
  • 网络agricultural tariffs
  1. 世贸组织总干事帕斯卡拉米(pascallamy)表示,巴西等大型新兴市场已表示愿意降低对制造商的关税保护,而欧盟也表示,可以接受较最初提出的39%更大幅度的农业关税削减。

    Pascal Lamy , Director-General of the WTO , said big emerging markets such as Brazil had shown a willingness to reduce tariff protection for their manufacturers , while the EU had signalled it could accept bigger cuts in farm tariffs than its initial bid of 39 per cent .

  2. 例如,国际社会对非洲或中南美的全部外援,抵不过富国取消农业关税和其他保护主义措施给这些地区的国家所带来的好处。

    All the foreign aid to Africa or South and Central America , for example , is dwarfed by the amount that nations in these areas would gain if the rich world abandoned tariffs and other protections for their agriculture industries .

  3. 在谈判中,美国仍要求大幅削减农业进口关税,以向美国农民开放市场;而欧盟、日本和印度却强烈反对这一要求,表示美国必须首先进一步削减农业补贴。

    The US continued to argue for big cuts in farm import tariffs to open up markets for its farmers , a demand fiercely rejected by the EU , Japan and India , which said the US had first to go further in offering to cut agricultural subsidies .

  4. WTO新一轮农业谈判与关税减让模式及其影响

    New Round of Negotiation on the Agriculture of WTO and the Tariff Concession and its effect

  5. 美国和日本谈判人员昨日努力弥合双方在农业和汽车关税上的分歧,但双方都警告称,他们将很难赶在美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)今日抵达东京之前达成协议。

    US and Japanese negotiators were yesterday working to close their differences over agricultural and vehicle tariffs , but both sides warned they would struggle to conclude a deal in time for the arrival in Tokyo today of Barack Obama , US president .

  6. 《农业协议》关税化失效的制度因素及新一轮谈判的立场选择

    The Systemic Factor about the Tariff-turning Failure of nd the Standpoint Choice of the New Turn of Negotiation

  7. 在欧共体创立初期,共同农业政策和关税同盟一起被称为欧洲经济一体化的两大支柱。

    At the beginning of EC , CAP and the Customs Union have been regarded as the two pillars of European economic integration .

  8. 薄保证对因发达国家提出降低农业补贴和关税而搁浅的多哈回合谈判作出积极的贡献。

    Bo pledged to make active contributions to the Doha round of talks which hit snags due to developed countries'reluctance to reduce agricultural subsidies and tariff .

  9. 此次亚太经合组织峰会召开之际,恰逢多哈回合谈判将于本周在日内瓦重新启动。此前,因各方在农业补贴和关税问题上陷入僵局,谈判于今年6月破裂。

    The Apec event coincides with the resumption of Doha negotiations in Geneva this week , after the breakdown of talks in June over agricultural subsidies and tariffs .

  10. 然而,近十年过去了,最初的热情被消磨殆尽,谈判陷入僵局,美国与中印在农业和工业关税方面无法谈拢。

    But nearly a decade later , with the initial glow of fervour long extinguished , the negotiations are deadlocked , with the US in conflict with India and China over farm and industrial tariffs .

  11. 谈判代表们的言论和谈判中泄露的文本显示,有关各国在知识产权、企业是否能够就政府征收其投资项目提起诉讼、以及一直令人头疼的农业补贴和关税等问题上的分歧依然较为严重。

    Comments by negotiators and leaked texts from the talks show countries still far apart on subjects such as intellectual property rights , the ability of companies to sue governments for expropriating their investments , and the perennially thorny issue of agricultural subsidies and tariffs .

  12. 两人在演讲中呼吁,反对世界经济中日益升温的贸易保护主义,并表示迫切需要重启世界贸易谈判。因在农业补贴和关税问题上陷入僵局,世贸谈判在7月份破裂。

    Both men used their speeches to make a plea against a rising tide of protectionism in the world economy , and said there was an urgent need to restart world trade talks which had collapsed in July over an impasse on agricultural subsidies and tariffs .

  13. 澳大利亚商学院(australianschoolofbusiness)教授法瑞博兹莫西仁(fariborzmoshirian)表示,对于因农业补贴和工业关税问题而陷入僵局的多哈谈判,apec经济体正向全球其它地区施加“微妙的压力”。

    Fariborz moshirian , a professor at the Australian School of business , said APEC economies were applying " subtle pressure " to the rest of world over the stalled Doha talks , which are deadlocked over farm support and industrial tariffs .

  14. 事实上,所得税、农业税、包括关税的工商税与经济增长显著负相关。

    In fact , income tax , agricultural tax , industrial and commercial tax are negative relation with economic growth .

  15. 美国和欧盟在削减农业补贴和降低关税问题上面临压力。

    The United States and European Union have been under pressure to reduce their agricultural subsidies and to cut tariffs .

  16. 他们首先需要就农产品壁垒、农业补贴与制成品关税的公式削减达成一致,为扩大贸易创造真正的机遇。

    They first need to agree on formula reductions in agriculture barriers , farm subsidies and tariffs on manufactured goods that create real opportunities to expand trade .