
  • 网络quality management
  1. TQM的五大支柱&李锦记集团的全面优质管理

    Total quality management of Lee Kum Kee Group

  2. 其中,员工职业发展的优质管理,不仅是促进中年知识型员工能力最大发挥的措施,而且是企业可持续发展的通道。

    In particular , the quality management to the career development of the staffs is taken as not only the most effective measure to stimulate the capabilities of these people , but also the main means for the sustainable development for the enterprises .

  3. 公司利润增长、股息分配以及优质管理的声誉悠久的公司。

    A distribution of earnings paid to investors by a company or fund .

  4. 推行顾客服务及优质管理计划。

    Implement customer service and quality programmes .

  5. 物美以优质管理而出名,其利润率在中国本地连锁超市中位居首位。

    Wumart has established a reputation for good management and has the highest margins among the local supermarket chains in China .

  6. 此外,国际品质保证标准(国际标准化组织9002)的优质管理系统已顺利推行。

    A quality management system with reference to the International Standard for Quality Assurance ( ISO 9002 ) was successfully implemented .

  7. 猕猴桃优质高效管理专家系统的研制与应用

    The development and application of high-quality and efficient management expert system of Kiwifruit

  8. 双向可控多媒体语言实验系统的技术实现及应用构建优质高效管理模式展现民办幼儿园风采广州市黄埔华联外语实验幼儿园

    The realization and application of the multi-media language experimental system with two-way control

  9. 构建优质高效管理模式展现民办幼儿园风采广州市黄埔华联外语实验幼儿园我国民办幼儿教育发展的若干问题研究

    A Research on Some Issues of Development of Nongovernmental Preschool Education in China

  10. 寒地苹果丰产优质栽培管理专家系统的研究

    Cultivation management expert system for high yield and high quality of apple in cold area

  11. 棉纤维品质形成的准确模拟对构建棉花生长模拟系统及优质高产管理决策具有重要意义。

    Accurate prediction of fiber quality formation is highly important for successful cotton growth simulation and management decision .

  12. 本厂拥有一批优质的管理人才,先进的生产设施以及熟练而完善的生产技术。

    We have a team of excellent management workforce , advanced production facilities and proficient and perfect production technology .

  13. 管理者自身的水平有待于提高,并且引进和培养优质的管理人才。

    The management personnel should improve their own level , and in the same time bring in and cultivate high-quality management talents .

  14. 结合上海莘庄立交桥工程项目建设,简述创建优质工程管理方法,着重介绍在施工过程中的施工技术措施。

    In connection with the construction of Xinzhuang Interchange Project in Shanghai , quality management is introduced , with specific techniques adopted during construction .

  15. 通过修剪和整形,我们得以建成一个高产优质便于管理的理想树形。

    We prune and train to achieve and maintain a form of tree which is desirable for easy maintenance , high yields and good fruit quality .

  16. 因此,企业通过构建优质的管理者社会网络,建立起其获取资源的捷径,并通过资源整合实现企业的技术创新已经刻不容缓。

    Therefore , the construction of high-quality managers ' social networks and the shortcuts to achieve resources and realizing technological innovation through resource integration has become essential .

  17. 每栋留学生公寓配备专职生活指导员,每天进行卫生检查和评比,为学生提供优质的管理服务。

    Each student apartment is provided with a full-time life instructor who will organize the health checkup and appraisal and provide the excellent management service to the students .

  18. 最后,本文从农业银行山东省分行、烟台市分行、烟台开发区支行三个层次展示了个人优质客户管理系统的实际应用效果,并阐述了与之相关的配套措施。

    Lastly , the thesis analyzed the application effect of hign-grade Customer relationship management system froms Shandong province branch , Yantai city branch and Yantai developing area branch of Agriculture bank .

  19. 第三,本文提出了农业银行个人优质客户管理系统的各个组成模块和运行框架,并对各个模块的设计与实施进行了具体分析,详细论述了查询与统计模块的各个功能的实现情况。

    This thesis put forward the all constitute modules and running principle , analyzed concretely design and programming of every module , and especially explained the realization of inquire and statistics module .

  20. 而保证过程工作质量和产品质量的关键在于优质质量管理和控制方针的正确、有效及切实落实和施行。

    Moreover , to ensure good work quality of process and product quality , the key lies in to effectively and rightly put the project of optimization quality control and management into effect .

  21. 行政公文的是促使国家行政机关良性运转和优质科学管理的关键,堪称治理国家、管理政务的重要文字型工具。

    Administrative documents of the national executive is to promote healthy functioning and quality of scientific management is the key , called the ruling the country , an important text-based management tool for government .

  22. 网络性能分析是网络规划的重要工具,它对提高网络服务质量和改善网络运行效率,为网络提供优质的管理方面都起到了比较重要的作用。

    Network performance analysis is an important tool in the Network Planning . It plays an important role in enhancing the quality of the internet , improving network efficiency and providing Outstanding Quality management for internet .

  23. 制定了丹参饮片质量评价标准,为管理部门对中药饮片丹参的生产监督和管理提供了有力的手段,保证了丹参饮片的优质优价管理,为临床合理用药提供科学参考依据。

    To establish quality evaluation criteria providing a powerful means of production supervision and management for administrative department , ensuring high quality good price management , providing the scientific reference basis for clinical rational drug use .

  24. 对动物的毛或灌木整形修剪或打扮使其形状有装饰效果。通过修剪和整形,我们得以建成一个高产优质便于管理的理想树形。

    A garden having shrubs clipped or trimmed into decorative shapes especially of animals . We prune and train to achieve and maintain a form of tree which is desirable for easy maintenance , high yields and good fruit quality .

  25. 全方位、多层次、全过程优质服务和管理

    Good Service and Management at All Positions and Levels and in All Processes

  26. 创建优质工程的管理及施工技术措施

    Quality Project Management Establishment and Construction Tech

  27. 安徽省皖南地区优质烟叶栽培管理专家系统的研究

    Research on Multi-media Expert System of High Quality Tobacco Cultivation and Management in the Southern Anhui

  28. 为了嘉许优质的大厦管理维修,我们会探讨自愿楼宇评级制的可行性。

    To give positive recognition to good management and maintenance , we will explore the possibility of devising a voluntary building classification scheme .

  29. 五是优质:优化管理体制,优化资源质量,优化运行水平。进而促进学习型社会的建立,促进小康目标和现代化目标的实现。

    High quality : optimize management system , operating level and resources ' quality , which will further promote the establishment of studying-type society and realize goal of a well-off society and modernization .

  30. 笔者通过连续三年(2002-2005年)对该地银耳生产的调查和研究,总结出袋栽银耳高产优质的栽培管理技术。

    Based on investigating and studying Tremella fuciformis production of the area in 3 years ( 2002-2005 ) continuously , high yield and good quality cultivation techniques of utilizing substrate to cultivate Tremella fuciformis are summarized .