
  • 网络Market socialism
  1. 市场社会主义的理论沿革、价值目标及现实启迪

    Theoretical evolution , value goal and realistic enlightenment of market socialism

  2. 对市场社会主义理论与实践的思考

    A Consideration of the Theory and Practice of Market Socialism

  3. 西方市场社会主义理论及其对我国的启示

    Market Socialist Theory in the West and Its Inspiration to China

  4. “息票经济”的市场社会主义模式评析

    Analysis on market socialist mode of " bills with interest economic "

  5. 西方市场社会主义理论的价值研究

    A Study of the Value of Western Market Socialist Theory

  6. 西方市场社会主义经济效率理论系统探析

    A Systematic Analysis of the Economic Efficiency Theory of Western Market Socialism

  7. 当代西方市场社会主义:理论探微·比较分析·借鉴价值

    Contemporary Western Market Socialism : Theoretical Exploration , Comparative Analysis , Reference Value

  8. 其中对“市场社会主义”的探讨特别引入注目。

    In which the discussion on " market socialism " is noticeable particularly .

  9. 论市场社会主义思潮中的所有制问题

    On the Problem of Proprietorship about Market Socialism Thought

  10. 论西方市场社会主义思潮对中国市场经济的影响

    An Influence of Western Market Socialist Thought on the Market Economy in China

  11. 九十年代以来西方市场社会主义思潮评析

    Comment on Western Market Socialism Trend Since 90 Decade

  12. 市场社会主义者与新自由主义者在市场公正问题上的争论

    The Arguments about the Issue of Market Equity between Market Socialists and New Liberalists

  13. 市场社会主义与我国经济法律制度变迁的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Changes in Market Socialism and China 's Economic Legal Systems

  14. 市场社会主义理论述评

    The exposition of the theory on market socialism

  15. 市场社会主义理论的历史嬗变

    The Historical Evolution of Market Socialism Theory

  16. 简论市场社会主义理论

    Discussion on the Theory of Market Socialism

  17. 市场社会主义具有丰富的和谐社会思想。

    It embodies harmonious society thoughts during the course of exploring market and socialism 's combination .

  18. 市场社会主义和社会资本主义

    Market Socialism and Social Capitalism

  19. 是市场社会主义还是社会资本主义

    Market Socialism or Social Capitalism

  20. 新自由主义对当代市场社会主义的批判,遵循的是有产者和强势者的逻辑。

    The neoliberalism criticism towards the contemporary market socialism follows the logic of property and power owners .

  21. 市场社会主义的反思

    Introspection on the Market Socialism

  22. 西方市场社会主义者对微观激励机制的建构

    The Contemporary Western Market Socialists Probed and Constructed Micro-Excitation Power and New Mechanism in Socialism Economy Area

  23. 市场社会主义评析

    Analysis on market socialism

  24. 西方市场社会主义是以实现社会主义与市场机制相结合为目标的一种理论思潮。

    Western market socialism is a theoretical ideological trend to realize the organic unity of socialism and market .

  25. 在反驳新自由主义的过程中,当代市场社会主义提出了试图实现效率与平等均衡的种种新模式。

    In reply to the neoliberalism criticism , the contemporary market socialism put forward different kinds of new patterns .

  26. 依据当代马克思主义理论,把中国特色社会主义定义为市场社会主义和人本社会主义。

    In light of contemporary Marxism , the socialism with Chinese characteristics is defined as market Socialism plus human Socialism .

  27. 市场社会主义的理论是在探索市场和社会主义相结合的过程中逐步形成的。

    Market socialism theory came into being gradually during the course of probing into the combination of market and socialism .

  28. 第五代市场社会主义者对委托&代理问题的解决为我国国有企业改革提供了很好的借鉴。

    However , the resolution of the problem provides good experience and reference for the reform of state owned enterprises .

  29. 西方市场社会主义思潮对我国青年的影响及对策

    A Study on the Influence on Chinese Youth , Which Comes from Western Market-Socialism , and the Countermeasures toward the Ideological Trend

  30. 在如何实现社会主义的问题上,认为市场社会主义是现阶段的一条最佳途径。

    And as to how to realize socialism , they maintain that market socialism is the best way at the present phase .