
  • 网络marketing;Market expansion;business development
  1. 第5部分结合前几部分的分析,运用SWOT、迈克尔·波特五力模型及三种基本战略思路,探讨WB医药的市场拓展战略,以WB糖尿病药品为例提出运作的具体策略。

    Part V with the previous part of the analysis , the use of SWOT , Porter Five Forces Model · Michael and the three basic strategic thinking , marketing of WB medicine strategies to make the operation of WB diabetes drug as an example of specific strategies .

  2. 支持重点客户的市场拓展。

    Support major accounts marketing development .

  3. 蓝天公园敬上(若欲了解更具体的情况,请拨打电话020-82113333)假设你是某公司或企业市场拓展部经理,写一封E-mail,向大家推销一样自己公司的产品或服务

    Sincerely , Blue sky Park ( For further information , please dial 020-82113333 )

  4. Twitter正在美国以外的市场拓展广告业务。

    Twitter is expanding its advertising business outside the US .

  5. NBA海外市场拓展策略

    Analysis of NBA overseas market expansion strategies

  6. 经过前期的市场拓展,BToC模式服装品牌虽然获得了较高的市场收益,服装交易额已达24亿元。但在品牌层面的建设仍然处于不成熟阶段。

    After pre-market expansion , the costume brands based on B to C mode acquire the higher market returns , but from the level of brand building , which are still in their infancy .

  7. 随着移动通信行业的发展,现有业务运营支撑系统(Business&OperationSupportSystemBOSS,后缩写成BOSS)在中国移动通信的市场拓展和客户服务等工作中发挥了重要的支撑作用。

    Business & Operation Support System ( BOSS ) plays an increasingly important role in the market expansion of mobile communications in China , customer services and other business with the rapid developing of the mobile communications industry .

  8. 从我们的顾客Harry先生那里荻悉,贵司想在我们的市场拓展业务,且贵司目前还没有代表。

    356.As we have learned from our customer Mr. Harry that you are anxious to extend your activity in our market and you are not represented at present .

  9. 本论文的研究,对于加强甘肃邮政EMS品牌管理,提升企业管理水平、服务能力、市场拓展能力和市场占有率将起到帮助和指导作用。

    By the research , the strategies help to direct strengthening the management of Gansu EMS brand and promoting business management level , service capacity , market development capacity and market share .

  10. 第二章主要阐述了ZH公司的营销特点与相关的营销战略理论。对于与其市场拓展战略相关的市场营销理论与服务营销理论进行了详细叙述,为进一步的研究做好基础。

    The second one elaborates the marketing characteristics of ZH company and the related marketing theories in details , and makes a good preparation for further study .

  11. 奥地利VEC欧洲商业咨询有限公司(VEC)致力于向其亚洲,欧洲和南美客户提供国际市场拓展服务。

    VEC Venture Europe Consulting GmbH ( VEC ) is a Austria based company , which is engaged in international expansion services to Asia , Europe , and South American clients in commercial vehicle industry .

  12. 分析了NBA进行海外市场拓展的原因,认为,国内体育市场的竞争、NBA在国内市场的饱和、以及NBA在国外影响规模的扩大是NBA拓展海外市场的主要原因。

    The paper analyses the reasons for the NBA overseas market expansion and points out that the main reasons of the NBA overseas market expansions are the competitions of the domestic markets , domestic market saturation of NBA and NBA 's influence on the international market .

  13. 继2007年投资比利时-荷兰金融集团富通集团(fortis)遭遭惨败后,平安显然已将注意力转到了国内市场拓展方面,特别是其涉足不深的银行业领域。

    Following a disastrous 2007 investment in Fortis , the failed Dutch-Belgian financial group , Ping An has clearly shifted its attention to expanding in the domestic Chinese market , particularly in the banking sector where it is a relative newcomer .

  14. 湖南新宁旅游区市场拓展研究

    Study on the Market Development of Tourist Districts In Xinning Hunan

  15. 湖南国际旅游客源市场拓展现状与策略

    Present situation and tactics of international tourist source market of Hunan

  16. 外商在华润滑油市场拓展业务的机遇和前景

    Opportunities and Prospect of Foreign Investors in China Lubricating Oil Market

  17. 广东数字电视机顶盒市场拓展特点

    The Market Expansion Features of Digital TV Set-Top-Box in Guangdong

  18. 论信贷市场拓展与风险管理失衡关系的调整

    On Exploring Market and Adjusting the Imbalance of Risk Management

  19. 赛纳公司水性纳米涂料市场拓展策略

    The Development Strategy of Water Nano Coating Market Saina Company

  20. 陕西省电信公司集团客户市场拓展方案研究

    A Study on Group-customer Market Exploitation Plan of China Telecom Shaanxi Branch

  21. 基于用户的个性需求进行市场拓展。

    Make the market expansion based on the users needs .

  22. 吉林市电信公司宽带业务市场拓展分析

    Analysis of the Broadband Service Market Expanding of Jilin City Telecommunication Company

  23. 我们也很有兴致将市场拓展到拉美。

    We are very interested in expanding into Latin America .

  24. 长沙卷烟厂国际市场拓展战略研究

    The Research on Strategy of International Market Development of

  25. 浙江银发旅游市场拓展的思考

    Thinking of the Development of White - hair Tourism Mark in Zhejiang Province

  26. 高校毕业生就业市场拓展的探索与实践

    A Probe into the development of Graduates ' Employment Market and Related Practice

  27. 论老年人旅游市场拓展策略

    The tactics of developing tourism market for the elderly

  28. 中间性组织、市场拓展与区域经济合作

    Intermediary Organization , Market Expansion and Regional Economic Cooperation

  29. 福建农村市场拓展的动力分析

    An Analysis of the Impetus to Expand the Market in Country of Fujian

  30. 金融危机背景下农村消费市场拓展问题研究

    Expanding the Depth of the Rural Consumer Market under the Background of Financial