
  • 网络Service;quality service;Good service;premium service;Excellent service
  1. 这家旅馆提供高标准的舒适享受和优质服务。

    The hotel offers a high standard of comfort and service .

  2. 我们最关心的是为顾客提供优质服务。

    Our main concern is to provide quality customer service .

  3. 您也许会认为这样毫无用处,可是对于我们的客户而言,它却是优质服务的重要体现。

    You may consider it useless , but for our customers it 's an all-important sign of good service .

  4. 正如我们一直想在本书中努力表明的那样,提供优质服务的公司靠的不是运气。

    As we have tried to show throughout this book , companies that provide outstanding service don 't do it by luck .

  5. NET为数据访问技术,SqlServer2000为数据库,C为编程语言开发系统,利用角色权限控制,实现多级安全机制。网上报名系统是运用高新技术为考生提供更开放、更可靠、更安全的优质服务;

    NET data access technology , SQL server 2000 database , C # programming language for system developing .

  6. 企业通过实施CRM,一方面可以对客户信息进行完全的整合,在企业内部实现信息充分共享,从而能够保证为客户提供更为快捷与周到的优质服务,吸引和保持更多的客户;

    On one hand , enterprise can integrate the customer information through carrying out CRM , and provide the fast and high-quality services for the customers so as to attract and maintain more customers ;

  7. 作为中西部地区计划生育优质服务示范工程项目的子课题,为促进云南省牟定县计划生育优质服务项目的开展,本研究针对牟定县计划生育系统应用了调查反馈(SurveyFeedback)方法。

    As a part of the Pilot Project on Quality of Care in Family Planning in Mid-West China , this research intends to push forward the project initiated in Mouding County , Yunnan Province through application of Survey Feedback in the Mouding family planning system .

  8. 具体目标:1、了解现阶段北京市PAFPS现状与优质服务要求间的差距;

    The objectives of this paper are six-fold : ( 1 ) To examine the gap between needs related to PAFPS and situation of abortion service in Beijing ;

  9. 适应形势加强管理确保为部队提供优质服务

    Adapted Situation and Strengthened Management Guaranteed Best Quality to Serve Army

  10. 以群众需求引导优质服务方向

    People 's Demand Lead to the way of High Quality Service

  11. 现代先进的第三方物流业务应该是全方位、全过程的优质服务。

    Modern advanced 3PLS activity services should be comprehensive and quality .

  12. 其次,提供贴心、真诚的优质服务;

    Secondly , the enterprise should provide considerate and sinere service ;

  13. 提升护理服务文化创立优质服务品牌

    Promoting nursing service culture , establishing a better service brand

  14. 管理理念的转变是优质服务的关键

    Change of Management Concept is the key to Excellent Service

  15. 如何保证铁路客户服务中心的优质服务

    How to Ensure High Quality Service of Railway Call Center

  16. 设立浮动奖及优质服务奖以激发卫勤人员的工作热情。

    Found floating prize and good service prize to inspire their enthusiasm .

  17. 中西部地区开展计划生育优质服务之任务及建议

    Tasks and Suggestions of FP Quality Service in the Midwest of China

  18. 在提供优质服务这方面日本也是个很好的例子。

    Again Japan is an excellent example of what quality services means .

  19. 重视读者心理研究提供高效优质服务

    Stress on Readers'Psychological Research and Provide High-efficiency and High-quality Service

  20. 以疗养为中心开创优质服务

    Acting Recuperation as Center and Developing High Quality of Service

  21. 完善产品功能,提供优质服务等。

    And consummating products so as to provide excellent services .

  22. 图书馆要为电大开放教育提供优质服务

    Serving the Students at the Library in the Open Education

  23. 加强建设监理为工程管理提供优质服务

    Strengthening the Construction Supervision and Providing High-quality Service for the Engineering Management

  24. 开展优质服务提升护理品牌

    Offering high quality of service to promote nursing fame

  25. 减少急诊医疗纠纷实行全程无缝隙优质服务

    Carry Out Whole Process Knight Service to Reduce Medical Dispute in Emergency Treatment

  26. 优质服务与三级医院服务营销策略的关系

    The Relationship between Knight Service and the Third class Hospital Service Marketing Tactics

  27. 关于21世纪图书馆的优质服务与创新

    Quality Service and Innovation of Library in 21st Century

  28. 开展计划生育优质服务是实现两个转变的重要途径

    Offering FP Quality Service is the Important Way to Bring About Two Transitions

  29. 关于青海民族地区推行计划生育优质服务的几点思考

    Several thoughts on pursuing family planning 's good service in Qinghai ethnic areas

  30. 文明优质服务中实施护士长责任制探讨

    Implementation of the Responsibility System of Head Nurse in Civilized and Knight Service