
pínɡ děnɡ zhǔ yì
  • egalitarianism;equalitarianism;doctrine of equality(between nationals and aliens)adopted first in 1829 in Dutch laws
  1. 而这种根深蒂固的平等主义也使北欧模式的输出遭遇困境。

    But this deeply held egalitarianism also makes the Nordic model difficult to export .

  2. 强调平等主义、摒弃尊卑或等级的社会正义观念;

    in a concept of social justice that emphasizes egalitarianism and spurns status or rank ;

  3. 他自称为“平等主义者”。

    He described himself as ' an egalitarian ' .

  4. 我的父母一直都是平等主义的强烈倡议者,我的保姆Annie也一样。

    My parents had always been such strong advocates of equality , as was my childminder , Annie .

  5. 为这个目标,他也挑选了一个西方知识界给出的模式,哈佛大学哲学家约翰罗尔斯(johnrawls)的平等主义观点。

    It is an aim for which he again picks a Western intellectual model , in the egalitarian ideas of Harvard philosopher John Rawls .

  6. 让人尤为伤感的是,正如时报同仁爱德华多·波特(EduardoPorter)上月提到的,平等主义教育曾经是美国的优势。

    That 's particularly sad because , as my Times colleague Eduardo Porter noted last month , egalitarian education used to be America 's strong suit .

  7. G.A.柯亨(G.A.Cohen)是当代享誉西方的左翼政治哲学家,同时也是分析马克思主义学派的奠基人和社会主义平等主义的斗士。

    G.A.Cohen is not only a renowned contemporary Western left-wing political philosopher , but also the founder of Analytical Marxism School .

  8. 一些经济学家把这些结果当作平等主义的一大论据。

    Some economists have used these results as egalitarian debating points .

  9. 这个组织有许多敌人,特别是在男女平等主义者中。

    The organization had many enemies , most notably among feminists .

  10. 她渴望隐藏在男女平等主义的运动中。

    She was eager to submerge herself in the feminist movement .

  11. 1970年之后,平等主义的势头在各国都走到终点。

    From 1970 , the egalitarian trend came to an end everywhere .

  12. 她是一个带“大写字母'F'的男女平等主义者。”

    She is also a feminist with " a capital'F ' . "

  13. 他的目标是帮助孩子成长,他的政治立场是平等主义。

    Its ideal was to help children grow and its politics were egalitarian .

  14. 我决定成为一个男女平等主义者,这似乎是水到渠成之事。

    I decided I was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me .

  15. 女权主义者:信仰和行动建立在男女平等主义基础上的人。

    Feminist : a person whose beliefs and behavior are based on feminism .

  16. 她大体上算是一个男女平等主义者。

    She 's a feminist , in the broadest sense of the word .

  17. 年,在《如果你是平等主义者,你为什么如此富有?》。

    If You 're an Egalitarian , How Come You 're So Rich ?

  18. 当代西方男女平等主义犯罪学思想介评

    Introduction and Review on Western Criminological School of Equality of Men and Women

  19. 他信奉平等主义,将友情看得高于一切权威。

    He was egalitarian and valued Mateship highly above any respect to authority .

  20. 在北欧等奉行平等主义的国家里,社会支出水平自然较高。

    Social spending is certainly high in egalitarian countries such as the Nordics .

  21. 平等主义的公司文化只是一个转瞬即逝的阶段。

    Egalitarian corporate culture was just a passing moment .

  22. 克劳迪娅自认为是个男女平等主义者。

    Claudia thought of herself as a feminist .

  23. 在一个崇尚平等主义的社会,一个白手起家之人的社会,贵族有什么用?

    In an egalitarian society of self-made men , what use is a noble family ?

  24. 第二章分析了平等主义在中产阶级家庭存在的必要性。

    The second chapter devotes on the necessity of egalitarianism applied to the bourgeois family .

  25. 第一种观点是,平等主义立法将导致稀有人才移民。

    The first is that egalitarian legislation will lead to an emigration of scarce talent .

  26. 这都被人类学家称作“残酷的平等主义”

    by what anthropologists called fierce egalitarianism .

  27. 经济学家所说的“基于技能的技术变革”还会带来一种平等主义的趋向。

    What economists call skill-based technical change may also shift in a more egalitarian direction .

  28. 这背后蕴藏的是一种深刻的平等主义意识,尤其是在教育体系中。

    Underlying this is a deep sense of egalitarianism , especially in the education system .

  29. 平等主义对我们至关重要。

    Egalitarianism is very important to us .

  30. 各个国家在平等主义指数上的排名名单如下:

    The full list of countries ' rankings on the egalitarian index is as follows :