
  • 网络parity duty
  1. 包括了贸易,支付平衡,关税,配额,商业政策,汇率,国际金融危机,二战后国际经济体系。

    Covers trade , balance of payments , tariffs , quotas , commercial policy , exchange rates , international financial crises , international economic institutions since WWII .

  2. 美国已针对中国向世界贸易组织(wto)提出3起诉讼案,并在上周证实,将针对中国铜版纸生产商征收平衡性反倾销关税。

    The US has filed three separate cases against China in the World Trade Organisation and confirmed last week the imposition of countervailing anti-dumping duties against Chinese producers of coated paper .