
  • 网络POLICY;Quality policy
  1. ISO9000系列标准中的三个主要概念&质量方针、质量管理、质量体系

    Three Major Concepts in ISO9000 Standards & Quality Policy , Quality Management and Quality System

  2. 建立组织的质量方针和质量目标;

    Establishing the quality policy and quality objectives of the organization ;

  3. 通过实施捷可勃斯的质量方针和运用DBS工具,工厂成功地将生产过程中各个环节的质量缺陷及时发现并立即纠正,以防带入下一个环节,以质量控制过程的稳定性保证生产成品的可靠性。

    The reliability of final products were guaranteed by the stability of quality control process .

  4. 以技求新是本公司产品质量方针。

    To technology innovation is our company policy of product quality .

  5. 浅谈质量方针和质量目标在测绘行业中的制定

    Establishment of Quality Policies and Objectives for S / M Industry

  6. 为使质量方针持续有效,应定期审核质量方针。

    The quality policy should be reviewed periodically for continuing effectiveness .

  7. 公司的质量方针:设计创新,产品求新。

    The company 's quality policy : design innovation , product Innovation .

  8. 公司本著“精益求精,敬业乐业”的质量方针。

    The company of " excellence , dedication and enjoy " quality .

  9. 本厂的质量方针:让我厂生产的产品客户满意。

    Our quality policy is to let our products satisfy our customers .

  10. 质量方针:以质量树品牌。

    Principles of Quality : setting up brand by quality .

  11. 浅谈医疗器械企业质量方针目标管理

    Discussion on Objective Management of Quality Policy of the Medical Device Company

  12. 质量方针:信誉第一,质量至上。

    Quality policy : reputation is the first , quality is the priority .

  13. 公司质量方针:用心管理,精心制造,诚心服务。

    Company quality policy : Attentively manages , careful manufacture , sincere service .

  14. 医院质量方针的确立;

    Establishment of the quality policy of the hospital ;

  15. 贯彻执行质量方针,确保所辖部门按质量保证体系要求作好各项工作。

    Follow the Quality Policy and ensure his subordinated departments meeting QMS requirements .

  16. 质量方针为建立和评审质量目标提供了框架。

    The quality policy provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives .

  17. 公司的质量方针是:精细化、零缺陷。

    The company 's quality policy is : Fine , and zero defect .

  18. 通过适当的沟通搜集有效地传达质量方针的证据。

    Seeking evidence of effective dissemination of the quality policy by appropriate communication .

  19. 对质量方针和质量目标的理解和审核

    Understanding and Auditing for Quality Policy and Quality Objective

  20. 制定和实施与质量方针一致的质量体系程序。

    Develop and implement quality system procedures that are consistent with your quality policy .

  21. 企业质量方针的探讨

    ENTERPRISE Business Data The Quality Strategy of Enterprise

  22. 质量方针应当像其他经营方针一样定期进行评审。

    As with other business policies , the quality policy should be periodically reviewed .

  23. 最高管理者应制定质量方针。

    Top management shall establish the quality policy .

  24. 供应商是否有质量方针,是否已传达到所有人员?

    Does the supplier have a quality policy and is it communicated to all personnel ?

  25. 由总经理批准发布质量方针、质量目标和质量承诺。

    General Manager approve the issue of quality policy , quality objective and quality commitment .

  26. 邮政质量方针目标管理

    Policy and Goal Management of Posts Quality

  27. 质量方针:质量第一,严格工艺,精益求精,顾客满意。

    Quality policy : Quality first , refine on processing , strict request , Customer satisfaction .

  28. 建立质量方针和质量目标为组织提供了关注的焦点。

    Quality policy and quality objectives are established to provide a focus to direct the organization .

  29. 总经理负责制订企业的质量方针和批准质量目标。

    General Manager is responsible for the preparing of Quality Policy and approval of quality objective .

  30. 质量方针&质量管理的方向

    Quality Policy-the Way to Quality Control