
yōu huì ɡuān shuì
  • preferential tariff;preferential duty;favorable customs duty
  1. 根据汽车生产的国产化率给予优惠关税税率。

    Preferential tariff rates based on localization rate of automotive production .

  2. 经济特区适用的特殊优惠关税政策已经取消。

    The special preferential tariff policies applied to SEZs had been eliminated .

  3. 她表示,尽管由于不得不引进中国技术人员和进口配件,管理和物流成本很高,但抵消这些不利因素的是,这里的劳动力成本较低,而且非洲向美国和欧盟(EU)出口可以享受优惠关税。

    She said that while management and logistics costs were high because she had to bring in Chinese expertise and also components , this was countered by lower labour costs and preferential tariffs for African exports to the US and EU .

  4. 中国最大的鞋类出口商之一华坚(Huajian)计划在埃塞俄比亚投资数百万美元扩建工厂,这一迹象表明,中国制造商正考虑把工厂搬到非洲,以享受优惠关税和较低的劳动力成本。

    Huajian , one of the largest shoe exporters in China is planning a multimillion dollar factory expansion in Ethiopia in a sign that Chinese manufacturers are considering moving to Africa to benefit from preferential trade tariffs and lower labour costs .

  5. 英联邦特惠税的优待选择性优惠关税制度

    Preferential tariff treatment of the Commonwealth Preference System selective system of preference

  6. 曼谷协定可让浙玩具出口享优惠关税

    Bangkok Agreement entitles imported Zhejiang toys to preferential duties

  7. 此外,中方向阿富汗提供优惠关税待遇,支持阿富汗经济发展。

    China has given Afghanistan preferential tariff treatment to support its economic development .

  8. 国际优惠关税政策变化环境下我国外贸企业的发展策略

    Foreign-Trade Enterprise 's Developing Tactic under the Evolution of International Tariff Preferential Treatment

  9. 区域汽车贸易规则是区域贸易协议的重要组成部分,其核心内容是确定区域内优惠关税。

    The rules of regional automobile trade are an important part of RTAs .

  10. 选择性优惠关税制度

    Selective system of preference

  11. 并应就低度开发国家具特殊外销利益之产品,考虑进一步改进普遍化优惠关税制度及其他制度。

    Consideration shall be given to further improve GSP and other schemes for products of particular export interest to least-developed countries .

  12. 不过,柬埔寨拥有丰富而廉价的劳动力,而且享有作为最不发达国家所能享受到的优惠关税。

    Cambodia also , however , has abundant , cheap labour and benefits from preferential tariffs extended to it as a least developed country .

  13. 向亚非最不发达国家提供了优惠关税待遇,并减免了38个亚非发展中国家137.78亿人民币的债务。

    China has provided tariff breaks to the least developed countries in Asia and Africa , and cancelled the debt owed by38 developing countries there in the amount of RMB13.778 billion .

  14. 获得最优惠的关税条件。

    Acquire all beneficial customs policy to rb .

  15. 国际部主任阮氏璧:第36号决定设立东盟构建为我们的合作伙伴的优惠进口关税的时间表。

    International Department Director Nguyen Thi Bich : Decision No.36 sets up a schedule for establishing the ASEAN preferential import tariffs for our Partners .

  16. 在不久的将来,瑞士生产的精密仪器、工业制成品和农产品出口中国将享受十分优惠的关税待遇,中国产品出口瑞士也将享受同等待遇,原因是中瑞已经谈成了自贸协定。

    Swiss-made precision instruments , industrial goods and agricultural products will soon enjoy very low tariff rate when exporting to China , and the same preferential treatment will be provided for Chinese products entering Switzerland . That is because China and Switzerland have reached a deal on the FTA agreement .