Uniqlo fitting room , was fourth on the list .

  22. 东丽还与服装品牌优衣库(uniqlo)建立了开创性关系,两家公司称这一关系是一种“实质上的整合”。

    Toray has also struck a pioneering relationship with UNIQLO , the fashion brand , which the companies describe as " a virtual integration " .

  23. 最近有消息称,日本服装生产商优衣库(Uniqlo)提高了价格,部分原因就是中国薪资上涨,这使上述数据更具可信度。

    Recent news from Japanese clothing manufacturer Uniqlo that it is raising prices in part because of wage rises in China lend credence to the data .

  24. 阿迪达斯(Adidas)选择了在淘宝开设店面,而日本服饰零售商优衣库(Uniqlo)去年在中国推出了自己的网上商店,其竞争对手Gap将于下月跟进。

    While Adidas opted for a shopfront on Taobao , Uniqlo , the Japanese clothing retailer , launched its own Chinese online store last year , and its rival Gap is set to follow next month .

  25. 但来自日本的一家市场调查公司JapanConsuming的RoyLarke指出,优衣库作为其“日本酷国”的形象给亚洲其他国家的影响不会永远持续。

    But Roy Larke of JapanConsuming , a market-research firm , says the " Japan-is-cool " image Uniqlo brings to the rest of Asia will not last forever .

  26. 有个俚语叫unibare,意为被警方抓住的坏人都穿着优衣库服装。

    There is a slang term , unibare , meaning to be caught wearing Uniqlo clothes .

  27. 她预期明年优衣库在中国的零售店数量将超过Zara和H&M的零售店,一如其在韩国已落实的情况。

    Next year she expects Uniqlo 's number of stores in China to surge ahead of Zara 's and H & M 's , as they have done already in South Korea .

  28. 日资企业,包括服装零售商优衣库、7-Eleven连锁便利店和相机制造商佳能出于安全担忧都临时锁了店。

    Japanese-invested businesses , including garment retailer Uniqlo , 7-Eleven convenience store chains and camera maker Canon had temporarily padlocked shops amid safety fears .

  29. 选择很多——不管它是Topshop,优衣库还是Cos。

    The choice is huge - whether that 's Topshop , Uniqlo or Cos . It 's not one stop that gives you everything you want , more that everybody offers something very different .

  30. 他旗下的控股公司迅销(FastRetailing)专心致志在全球市场开疆拓土,抑或说至少一心一意赶超自己的三大强劲竞争对手——拥有Zara的Inditex、H&M以及Gap。优衣库是迅销旗下最知名品牌。

    His holding company , Fast Retailing , of which Uniqlo is the most prominent brand , is bent on world domination , or at least on overtaking its three larger competitors , Inditex ( which owns Zara ) , H & M and Gap .