
  • 网络quality responsibility system
  1. 保证建筑工程质量,必须建立完善的建筑工程质量体系,构筑以质量责任制为核心,由直接责任主体共同组成的质量保证体系。

    In order to guarantee the quality of construction project , a complete quality system of construction project has to be set up . The complete quality system of construction project is based on the core of quality responsibility system , and is made up of direct responsibility main body .

  2. 岗位质量责任制是产品质量的保证

    System Of Personal Quality Responsibility Is The Guarantee To Product Quality

  3. 内审结果均应纳入部门质量责任制考核。

    The audit results shall be incorporated into the departments of quality responsibility .

  4. 讲述了如何落实岗位质量责任制及其对完善质量保证体系,提高产品质量的重要作用。

    The paper discussed that how to implement system of personal quality responsibility and its important effect to perfect quality assurance system and improve product quality .

  5. 该文试图以有限的文献资料,对宋代营造中的质量责任制、进度控制和工料关防等工程管理制度进行探讨。

    Through the study on some ancient literature , the system of engineering management including quality , schedule , work and material in Song Dynasty is explored .

  6. 物业管理企业在明确物业管理范围的基础上,建立质量责任制,强化企业内部管理,促进物业管理服务标准化和规范化。

    Estate management enterprises set up the responsibility system of quality on the basis of defining range of management of the property , strengthen the management inside enterprises , promote the service standardization and standardization of estate management .

  7. 建立医疗质量责任追究制的实践

    The practice on establishing investigating system for responsibility for medical service quality

  8. 工程质量责任终身制的缺陷

    Disadvantages of Lifelong Liability of Construction Quality

  9. 因此,只有建立质量目标责任制,严格市场准入制度、严格控制工程材料的采购和使用,严格工序质量控制,提高企业人员素质,坚持科学合理的施工方法,才能保证建设工程的质量。

    To ensure construction quality , it is essential to establish a quality target responsibility system , to exercise strict control over market access system , purchase and use of engineering materials and process quality , to enhance staff 's qualities and to adhere to scientific and reasonable construction methods .

  10. 产品质量行政执法责任制探讨

    Study on the Responsibility System of Administrative Execution Law of Product Quality