
  • 网络marketing strategy;Market strategy;Strategy
  1. 基于Agent的企业市场战略调控系统研究

    Study on Agent-based Rescheduling System of Enterprise Marketing Strategy

  2. 国际市场战略研究的AHP/Ⅰ模型及其应用

    An ahp / ⅰ model and its application in study of international marketing strategy research

  3. 在此基础上,提出了ZE医院的目标市场战略,和以构建核心竞争力为主的市场竞争战略;

    Fourthly basing on the target market strategy and market competition strategy aiming to construct core competency of ZE Hospital is proposed .

  4. 企业非市场战略研究新进展及其启示

    Study on the development of corporate non-market strategy and its revelation

  5. 通过数据理解市场战略&7:决定战略

    Understanding marketing strategies by data analysis " 7 ": Defining strategy

  6. 我国外贸出口市场战略的优序分析

    Priority Analysis on Strategy of Export Market of Our Foreign Trade

  7. 食品工业产品市场战略浅析

    An elementary introduction to the strategy of products markets of food industry

  8. 烟草企业市场战略的根本思路是市场定位和突出品牌个性。

    The key of marketing strategy is positioning and individuality .

  9. 基于核心竞争力的产品-市场战略研究

    Study on the Product-Market Strategy Based on the Core Competence

  10. 中国水电施工企业非水电市场战略分析

    The Strategic Analysis of Non-hydropower Market in The Hydro Corporation

  11. 本文发现,企业家社会资本与企业非市场战略有着密切的关系。

    We find that non-market strategy and entrepreneur social capital are closely related .

  12. 家乐福在中国逆市而动的市场战略研究

    Carrefour growing up in China 's market strategy research

  13. 关于十堰市实施大市场战略的经济学思考

    The big market strategy of Shiyan city from the viewpoint of the economy

  14. 论高技术企业的驱动市场战略

    A Study on the Market-Driving Strategy of High-Tech Firms

  15. 各个分行能在微观层次上对市场战略进行某种控制。

    Individual branches have some control over market strategy at a micro level .

  16. 我还兼职在本校教授市场战略。

    I also teach marketing strategies on a part-time basis at the university .

  17. 工业品公司品牌和市场战略

    MARKETING Product of Industry Corporation 's Branding Strategy

  18. 外商对华投资市场战略差异的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the Diversity in Market Strategy of Foreign Investment in China

  19. 日本三家公司的市场战略

    Marketing Strategy on Three Japanese machine Tool Companies

  20. 马达加斯加香草业发展的国际市场战略研究

    International Marketing Strategies of Vanilla Development in MADAGASCAR

  21. 具有良好的销售及市场战略的表达能力。

    Good experience in the formulation of sales and marketing strategies for project development .

  22. 论散货船的多样化市场战略

    On Portfolio Strategies in Bulk Shipping Market

  23. 浅谈市场战略的作用

    Preliminary Introduction of Function of Market Strategy

  24. 出口战略,包括商品战略、市场战略和销售战略。

    Commodity planning , market arrangements and marketing mix are important parts of our export strategy .

  25. 反而我制定了当地市场战略。

    We devised local strategies instead .

  26. 公司战略又以市场战略为依托,通过产品组合计划来贯彻执行。

    The corporate strategy is supported by a marketing strategy and implemented by the product portfolio plan .

  27. 目前我国正在实施大企业、大品牌、大市场战略。

    At present our country is implementing the big enterprise , the big brand , the big marketing strategy .

  28. 其市场战略规划应具有现实性、超前性和示范性;

    The marketing strategic project for the large-and-medium-scale real estate should have the quality of reality , farsightedness and demonstration .

  29. 凭著强劲的市场战略,可靠的产品质量和专业的服务,公司已经在国内外享有盛名。

    Market-oriented strategy , reliable products and professional services bring us a good reputation in both domestic and overseas markets .

  30. 目前电子商务主要有三种市场战略:卖方控制型、买方控制型、中介控制型。

    Three kinds of market strategies exist in the E-business : seller - controlling strategy , buyer-controlling strategy and intermediary-controlling strategy .