
  • 网络Carbon Tariff
  1. 伴随全球环境问题的日益严峻,WTO在环境与贸易问题上的立场已经发生了微妙变化,碳关税事实上已经被时代所接受。

    With the global environmental problems becoming more and more serious , the standpoint about WTO on the environment and trade has undergone a subtle change that carbon tariff is being accepted by the age .

  2. 征收碳关税有其经济学机理和环境治理法学机理。

    Imposing carbon tariff has economic theory and environment protection theory .

  3. 结果发现碳关税措施与WTO规定存在相抵触的地方,其推行将受到国际方面的一定阻力。

    The result shows : carbon tariffs exist conflict with WTO regulation ; the implementation will have certain resistance .

  4. 分为三个部分详细比较了碳关税与多边贸易基本原则、WTO一般例外条款、《技术贸易壁垒协议》之间的关系。

    Detailed comparison of the three parts of carbon tariffs and the basic principles of multilateral trade , WTO " general exception clause ", " Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement " between .

  5. 在美国众议院上上周以微弱优势通过上述法案后,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统警告称,开征碳关税可能会发出一种保护主义信号。

    After the passage of the House bill by a narrow vote last week , President Barack Obama warned imposing carbon border taxes might send a protectionist signal .

  6. 对碳关税谨慎点头的WTO报告,是由该组织秘书处撰写的。这个部门本身不制定规则,但能够为WTO成员国提供建议,并安排成员国之间进行讨论。

    The WTO report , which gave a cautious nod to carbon tariffs , was prepared by the organisation 's secretariat , which can advise and facilitate discussion among the WTO 's members but does not set the rules itself .

  7. 通过逐条分析GATT的最惠国待遇条款、国民待遇条款和例外条款,就现阶段来说,不能说美国的碳关税违反了WTO的基本规则。

    Through a detailed analysis of " most-favored-nation treatment clause "," national treatment " and " exception " of GATT , at this stage , we cannot say the carbon tariffs of the United States broke the basic rules of WTO .

  8. 上周早些时候,印度环境部长杰伦兰密施(jairamramesh)将碳关税形容为“恶毒的”,并坚决拒绝了在wto谈判气候变化的想法。

    Earlier this week , Jairam Ramesh , the Indian environment minister , described carbon tariffs as " pernicious " and flatly rejected the idea of negotiating climate change at the WTO .

  9. 分为三个部分介绍了碳关税产生的背景。

    Divided into three sections describes the background of carbon tariff .

  10. 我国可以自己征收碳关税,防止税收外流。

    First , China can levy carbon tax to avoid tax outflow .

  11. 最后,提出应对碳关税的政策建议。

    Finally , propose the policy recommendations of carbon tariff .

  12. 在环保的旗号下,碳关税隐藏着美国为首的发达国家诸多的政治目的。

    Many political objectives are hidden under the banner of environmental protection .

  13. 从国内层面和国际层面两个方面对碳关税问题的解决进行了论述。

    From both domestic and international levels in terms of carbon tariff problems were discussed .

  14. 可以说,碳关税是碳税作为国际税的一种表现形式。

    It can be said that carbon tariffs are an international tax of carbon tax .

  15. 此时,法国前总统希拉克提出了碳关税的概念。

    So the former French President Chirac put forward the concept of " carbon tariffs " .

  16. 因此,积极研究碳关税与国际贸易问题,并迅速采取有效应对措施是我国亟需进行的课题。

    Therefore , active study of Carbon Tariffs and taking effective measures rapidly are urgent in China .

  17. 从环境治理法学角度来说,征收碳关税的原因有三。

    From the view of environment protection law , we have three reasons to impose carbon tariff .

  18. 本文从对内和对外两个层次提出我国应对碳关税的措施。

    This article put forward China ' counter measures to carbon-tariff from both internal and external levels .

  19. 碳关税可以被看作是为解决全球气候问题而对主权国家的选择性激励。

    Carbon tariffs can be seen as issues to address global climate selective excitation of sovereign states .

  20. 除此以外,欧美等发达国家还实施碳关税以限制其他国家高碳产品的出口。

    In addition , Some developed countries also restrict high-carbon products and implement the carbon tax policy .

  21. 同时,我国要在国际谈判中争取话语权,拖延碳关税的使用。

    Second , China should have its say in international negotiations to delay the implement of carbon tariff .

  22. 第三章探讨了碳关税实施后对我国经济发展和法制环境等带来的挑战和影响。

    The third chapter discusses the challenges and impact of carbon tariffs on economic development and legal environment .

  23. 另外,碳关税的征收对于我国企业将产生很大影响。

    In addition , the imposing of the carbon tariff will influence the enterprise in our country a lot .

  24. 欧盟航空碳关税的实质是建立在其航空碳排放交易机制基础上的边境调节措施。

    The European aviation carbon tariffs is sort of border adjustment measures based on its aviation emissions trading mechanism .

  25. 继而模拟分析了中国工业品出口在遭遇出口碳关税的情况下将会受到的影响。

    Then we simulate under the condition of carbon tariffs , and analyze the influence to Chinese Industry Export .

  26. 为了使读者进一步了解碳关税的实质,文中介绍了碳关税产生的背景和发展历程,为碳关税实质分析做下铺垫。

    In order for a further understanding of carbon tariffs , the paper elaborates on the development of carbon tariffs .

  27. 控制二氧化碳排放是《京都议定书》的重要内容,也是一国采取碳关税措施的国际环境法依据。

    Kyoto Protocol is the important international treaty for carbon tariff , which requires countries to control carbon dioxide mitigation .

  28. 最后,我国民营企业将在碳关税的影响下陷入生存危机。

    Finally , the private enterprises in China will get into a survival crisis under the influence of carbon tariff .

  29. 因而,欧盟借机单方将航空减排纳入其排放权交易体系,制定航空碳关税。

    Therefore , the European Union unilaterally incorporated aviation emissions into its emissions trading system and imposed aviation carbon tariffs .

  30. 碳关税对工业部门的影响可能甚至会超过反倾销、特保等。

    The impact of carbon tariff may be worse than the impacts of anti-dumping , special protection and so on .