
  • 网络quality function
  1. 一种质量职能配置(QFD)的定量评价方法

    A Quantitative Appraise Method of Quality Function Deployment

  2. 提出了一种对质量职能配置(QFD)的定量评价方法。首先由QFD的四个关系矩阵从前向后递推来定义用户要求的满足度。

    A quantitative appraise method of QFD ( quality function deployment ) is proposed in this paper .

  3. 介绍了QFD(质量职能扩展)的发展历史及其具体的操作过程。

    The history and operation process of QFD are introduced .

  4. 文中阐述了CAQ系统的基本思想及其综合集成功能结构,分析了制造过程的主要质量职能。

    The main ideas and integrated functional architecture of CAQ system , and the main responsibilities of quality for manufacturing process are discussed .

  5. 质量职能展开在选煤产品设计中的应用

    Quality . Research on Application of QFD in Preparation Product Exploitation

  6. 论质量职能设计的经济绩效原则

    Study on the Principle of Performance in Designing Quality Function

  7. 基于质量职能配置的产品规划模型

    Product-Programming Model Based on Quality Function Deployment

  8. 本文对大化肥厂的质量职能分配提供了一个参考模式。

    A reference model of quality management is provided for large scale chemical fertilizer plant in this paper .

  9. 它贯穿于企业各项质量职能活动之中,是企业各部门之间、企业与外部供应厂商和用户之间质量信息联系的重要组成部分。

    It impenetrate in quality movement of industry , and it is importance part between department of industry , industry and consumer .

  10. 实施接口管理较为可行的方法是通过实施企业流程再造以减少接口,而对剩下来的必要接口则需通过分配和落实质量职能的形式予以有效克服。

    A feasible executing interface management method is to rebuild enterprise workflows in order to reduce interfaces and to assign and confirm quality functions in order to effectively manage other necessary interfaces .

  11. 质量职能展开(qualityfunctiondeployment-qfd)是目前最先进的全面质量管理体系,它正受到日、美、英等国企业界的日益重视。

    Quality function deployment is often referred to as the most advanced form of total quality control , which is increasingly attracting the attention of enterprises in japan , USA and uk .

  12. 结合汽轮机生产的特点,合理地进行开发设计的阶段划分,并明确其质量职能;

    In association with the distinctive features of steam turbine manufacture , the different stages of development and design are reasonably partitioned , each alloted with it 's specific function concerning quality warranty .

  13. 影响水利工程质量监督职能发挥的主要原因及对策

    Main reasons affect quality monitoring function of water projects and measures

  14. 我们的使命是使客户保持领先的竞争不断升级和产品质量管理职能。

    Our mission is to enable customers to stay ahead of escalating competition and product quality management functions .

  15. 武警基层干部是武警部队干部队伍的基础力量,是部队战斗力生成的重要源泉,其安心稳定程度,直接影响着部队建设质量和职能任务的完成。

    Grass-roots cadres that is an important source of generating combat effectiveness , is the base strength of armed cadres , their stability of mind directly affects the quality and functions of the military construction tasks .

  16. 关于所有质量相关的职能,都有一个非常彻底的流程。

    Extremely thorough procedures are available for all quality related functions .

  17. 综合性医院质量管理科职能的探索与实践

    Functions of Department of Quality Management in General Hospitals

  18. 毕竟,企业已尝试过其它各种方法来提升生产率:培训、质量、跨职能团队、重新规划。

    After all , businesses have tried just about everything else to boost productivity : training , quality , cross-functional teams , re-engineering .

  19. 在改善腰椎间盘突出所致坐骨神经痛的腰痛、生活质量的生理职能方面,电针联合牵引治疗可能疗效更好。

    Electro-acupuncture with traction therapy is likely to achieve a better curative effect in easing sciatica waist pain caused by lumbar disc herniation and RP of life quality .

  20. 进行新闻策划、参与媒体联动、适当组织社会活动是媒体提高产品质量、履行社会职能的良方;

    Undertaking news planning , taking part in the joint activities of different media and organizing proper social activities are good ways to improve product quality and perform their social functions .

  21. 它有利于提高办案质量,促进公诉职能的实现,并有利于纠正侦查活动中的违法行为,落实检察机关的法律监督职能。

    It could benefit in most areas on develop quality of investigation , realize the function of public prosecution , and correct the illegal activities during investigation , fulfill the supervision function of Procuratorial authority .

  22. 改革政府质量监督机构的职能,改进质量监督的内容和程序,建立合理的质量监督制度,以质量求生存,企业才能在竞争中立于不败之地。

    If the construction enterprise can reform the function of quality supervision agency , and improve the content and procedure , it can construct rationalize system , and keep its invincible position and defeat its rivals in competition .

  23. 检察引导侦查应当在现行法律框架内进行,其最终目的是为了提高侦查机关的办案质量,为控诉职能的实现提供强有力的支持,同时也是为了加强检察机关对侦查活动的法律监督。

    Procuratorial organizations should carry out guiding work within the existing law framework in order to improve the quality of handling cases , give strong backing to accusations against defendants and enhance legal supervision aimed at criminal investigation .

  24. 质量成本管理是企业动员与质量职能有关的部门和职工对质量成本进行的预测、计划、核算、分析、控制和考核等环节所进行的一系列的组织和活动。

    The quality cost management is the series activities of organization of employees and departments concerned to predict , plan , account , analyse , control and examine the quality cost .

  25. 鉴于高校中的每个部门都对人才的培养承担一定的质量责任,高校应明确各部门的质量职能,加强质量管理,以进一步提高高校的办学水平。

    Every department undertakes some quality responsibility on cultivating personnel . So colleges and universities must explicit their quality function , enhance quality management in order to improve their education and management quality .

  26. 国家煤炭质量监督检验中心(西安)拥有国家煤炭质量监管职能和任务,煤炭质量管理的水平和手段的提高是其适应社会发展和改革的关键。

    National supervision and test center of coal quality ( Xi ' an ) has the functions and tasks of national coal quality regulatory , the improvement of standards and means of coal quality management is essential to adapt to social development and reform .

  27. 顾客感知的服务质量包括两个方面,即产出的技术质量和过程的职能质量;

    Customer perceived service quality includes two aspects , namely , the technical quality of the output and the functional quality of the process .

  28. 最后对传统质量成本管理与作业质量成本管理从质量观、质量成本曲线、质量成本各职能实施方法等方面进行比较。

    Lastly compares the tradition and the Activity-Based way from Quality Concept , Quality Cost Curve and so on .

  29. 公路工程的质量监督检查和质量鉴定检查是质量监督工作的主要形式,是履行质量监督职能的重要手段和关键环节。

    In order to improve the supervision inspection , the different connotation , character and methods of processing data in highway engineering quality inspection must be understood and mastered .

  30. 从提高物流企业服务质量来源的角度出发,分析了物流服务设计、物流服务供给和物流服务关系,以及物流的技术质量和职能质量。

    Viewing form the improving of the logistics services quality sources , it analyzes the logistics services design , logistics services supply and logistics services relationships , as well as the logistics of the technical quality and functional quality .