
  • 网络marketing mix;marketing mixed;Neil Borden
  1. 刍议市场营销组合要素之变化

    On the Change of the Marketing Mix Elements

  2. 对这三个阶段的主要内容进行全面、细致的介绍和评析,以促进市场营销组合理论的进一步研究。

    The article analysis the contents of the three stages carefully in order to promote the further research of the Marketing Mix .

  3. 现代经营性网球俱乐部市场营销组合既不是单纯的4P组合,也不是单纯的4C组合,而应该是4P+4C。

    Modern operating tennis club marketing mix are not purely 4P portfolio or purely 4C portfolio , and should be 4P + 4C .

  4. 三大电信运营商之间竞争的焦点正从网络资源的竞争向差异化的服务竞争转变。3G综合业务的服务已成为现在乃至未来电信市场营销组合中举足轻重的要素。

    Competition between the three major telecommunication operators is the focus of competition for resources from the network services to competitive differentiation changes.3G service has been integrated business telecommunications market , now even the future of the decisive elements of the marketing mix .

  5. 接着从杰罗姆·麦卡锡(JeromeMcCarthy)的市场营销组合理论入手,以商业广告在促销组合和产品生命周期中的作用为基础为商业广告的营销功能定位来确定其文本功能。

    Based on the Market Mix Theory proposed by Jerome McCarthy , the functions of commercial advertising in promotion mix and during product cycle are analyzed to define the language functions of it .

  6. 市场营销组合策略是市场营销理论的最重要的组成部分,无论4P还是4C,或者后来的4R、4V等,都无法逃脱组合二字。

    Marketing mix strategy is the most important part of marketing theory , regardless of 4P or 4C , or later 4R , 4 V , are unable to escape the " combination " word .

  7. 电力市场营销组合策略的人工神经网络模型

    Research on ANN in fabricate sale policy of electric power market

  8. 我国主题公园市场营销组合策略实证分析

    An Empirical Study on Theme Park Combinatorial Marketing Strategy of China

  9. 吉林铁路客运市场营销组合策略研究

    The Study of Marking Combination Strategy in Jilin Railway Passenger Transport Enterprise

  10. 市场营销组合理论历史沿革及发展趋势

    Historical Evolution of Marketing Mix Theory and Its Developmental Tendency

  11. 试论医药产品的市场营销组合

    On the Marketing - mix Program of Pharmaceutical Products

  12. 港口市场营销组合策略探讨

    An Approach to Composite Strategy of Port Marketing Sales

  13. 营销渠道管理在企业的市场营销组合中,扮演着十分重要的角色。

    Marketing channel management plays an important role in the corporate marketing mix .

  14. 体育竞赛表演市场营销组合初探

    Primary Study on Composing of the Sports Match Marketing

  15. 航运企业市场营销组合策略浅析

    Analysis for shipping enterprise marketing mix strategy

  16. 第四章运用市场营销组合理论分析了万路运业的服务营销组合策略。

    Chapter four analyses the tactics of service marketing of Wanlu by means of marketing mix theory .

  17. 跨文化市场营销组合理论是跨文化市场营销理论的重要组成部分。

    The theory of cross-cultural marketing mix is an important part of the theory of cross-cultural marketing .

  18. 营销渠道的决策与管理在市场营销组合中占有重要的地位,俗话说得渠道者得天下。

    The decision-making and the management of the marketing channel play a significant part in the marketing combination .

  19. 另一方面,在促进销售量增长的基础上,展开详细论述,分别从创意表现、媒体选择和市场营销组合几个方面进行分析。

    For another , the thesis goes deep into the analysis on originality , media , and marketing .

  20. 市场营销组合理论述评

    Marketing Mix Theory Review

  21. 房地产投资项目营销策划主要包含对市场营销组合、定价、产品推销、广告等方面的策划。

    Real estate marketing strategy planning includes strategy planning for marketing combinations , pricing , sale promotion , and advertisement .

  22. 人文化问题是市场营销组合诸要素协调发展的关键,是实现现代营销管理良性运行的核心;

    Humanization problem is a key in market coordinating factors , is the core of positive operation of modern market management ;

  23. 第二章,营销管理理论,阐述目标营销和市场营销组合策略的相关理论。

    In the second part are mainly about marketing management theory to elaborate the theory of target marketing and marketing mix strategy .

  24. 第二章到第五章运用市场营销组合策略分别对湖南旅游产品开发、定价、渠道、促销等四个面从理论到对策进行了详细论述。

    The later chapters discuss in great detail the products pricing , place and promoting of the Human tourism from theory to tactics .

  25. 本文最后设计了在区域招商引资工作中应采用的市场营销组合策略,即区域对投资者的吸引力、价格制定方面投资政策、渠道策略和投资促进。

    At the end , the paper designs marketing mixture countermeasures : regional force of attraction , pricing , distribution and investment promotion .

  26. 在市场营销组合上,推出了项目运营组合、全程策划组合、个盘区域整合、企业核心创新组合等。

    In terms of the marketing combination , project operation combination , full-process plotting combination , combination of zones and core innovation of enterprises are presented .

  27. 在此基础上,本文提出了写字楼市场营销组合策略,即写字楼产品策略、定价策略、促销与分销策略。

    On this basis , this paper proposes marketing strategies of office building , which including office building products and price , promotion and distribution strategies .

  28. 基于此,将平衡计分卡应用于市场营销组合策略中的作法便随之应运而生。

    Based on this , the method of using the balance Scorecard in the marketing combination strategy then arises at the historic moment along with it .

  29. 然而无论是各种教材抑或营销专著,我们都难以找到有关市场营销组合策略到底应该如何系统组合的路径。

    However , we find it hard how to systemically combine the path about strategy of marketing combination , whether they are various marketing books or professionals .

  30. 在竞争战略的理念指导下,市场营销组合设计作品、沟通、定价、渠道等要素,并强调设计服务传递设施的规划与布局。

    Under theprinciples of the competition strategy , marketing organizes design work , communication , list price and channel , and emphasizes the layout of design service facilities .